english pronunciation of french words

Something like “Reims,” “Tour de France,” and “Notre Dame,” I pronounce like the French (with Notre Dame, the church, if you don’t pronounce it like in France, listeners may think you are speaking of Notre Dame, the university, BTW, particularly at football and basketball seasons in my part of the world!). So true what you said here: Languages are living things, they always import words from each other, change, adapt and add the regional character into the mix. And although French uses the same alphabet as English, many of the words are pronounced very differently than they would be pronounced in English. And there are plenty of examples of borrowed words whose common pronunciation in English is a mockery of the word in its native tongue. Chapeau - Hat. It’s a word I’ve only said in French.” Like reportage, a word I only use for my work and never really said in the USA. When shows have said carte blanche or some other French word, Tom didn’t even pick it up, so it goes both ways. Á  la carte - According to the menu. French accent in English: They sound great unless you say one of these words, Need a French/English language speaking partner?

It’s something that I’ve not really thought about. Oh, the stories of mishaps…man, I need a full day to comment:))! I always pronounce “smoothie” the English way because even French people can understand it (and also because I usually pronounce the word when I’m ordering a smoothie, so context helps).

I don’t know what kind of person would make nasty comments about these words as there is a general confusion around them anyway. If it’s ‘Paris” I say the word like it is pronounced in English. Forvo Certificates Forvo Kids View detail. Chauffeur - Person who drives others. : ) That’s soooo true! The exceptions would be if it would affect comprehension, if I didn’t know how to say the word properly, or for learning purposes if someone specifically asks me how to say something with a particular accent. Also, I think it would be better to say the USA, rather than say America or American as that denotes all people in both of the Americas adhere to the same social conventions.

Do you pronounce them as if they were English words, or closer to their French pronunciations? Getting excited about life’s simple pleasures. While you might not use this phrase translated as “toilet water” on a regular basis, you will find it on most perfume and cologne bottles. Laissez-faire - Policy that people can do what they want without interference. In the example above of my French students pronouncing American place names with a French accent (because they didn’t know the native pronunciation), that wasn’t a choice. I was wondering how non-French speakers pronounce these words. Well my husband’s flares up and never used it in conversation until I moved here. I've noticed that everyone seems to use /A/ [A:, a] for the last syllable of "coup d'état". @dannysauer: We're discussing British pronunciations.

I feel a bit pretentious rolling my Rs and all, but also it’s his name ! So in the case of being able to speak both languages, consider the following: Is your choice of pronunciation going to help or hinder comprehension? If someone feels the need to assert superiority over someone else, they must be very insecure. I end up repeating at least three times and just showing the thing. Having said that, it doesn’t actually bother me. In the UK, the BBC has an excellent facility for presenters to rehearse in advance any words in any language (including English! I myself tend to use more anglicized pronunciations than those you have listed, even though such varies from word to word: >>No, [3] doesn't occur in any native words in my dialect, but it just feels more native to me than the actual rounded [2]. That doesn’t mean that I don’t work at it, though – I do. I took a break, a pause from class. A fascinating post, Diane. I do the same thing. Have you ever known someone who lost their joy of life? Keep in mind no one speaks English to me in everyday life. The word picnic instantly conjures up an image of a relaxing, chilled event, whether it be along the banks of the River Seine or in your local park. Most people can’t say Diane properly in English, so I just went with it. Maybe sometimes you pronounce the words like English speakers do, and other times, you say them in French.

I also try to pronounce French cities with the French pronunciation when I’m speaking French or if I’m speaking English with a French person (mainly my husband) and a city name comes up in conversation. Given all those vowels, this one has a French flair to it, no? Fiance/fiancé - Person engaged to be wed. >>. Being kind, always. I find it interesting that I use /a/, a checked vowel, in this free situation. He asked me, “Diane, tu-as fait une pause ?” I haven’t seen you recently, he explained. Makes sense, non? This may partly be the result of familiarity with British English. If I notice a puzzled look on the other person’s face, I repeat it and changing to the other’s language. Traveling to places that intrigue you. No-one who owns a Renault or Peugeot pronounces the t. On the other hand there is a general anglicisation of the vowel sounds, often in food names - Risotto. Yep, that’s usually how I do things when introducing myself (Morgane) to English speakers. Your channel is a delight & educational.

Boutique - Small store or company. This video illustrates how ridiculous it can sound when you language-switch mid-sentence: Imagine a native English speaker saying the French words with French pronunciation from my examples above in regular conversation and how the reaction might differ between the following people: 1.

How to say audio.

I also always have a laugh at “Les Misérables” or “Les Miz” and how everybody pronouncing it does so with a very serious face….

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Head out alone or with friends to enjoy a film at the local cinema. I believe in… not rushing through the week just to get to the weekend. Gaffe - Clumsy remark or error. If you've got a voyeur in your midst, it's best to close the curtains or put some distance between you. Why use the French-English dictionary . The term is also used to describe other things, like vegetables. ", Au contraire - On the contrary. Voila! with some regions pronouncing it with two long "o"s, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…, Goodbye, Prettify.

In order to help you we created French pronunciation video trainer. The French may employ a different pronunciation of “débâcle” (day-bah-kluh), but the meaning remains the same. Indeed, I cannot imagine how one would pronounce "Bordeaux" "according to the strict rules of English pronunciation". Croissant pronunciation in French is more like cwah-sah with a silent T at the end and not cruh-sont like we say in English. So then, noticing I wasn’t getting it, the instructor switched up his phrasing and I understood right away. Hello highlight.js! Tom (my French husband if you’re new here) has actually not understood the English pronunciation of some French words the first time he heard them on TV shows.

Because all orders are custom printed, I cannot offer returns and exchanges. Most English speakers aren’t even able to nail the croissant pronunciation in French if they’ve never learned it. It's an unintentional act or remark that'll cause you great discomfort. A gaffe is similar to a faux pas. But anyway, that’s not the only reason. Eau de toilette - Scented liquid applied to the skin. Some are obvious, others are more subtle. Joie de vivre (pronounced zhwa-duh-veev) makes this bout of the blues sound so much more manageable, doesn't it?

Café - Coffeehouse. It’s the only way! Rendezvous - Pre-arranged meeting or meeting place. Voyeur - A prying observer.

In the United States, it is a sign of unrefinement and of ignorance of world cultures to "butcher" a word borrowed recently from a foreign language. And that’s more than fine. Chic - Stylish. Ah, I’ve never heard Lady Di pronounced by a French person. Question: At what point did the USA drop the British convention of pronouncing foreign words as they are spelled? For the UK speaker, who's long “o” sound is more flexed and drawn out, this would sound a bit strange (oe-toe)—and no doubt he‘s been told as much—so he rhymes it with "motto" or the name “Otto” to get a bit closer.

Symplectic structure on the square of a 3-manifold. 1836. People don’t know where the accent came from. Pronunciation of foreign words in American vs. British English?

Bon appetit - Enjoy your meal. I just… can’t. Vocabulary was a little more flowery for this set than the average American, but differences were not as distinct as between the British upper crust and an average Englishman. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA, AND BLANCHARD. Now I know better but I felt so silly the first year or so I was here. #2 and #3 would understand but might find the pronunciation choice bizarre or even pretentious or showy. Omelet - A dish of beaten eggs. Indiana also has a town called Versailles — pronounced Ver-sails. From street names to parts of your home, everyone enjoys the great outdoors. The American midwest is a treat for butchered pronunciation like Cairo, Illinois, pronounced Kay-ro. Apéritif - A pre-dinner drink. This literally translates to “good appetite” and sends wishes for a wonderful meal. There are many common French words and phrases we use in English every day in our conversation and writing without even realizing it. Being comfortable but finding a way to push yourself. Where I am in France, I don’t need to open my mouth. As someone who can only speak English I found this a really interesting post. This article is so FULL of great ideas that it would take forever to comment.

Ahhhh, yes. The fiercest critics of mine are people who can’t articulate at least Good Day in any other language- just really narrowed minded people who think they know better than everybody else. Mutual courtesy and a big smile seems to go a very long way for me. The pronunciation of English words, names, places, well-known pop groups, people, etc on French tv fascinates me. All conversations are always in French. If you’re going to botch the native pronunciation to the point of looking silly or not being understood, maybe it’s best to not even try. As you said, let fools be fools.

Required fields are marked *. That part of the question is interesting to me as well and I unfortunately don't know much about it. Search and learn to pronounce words and phrases in this language (French).

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