french conjunctions exercises

No, not the English word for vehicle. Of the two, “parce que” is definitely more popular. You’ll see it more often in French writing. Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Next friand.

It connects the two clauses of the sentence to add the necessary information. But, it’s only used to show the cause.

For example: Marie took the dog for a walk, and then she went to work. Paul aime le vélo à condition quede sorte quetandis queI don't know je préfère la marche à pied. Geography, history, politics, literature... Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright. Tu as du temps.

[I have to work even though I don’t feel like it.]|.

The connected words might be adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, or even independent clauses; the important thing is that they’re equal and each one serves the …


10. 11. Choose the correct coordinating or subordinating conjunction to complete the sentences.Each word can only be used once. But, it’s actually not very common in everyday speech. There are 3 different kinds of conjunctions in the French language: Coordinating conjunctions in French connect two equal parts of the sentence. J’ai demandé à beaucoup de gens. Elle n'a pas fait un bon temps tandis qu'de sorte qu'pendant qu'I don't know elle ne sera pas sélectionnée pour les championnats.

S'il te plaît, mets la table pendant quesous prétexte quede peur queI don't know je fais la cuisine.

– I sang then I danced. ]|The dependent clause gives a reason → subjunction, [Clothilde brushes her doll’s hair the way her mother showed her. ]|Sentence structure remains unchanged.

There are two types of French conjunctions such as coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48).

Choose the best answer/Trouvez la bonne solution: Group: French French Quizzes You use “comme” most commonly to compare two things.

To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Download OptiLingo today, and discover how much fun learning (not studying) grammar can be! This conjunction signals cause and effect. And “ensuite” can be at the end of the sentence too as and adverb.

The first part of the sentence is the main clause, and the second is the condition. ]|Sentence structure remains unchanged.


This French subordinating conjunction is more formal, but you may still hear it sometimes. Or – but/and yet.

Ils arrivèrent à condition quede peur quealors queI don't know tout le monde s'apprêtait à quitter la salle. Il sera en retard tandis qu'parce qu'de peur qu'I don't know il a eu un accident.

Our online exercises for French help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. Our online exercises for French help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. Les conjonctions – indicatif ou subjonctif .

]|Sentence structure remains unchanged. [We’ll go to a restaurant when you have time. Previous soutenu. Any Questions? I like sugar in my tea, I don't like milk in it. Coordinating conjunctions are small words that connect two or more grammatically equivalent words or phrases. > Other French exercises on the same topic: Conjunctions [Change theme] > Similar tests: - Conjonctions de subordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conséquence et concession.

", Learn French Conjunctions Easily and Effectively. - Conjonctions - Parce que, à cause de, grâce à - Conjonctions : de coordination-CM1 - Conjonctions de coordination

Nous irons aux Pays-Bas puisquependant queà condition queI don't know tu sois notre guide.

Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #77941 They’re a crucial part of English, and they’re equally crucial in French.

Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. Combine the two clauses into one sentence.To note: some subjunctions require the subjonctif.

It’s the same meaning as the English “because”. French Subordinating Conjunctions.

You can only join unequal sentence parts together with subordinating conjunctions.

Again, a cognate. Conjunctions are the words that connect two parts of a sentence. That’s the best way to become fluent in French quickly. Connectors and linking words exercises. With Lingolia Plus you can access 7 additional exercises about Conjunctions, as well as 587 online exercises to improve your French. “Or else” sounds very threatening in English, but in French, it’s a much more calm conjunction.

Car is a French conjunction that signals cause.

It can join equal words and clauses together seamlessly. document.write('
'); J’ai chanté puis j’ai dansé. OptiLingo was founded in 2016 to help people who truly wanted to learn a new language but struggled and failed too many times to think it was possible.

Everyday French people use if very often.

If you love it, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. 5.

"Our mission is to breathe life into those dreams again. Je ne lui ai pas dit tout à fait la vérité alors qu'puisqu'de peur qu'I don't know elle soit peinée. [More lessons & exercises from eos17]Click here to see the current stats of this French test Please log in to save your progress.1. Advertisements. Il y a deux types de conjonctions en français, les conjonctions de coordination et de subordination.

“Que” is an insanely common conjunction in French. Je te montre ma collection. Don’t waste time drilling vocabulary and trying to understand complex French grammar. The next step of French complex sentences is correlative conjunctions.

Task No. While the previous two kinds of French conjunctions had equal sentence parts, this kind is different. – I ate my dinner even though I didn’t want it. End of the free exercise to learn French: ConjunctionsA free French exercise to learn French.Other French exercises on the same topic : Conjunctions | All our lessons and exercises, Click here to see the current stats of this French test. 4.

J’adore les croissants et le café. French people prefer this, because “malgré que” (despite the fact that) is longer.

Neither of the two parts is dominant or more emphasize. – You love me so I love you. Paul ira à l'anniversaire de Marie alors queparce quemêmeI don't know s'il n'en a pas vraiment envie. That’s because studying grammar isn’t fun. Again, a cognate.

Tu m’aimes, donc je t’aime. Do you need help?

While you can say “you can have dessert” on its own and still make sense, you can’t say “you eat your dinner”. Sous prétexte queTandis queA condition queI don't know Marie est petite, elle n'est jamais punie. Lawless French Files: B1 - Intermediate French conjunctions. Conjunctions in English sentences - Online Exercise.


> Similar tests: - Conjonctions de subordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conséquence et concession. So, if you’re learning French to become fluent, you absolutely need to know what conjunctions are. While this is a common French conjunction, it’s easy to confuse with “où” (where). [I’ll show you my collection if you visit me.
Listen to the story . The accent grave and the context can help you set them apart.

Conjunctions, connecting words and fillers in English sentences.

If that sounds like your kind of grammar exercise, you should try OptiLingo.

[It’s raining, so they’re staying home.

Pendant queDe sorte quePuisqueI don't know les avions ne peuvent pas décoller, nous prendrons le train. ]|Sentence structure remains unchanged.

Actually, there are only a few subordinating conjunctions: comme, quand, lorsque, puisque, que, quoique, si.However, we usually encounter what is called the « conjunctive phrases » (locutions conjonctive). There are 10 different coordinating conjunctions in French: Et (and) is a very common French conjunction.

> Other French exercises on the same topic: Conjunctions [Change theme] [Call me as soon as you’re back from your holidays. “Puis” is strictly a conjunction, and has to be in the middle of the sentence as a connector. ]|The dependent clause indicates manner →. Je nage car c’est du bon exercise.
With OptiLingo, you can learn 20 languages in just 20 minutes per day.

It’s very similar to “parce que”, but there’s a subtle difference. [You give me a book so that I can read it. “If” is the subordinating conjunction that connects them. More Lawless French Subscribe to my twice-weekly newsletter.

Or, you can also use it to show the cause of something. You must become very familiar with this conjunction. ]|Sentence structure remains unchanged.

When you hear French from locals the grammar is so natural, you don’t even notice.

3335. Conjunctions – Exercises. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks.

- Conjonctions - Parce que, à cause de, grâce à - Conjonctions : de coordination-CM1 - Conjonctions de coordination > Double-click on words you don't understandConjunctionsFind the right conjunction. While it means the same as “ou … ou”, “soit … soit” is more used in writing than in everyday speech.

Sometimes “puisque” is even translated as “because” in English. Les conjonctions – fonctions grammaticales (1), Les conjonctions – fonctions grammaticales (2), Les conjonctions – conjonctions de coordination, Les conjonctions – conjonctions de subordination (1), Les conjonctions – conjonctions de subordination (2). This French conjunctions is essentially the same as the one before.

– I want the ice cream or the cake.

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]|anteriority →, [He stole the money without anyone seeing him.

Personne n’a pu m’aider. The French conjunction “si” works the same way as the English “if”. Je ne vais pas travailler demain. It’s extremely common. Online exercises to improve your French.

You can use this correlative conjunction in the same way as the English equivalent. Il faudrait arrived à l’école à 8 heures , or, il y a trop de traffic. Je nage car c’est du bon exercise. Dreaming of learning a new language?

Je suis malade. Which of the given conjunctions fits best? ]|The dependent clause makes a comparison →, [The cat meows so that you will pick it up.

– I swim because it’s good exercise. While the meaning is the same, there’s one difference in usage. With OptiLingo, you can learn 20 languages in just 20 minutes per day. J’ai mangé mon dîner, quoique je n’en voulais pas. While you can use both, French locals prefer “quand” over “lorseque”.

Connectives. ]|Sentence structure remains unchanged.

Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinating clause (dependent clause) to main clauses. You use subordination conjunctions if one of the sentences relies of the other. You can use it just like in English.

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