freshwater stingray aquarium tank mates

The fish appreciates a lot of hiding spaces that you can create using sturdy plants, rocks, wood, and caves. Kribs are smaller; shouldn't really be any kind of threat to healthy rays. Kribs are quite resilient. I had severums in the 75 gallon at one point with the two motoro stingrays, and they did well, but when I introduced the third one they began to pick on it a bit, but I caught it early and took them out. So I hear people tell me Geophagus work, Severums, even Oscars, I don't know how that is possible. The stingrays average around 6 inches in diameter. As they breed they'll create a secondary food source in all the fry. You have a juvenile Arowana that is going to reach 2 feet or more in length. The only fish I can think of that grow high in the body are discus, angels, rainbowfish and some of the bigger gouramis like snakeskin or pink kissing gouramis. I also have a 125 gallon tank, and I am going to move all of those fish into it. The stingrays average around 6 inches in diameter. Rainbowfish prefer medium hard alkaline water and will eventually become Arowana food, and gouramis don't live in groups. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. What cichlids work with stingrays, and what other fish work that aren't cichlids? Freshwater Stingray Aquarium Tank Mates. It is important to choose fish that can live in the same or similar water conditions as your angel. Check out the Monthly Let me know your thoughts below. Cichlids are a bit on the boney side for feeders generally but the rays shouldn't mind that, they crack clams in the wild so... you'll inevitably have survivors. The stingrays will get bigger and once they are all mature the tank is going to have a lot of bioload, mainly from the Arowana. – 8 Goldfish Tank Mates List. You must log in or register to reply here. I put the picture of the pikes below from my LFS, its a pair. I guess you're right, I should just stick to what I have, I will just buy more silver dollars. All Rights Reserved, Fluval FX6 Aquarium Canister Filter Review, Penn Plax Cascade Canister Aquarium Filter Review, SunSun HW304B 525GPH Pro Canister Filter Kit Review, EHEIM Classic External Canister Filter Review, Hydor Professional External Canister Filter Review, Current USA Orbit Marine Aquarium LED Light Review, Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus Light Review, Finnex Planted+ 24/7 Fully Automated Aquarium LED Review, Finnex FugeRay Planted Aquarium LED Light Plus Moonlights Review, Galaxyhydro LED 55x3w Dimmable 165w Full Spectrum LED Review, Beamswork EA Timer FSPEC LED Aquarium Light Review, 10 Best Freshwater Aquarium Stingrays – Types of and Care, The 10 Best Freshwater Aquarium Stingrays. Best Whole House Water Filtration System – (2020 Reviews & Guide), The 15 Best Fish Tanks in 2020 (Reviews & Buying Guide), 8 Best Canister Filters for Aquariums – (2020 Reviews & Guide), The 10 Best Fish Tank Filters – (2020 Reviews & Guide), Best LED Aquarium Lighting for Plants, Corals – (2020 Reviews), 10 Best LED Lighting for Reef Tanks – (2020 Reviews & Guide), Best RO DI System for Reef Tank, Saltwater Aquarium (2020 Reviews), Best Aquarium Heaters for Small & Large Tanks – (2020 Reviews & Guide), 14 Best Protein Skimmers for Aquariums & Sump (2020 Reviews), Discus Fish – Step by Step Starting a Discus Tank, Betta Fish Care – Everything You Need to Know, Keeping, Breeding Corydoras Catfish and Their Relatives, 8 Best Nano Reef Tank Available Today? – (2020 Reviews & Guide), Best 20 Gallon Fish Tank Kit – Top 5 Picks (2020 Reviews), Best 10 Gallon Fish Tanks Available Today?

I think you can actually get away with a swarm of top feeding tetras. I have a RTC and an oscar, RTC is about 16" Oscar is about 16" both live in an newly upgraded 75 gallon fish tank. I will have a fluval 406 and a fluval 306, then add another 306 when the arowana gets large, you could add 3 or 4 more silver dollars so there is a bigger school jut don't add too many fish because the more fish, the more water changes you will need to do to keep the stingrays healthy, Ok obviously everyone is gonna ***** about the tank size but that aside - I think you can actually get away with a swarm of top feeding tetras. I have these beautiful Roseline sharks and I am moving them to the 75 gallon but realistically they are perfect for the stingrays because they are definitely big enough to be with them, and they provide a stunning look when all 8 of them as 6 inch fish go across my tank. They work best with fish that aren’t too aggressive or fast-paced. Hello everybody. The idea behind this is that the bottom grazing rays won't take too many tetras and some coexistence should be possible. I have three motoro stingrays in a 75 gallon bare bottom tank, with 3 silver dollars, and a 5-6 inch arowana. You tried discus before and it didn't go well.

Didn't see the dragon fish..... yeah, that's a horse of a different color! However eventually I’m aware they may become food as the rays grow. I'm going to attempt this once my tetras come out of qt. Yes I can understand, but not even a bigger school of silver dollars for the time being, and once the arowana gets bigger I can see what I want to do.I don't want areas of the tank to look bare, and if the arowana is up top, the stngrays below, I feel like I need more fish in the middle. Puffers, in general, can be temperamental and don't always get along with tankmates. I don't think you should add any more fish to the tank. Mbus need huge aquariums (300g+) and really do best as the only predatory fish. Clown loaches also love to move around in large aquariums, although you need at least four of them to encourage their schooling nature. I have a 180gallon for this and I'd still rather something larger but we'll see. Convicts might work as well but maybe when the rays are older. Different species and sizes of stingrays can be mixed as long as there is adequate space and filtration. Hello everybody.
The clown loach is also brightly-colored and it is a graceful swimmer in the tank. Also, at my LFS they have these strigata pikes, still small but defintely big enough to not be eaten. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. Okay I think silver dollars work well with anything, but I’m looking at other schooling groups similar to them. I have a question regarding motoro stingray tankmates.,,, Video - Marble motoro and balzanii - May/26/2011, Aquarium Fish Forum Canada BC Aquatic Marine Freshwater Planted. This is a discussion on Stingray tankmates within the Canadian Aquatics forums, part of the Vendors category; I have quite a few customers of mine trying different tankmates with their stingrays. I will have 3 Fluval canister filters on the tank for when they are larger, only 2 for now.

2. Freshwater StingRay tank mateS? is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! Thanks. Some tank mate possibilities include many species of Severums, or Cichlids, like the Red-face Gold Severums.

Contests including the Tank of the Month, Some species will suck on the stingray's back. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. How to Choose Tank Mates for Angelfish. Some small cichlid however will get eaten by larger stingrays.-Aussie and african arowana. Could it be a dominance thing, maybe if I put the stingrays in first then put other fish in it might change something?

I might just grow the rays out for a while and pass them on to a friend's 500, Cichlids are bottom feeders and territorial disputes will arise. I’m just looking for something like that. Your email address will not be published. JavaScript is disabled. There's bound to be a few dive bomb attacks here n there as the rays are bound to be nosey but this is probably what I'll be doing: 180gallon high tech planted with pool filter sand substrate. A lot of hit and miss, ... By Johnnyfishtanks in forum Freshwater Chat, By keitarosan in forum Crustaceans/Inverts/Mollusks.

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