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He said every time went to the grocery, he saw black mommys yelling and hitting their children. True Crime, Why Journalists Must Remain Neutral, and What It Means. Individuals with BPD are also likely to employ various defense mechanisms in order to relieve their internal conflict, such as blaming the victim for their own internal struggle (2-6).

But hasn’t CW tried this also? “At this point we have been able to recover a body that we’re quite certain is Shanann Watts’ body,” Colorado Bureau of Investigation Director John Camper said, according to CNN. The case in the death of Shanann Watts, the 34-year-old pregnant woman who went missing in Colorado, has come to a grisly end.

So, you have met her have you?

.She speaks constantly about (before Thrive) how she felt so bad about her self, did not feel confident, successful but now with some Thrive she is valid person who loves herself so much. Why did Mark Minnie go to Theescombe on the morning of his death, and what does it mean? She was also very independent. Chris Watts Case: What would Sherlock Holmes Do? Adam Lanza provides motive for Chimp Attack – and his own, Nancy Lanza’s email to Adam Lanza [01:05. Neither would they interfere to protect an employee accused of murder. Chris Watts Stoic During His Arrest – just like Scott Peterson, WTF? CW also has a PD……But what type?? Shan’ann’s comment about that doll on the couch??? Dirty South Customs = Shan’ann’s Dirty Little Secret? Crashing your company car is rather a subconscious message, isn’t it? MOO. ( Log Out / 

“May Satan have mercy on his soul. The family’s financial circumstances appeared to change dramatically after Shanann joined LeVel, according to her upbeat social media posts. And I’m not white but I certainly wouldn’t call people who are white trash. Their are so many inconsistencies in this case, and things that do not add up (Nicole calling police at 9am reporting Shanann missing when her drs appointment wasn’t until 10am, Some woman calling the kids school at 8:30am (not shananns mother) asking if the kids were dropped off at school? Bet he used that to see if his girls bodies would fit through an 8″ opening. I’m not sure what the intention was here but it certainly is not good the way I see it. Shan’ann Watts: “I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life”. i am bothered by the brother beating a child. Even if he had attacked her over it. Its likely he would be in a better financial position without all 3 of the victims. You can lightly slap a child today and be done for. Really? Hope your reading all the posts and comments. That’s not the place for them. She was a doting, involved mother, who would have done anything for her kids. Don’t speak for all of us here in the South. I wonder if we’ll get to hear the 911 call in this case. She was the poster child for Thrive. Just my 2 cents. At all. The girls meds were in the house. “Henri’s lack of motive might sway the Supreme Court.” – ANALYST, Britain’s youngest double murderers provide psychological code for Henri van Breda’s motive, and vice versa [ANALYSIS]. I know what it does to you.

Carol – Shanann’s own mother calls her “Shannon”. Can Vincent van Gogh’s ear be rescued from the towering haystack of mainstream mythology? Maybe there is as it appears she has been arrested a number of times but until we see proof, I’m afraid this is too much. The local police tweeted an alert a day later asking residents to be “on the lookout.” The Frederick Police Department posted on Twitter, “On August 13, 2018, the Frederick Police Department was notified of 3 missing persons.

In an Aug. 8 Facebook post, Shanann described how busy her day had been after returning from a “six-week” trip with her family. Which should always be kept close to her. Search their Arrest Records, Driving Records, Contact Information, Photos and More... 1) Frank Rzucek's Phone & Current Address shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion, considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are-. Does “we” mean all of Shanann’s family in NC? I have.. Shanann did not murder her children.. She may indeed have a BPD and one other…but that doesnt mean she killed her kids. [/size]. When walking to the car, my little one asked me why black women were so mean to their children. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with Chris Watts killing his family.

#Rohde What did “Drama, but OK” actually mean? What to make of the “Last Photo” of Madeleine McCann? That could be one of the reasons they requested to destroy evidence at the hearing; so they could lay to rest the fetus that was expelled. I didn’t understand and asked him. She remembers seeing Watts and the two girls playing at the community pool. But he supposedly grew concerned when he sent her texts throughout the day and she didn’t reply. Meredith Kercher: Another Murderer to go Free? Justice Eventualis, Oscar’s Sentence Extended [Documents], The Dark Matter of the Oscar Behind the Great Pretender [Review of White Horse II], Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius – Part 1, Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius – Part 2, SCA Sentencing Appeal of Oscar Pistorius – LIVE Blog – November 3, 2017, Expert Psychologist Discusses Oscar’s Narcissism, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE III #OscarPistorius, [FULL DOCUMENTS] Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal #OscarPistorius July 21, 2016, 4 True Crime Writers Join Forces to Interrogate Oscar, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE II #OscarPistorius, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE #OscarPistorius. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. You should try and see if there was a history of superficial suicide attempts back in NC. “The world is a scary place. Frank Rzucek. physical appearance to draw attention to self, The core feature for the BPD is fear of being abandoned – it is real for them and mortifying. I think what’s going to happen is he will have a high profile attorney, and use the defense she killed the girls and he was “justifiably” angry.

Same pattern. Try and find out more about the reason for the divorce. The lawyers and the DA fear-Monterey Chris into taking the plea deal by using the threat of the death penalty, and repeatedly telling Chris “They knew he killed them all” and that “the evidence shows you killed them all”……….so what would any rational person think? She was hormonal(pregnant), emotional(divorce), and upset (cheating) …….and if she did have BPD, it would have been the perfect storm! Is Henri van Breda’s motive “a culmination of a festering of a perceived injustice”? Wow… just described Shanann to a T! One woman I know, in a different company, was “given” (more like made to make payments on) a white Mercedes. I have wondered if the ( if true and is his child) pregnancy was a frantic desperate attempt to keep her rock. Rohde Trial: Can a body bruise after it has died, even one prone to bruising?

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