edify in a sentence

Always the goal was to educate and edify, not to entertain. | (transitive) To instruct or improve morally or intellectually.

No-one would claim that the film is morally edifying. johanson.

, Because Sarah and Sam never failed to edify each other, they were happily married for over sixty years.

, The purpose of our local youth organization is to help edify the minds of our young community members. edify in a sentence - 10 Lists. , According to my therapist, the best way for me to edify my mind is by spending a small portion of my day in personal reflection. Does it edify, or does it tear down. use "edify" in a sentence He said, "We must aspire with the utmost zeal to edify as many people as we possibly can in faith and in the love of Christ-and to offend no one." He's won our daughters with, "well might he reply, that in endeavoring to relieve the oppressed, to elevate the poor, and to instruct and edify those of a happier condition, he had only held" the mirror up to Nature. The aim which should ever burn clear before us, and preside over even our smallest actions, is that which lies in this misused old word, 'edify' yourselves. 5. Obama is not here to entertain or edify us; he's here to be consumed, like the wine and the wafer. , The teacher hoped her speech about good citizenship would edify her students and encourage them to contribute to their communities. The narrowness of the streets, trees clipped to resemble brooms, and planted on pedestals of chalk, and a few other points, do not edify me. I even attended one of Elspeth's committee teas, and as a traveller of vast experience my views were ardently sought by the organising trots; I assured them that they must insist on the Turks bringing a troupe of their famous contortionist dancers, a sorority akin to the ancient Vestal Virgins; the religious and cultural significance of their muscular movements was of singular interest, I said, and could not fail to edify the masses. , During the retreat, you will have many opportunities to participate in workshops designed to edify both your character and mind. edify means to enlighten, or to instruct; so a sentence could be i was edified at church They tried to edify the child with music. Please continue to write to edify your public. , John’s experience in the military did a lot to edify his character and make him a stronger person. To Edify In A Sentence.
to teach in a way that improves the mind or character, As good Christians, we must seek to edify our neighbors about God and Jesus Christ.

Let us always respect the worthy prelates who, like those who direct us to-day, Night and day hath this Wronged One been occupied in that which would unite the hearts, and, I would now look a little into the detail of their service, in which, I doubt not, we shall find much to, By means like these a drink is brewed To cheer and, Edify in a sentence | Short example sentence for edify, Disadvantages in a sentence | Short example sentence for disadvantages, Got Away in a sentence | Short example sentence for got away, Eaton in a sentence | Short example sentence for eaton, Journal in a sentence | Short example sentence for journal, Caryatid in a sentence | Short example sentence for caryatid, Espresso in a sentence | Short example sentence for espresso, Stereo in a sentence | Short example sentence for stereo, Lure in a sentence | Short example sentence for lure, Storing in a sentence | Short example sentence for storing, Embitter in a sentence | Short example sentence for embitter, Exasperate in a sentence | Short example sentence for exasperate, Forewarn in a sentence | Short example sentence for forewarn, Beguile in a sentence | Short example sentence for beguile, Misguide in a sentence | Short example sentence for misguide, Attune in a sentence | Short example sentence for attune. Words that often come before edify in sentences. Edify definition is - to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift; also : enlighten, inform. edify / examples. And here's my problem with this story, and maybe you can edify me. edify (intransitive verb) - to build; to construct. For example: "edify the" or "edify and".

2. Phone conversations entertain and perhaps, All things are lawful, but not all things, The information is strictly objective and intend to inform and, Diller and Scofidio know how to entertain as well as, The information is strictly objective and intended to inform and, Words from the Bible to feed the soul and, Tea is fitness, disease , and the treatment, rich appreciation taste, Ms . examples "Here is material to edify, instruct and challenge" "Please, please, edify us, doctor" "please.

The Peales sought to edify the young republic through their paintings. As good Christians, we must seek to edify our neighbors about God and Jesus Christ. I trust those Bostonians who are in such hope will, The narrowness of the streets, trees clipped to resemble brooms, and planted on pedestals of chalk, and a few other points, do not. Words from the Bible to feed the soul and edify the spirit. I … He did not pronounce windy orations about things that did not concern or edify them. , Beverly wrote the inspirational play to edify individuals who felt as though they had been abandoned.

The purpose is to widen train thought, edify somewhat to the reader. No-one would claim that the film is morally edifying.

1. The edify list of example sentences with edify. , After John was nearly killed by a drunk driver, he wrote a book to edify those who failed to realize the importance of driving sober. I am going to edify you with a quote that has fueled me since March.
For example: "to edify" or "and edify", Words that often come after edify in sentences.

We had no other purpose except to edify the souls of men, and to exalt the blessed Word.


Travel is an edifying experience , … Highlighting the variety of flavors and textures available, Wurstkuche is a great place to edify your knowledge of beer and fill up on some amazing eats. Short Example Sentence for Edify 1.

If a particular story can edify future doctors, or educate the public, there might be value in publishing it. Bullock?" He does not write to entertain, but to edify. The truth behind the maidservant and her letter would edify him. Now, Chris, just to edify our viewers somewhat, you have two real serial shooters, one apparently is a random shooter who has gone around shooting at people he doesn't know. 31. _Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do_. "edify," literally, "build up," namely, in faith, hope, and love, by discoursing together on such edifying topics as the Lord's coming, and the glory of the saints (Mal 3: 16). The Prophet as assigned by Jesus were to edify or build up the church (Ephesians 4) Not all Prophets foretold events nor wrote about great edification by his love of prayer and mortification, his profound humility, and his prompt obedience. Commentary, which should at once instruct the uninformed, edify the devout, and facilitate the studies of the learned. So, in that spirit and in an effort to temporarily edify and embitter you, my many readers like most primitive people -- and I am a primitive people -- I know only the numbers "1", "2" and "many", I'd like to share the resolutions I plan to make this coming New Year: He is very much embarrassed about the arms, as if they were inconvenient to him and he wanted to grovel, is very much in a perspiration about the head, and never speaks without first putting up his great hand, as delivering a token to his hearers that he is going to edify them. (now rare) To build, construct. Edify in a sentence 1. Edify us, doctor" "May we edify my readers, Mr. The good doctor tells the patient, "All things are legal to me, but not all things edify me.". His aim was clearly to encourage greater dialogue, empathy, and to edify. DOBBS: Marc, we can sit here and not really edify anyone including ourselves by trading statistics. antonyms.

There is no need to give a prolonged detail of the animated conversation which ensued during the rest of the banquet; a conversation which would not much edify the reader. Random good picture Not show. edify. Use search function to find more simple sentences of Edify. Travel is an edifying experience , especially for young people. Similar words: qualifying, gratifying, terrifying, electrifying, magnifying glass, edify, satisfying, modify. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }).

Richard Rorty characterises 20th century philosophy as a distinction between those that 'edify' and those that 'systematise'. Hotel in Boston, reading it aloud with particular care, because it was to his five-year-old daughter; I looked it up in his biography the other day, hoping to edify my own grandlings, who need all the morality they can get. They are written to edify, and not to please, and we should even combat our disinclination to read them. You may have an easier time writing sentences with edify if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.

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