gandalf timeline

Gandalf leads the Fellowship to the mountain of Caradhras. The Pass of Aglon is breached. The Fellowship reach the West-gate of Moria at nightfall where they are attacked by the Watcher. Huor is slain and Húrin is captured by Morgoth. The Muster of Rohan takes place. Butterbur informs Gandalf that the Hobbits have fallen in with Strider.

Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin leave Rivendell. The Nazgûl return to Mordor. Finrod and Beren are imprisoned in Tol-in-Gaurhoth; Finrod is slain by a werewolf and Beren is rescued by Lúthien. Sauron begins the construction of Barad-dûr.

The Teleri of Tol Eressëa learn the art of ship-building from Ossë and come to Aman.

Bilbo Baggins returns to Bag End after the Quest of Erebor and learns he has been declared dead. The Fellowship passes the Argonath and reaches Nen Hithoel; they camp at Parth Galen. The unwilling Teleri arrive in Beleriand. Gandalf imprisoned in Orthanc by Saruman. The White Tree, Galathilion, is given to the Noldor by Yavanna. Merry . Bilbo meets Gollum under the Misty Mountains and finds the One Ring. Gandalf pursues the Balrog to the peak of Celebdil. Second Sundering of the Elves. Elrond founds Rivendell. Túrin sets out to battle on the marshes of Doriath together with Beleg. 172. The Valar decide to summon the Elves to dwell in Aman and send Oromë as a messenger. Gandalf and Aragorn have a quick conference with Treebeard, during which they learn that Saruman is a prisoner of the Ents. The whip catches Gandalf and brings him down into the pit with the Balrog. Gandalf reaches Rivendell from the North and sends Shadowfax back to Rohan.

He is followed by his father Finwë and many of the Noldor. Click on events to show them on the map. Túrin's location on Amon Rûdh is betrayed by Mîm. BACK; NEXT ; Gandalf meets up with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli while they are searching the edges of Fangorn Forest for traces of Merry and Pippin. Túrin is captured by the Orcs and all his men, except for Beleg, are slain. Saruman hears of the Fellowship of the Ring and sends a company led by Uglúk to intercept them.

Frodo is stabbed by Shelob and subsequently captured by the Orcs of Cirith Ungol. Cirion sends Borondir and his companion in search of the Éothéod. [ Color coding ] by Character. Dagor-nuin-Gilith (Battle-under-Stars) takes place. He starts looking for the travellers. Gandalf the Grey Timeline and Summary. Timeline of the history of Middle-earth. Gandalf addresses Saruman in Orthanc, offering to let Saruman go freely, so long as he promises to surrender his staff and the Keys of Orthanc. Orc skirmish, Grishnákh leaves.

The Long Peace begins. Creation of the Shire; the count of years in Shire Reckoning begins with year 1. Daeron creates the Certhas Daeron. Two Nazgûl come to Bree from the South road.

The Fellowship of the Ring rests in Lórien. Smaug launches an attack on Esgaroth and is killed by Bard the Bowman. The Black Riders run away. The members of the Fellowship of the Ring are chosen. Beren departs Dorthonion for Doriath and meet Lúthien. The horns of the Rohirrim echo in the sides of Mindolluin at cockcrow. Elwë awakens from the trance and settles in Doriath with the Sindar elves. The Edain begin migrating from Estolad to Dorthonion, Hithlum and Talath Dirnen.

King Théoden of Rohan dies on Pelennor Fields, mortally wounded by the Witch King. Elwë meets the Maia Melian in Nan Elmoth and is entranced. Elwing escapes with the Silmaril into the Sea. A small stream appears in front of Tuor as a sign from the Vala Ulmo. Turgon discovers the hidden valley of Tumladen. He learns about Frodo carrying the One Ring but does not try to take it. All that is left is the ancient central tower of Orthanc. Gollum leads Frodo and Sam into Shelob's Lair. Turambar and Níniel marry unaware that they are siblings. The Hobbits encounter the Nazgûl near Woody End but the chanting of approaching elves scare them away. A geospatial timeline and chronology of events in Tolkien's works, including the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. The Black Riders cross the Fords of Isen. Crickhollow is raided by three Black Riders in the early hours and Fatty Bolger alerts the village. Tuor meets Gelmir and Arminas and they show him the path through the Gate of the Noldor.

Castamir is killed and Gondor reclaimed by Eldacar. The Fellowship is attacked by Wolves in the early hours of the day. Faramir leaves Henneth Annûn for Cair Andros. Public timelines; Search; Sign in; Sign up; The Hobbit:Book Timeline Timeline created by IsakH. Deaths of Aredhel and Eöl. The feud between the Noldor is healed and Fingolfin becomes High King of the Noldor. Thranduil is attacked in Mirkwood and Gollum escapes. An army of Orcs from the Morannon takes Cair Andros and passes into Anórien. Frodo, Sam and Gollum pass the Cross-roads, and see the Morgul-host set forth, towards Minas Tirith. Melkor returns to Angband, and tries to take Beleriand. They were sent by the Valar to aid Elvesand Men, but none knew this but Círdan the Shipwright, Master of the Grey Havens where their ships put in. Túrin flees from Doriath after slaying Saeros. Gandalf throws the Balrog off the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, but the Balrog's whip snakes up as the Balrog falls.

The island is anchored in the Bay of Eldamar. Angrod, Aegnor and Bregolas die defending Dorthonion. The Ents, led by Treebeard, change the course of Isen and complete the destruction of Isengard. Havens of the Falas are besieged and captured. Evening at the Hall of Fire where Frodo meets Bilbo Baggins. The Ring-bearers Samwise and Frodo are honoured on the Field of Cormallen. The Elves reach the great river, later called Anduin, and a group of Teleri go south led by Lenwë. A Dwarf (possibly Ori) writes in the Book of Mazarbul about Balin's death the previous day. Frodo and his companions reach Bree at night and stay at the Prancing Pony. In Film. Legolas . Timeline of the Hobbit Get the Android App. Frodo and Sam meet the Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings in Woody End. The Witch King breaks the gates of Minas Tirith. Kingdom of Angmar is destroyed in the Battle of Fornost. Battle of the Crossings of Erui and the Siege of Pelargir. Aragorn captures Gollum in the Dead Marshes. Sam returns to Bag End on his faithful pony, Bill, after seeing of many of his friends at the Grey Havens. Huor and Húrin defend the Pass of Sirion at the Fen of Serech and enable Turgon's escape to Gondolin. The Edain and a few Drúedain reach Númenor and Elros is crowned first King of Númenor. Fëanor and Fingolfil reconcile at Taniquetil. This marks the end of the War of the Ring. The meeting of Celeborn and Thranduil takes place in the midst of Mirkwood. The Fellowship are ambushed near Sarn Gebir at night.

First Battle of the Fords of Isen during which Théodred son of Théoden is slain. Tuor encounters the Vala Ulmo who tells him to find the hidden city Gondolin.

Túrin slays Glaurung. Sauron is turned away by Gil-galad in Lindon. Dagor-nuin-Giliath is fought,Fëanor is slain and Maedhros is taken captive by Morgoth. Though Saruman attempts to use his magical voice to persuade Gandalf to treat him as a counselor, Gandalf is too smart for Saruman's tricks. Beren is slain by Carcharoth. Easterlings invade Gondor for the second time and slay King Rómendacil. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin enter the Old Forest leaving Fredegar Bolger behind to impersonate Frodo. One of the Black Riders comes to Hobbiton at nightfall.

Sauron escapes capture and continue to dwell in Angband. The Elves who have answered the summon depart for Aman. He advises that they must destroy it. This turns out to be a bad idea: Saruman has betrayed the Council and Gandalf, and has gone over to Sauron's side. Morgoth is defeated and most parts of Belerian has sunk into the sea.

Aragorn arrives at Pelargir and captures the fleet.

Beren and Lúthien come to Angband and take a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth. They agree on setting out on the Quest of Erebor.

The host of the Valar arrives in Beleriand and the War of Wrath begins. Gimli takes the Book of Mazarbul. Shagrat is slain after bringing Frodo's cloak, mithril shirt and sword to Barad-dûr. Birthday of Frodo Baggins. Birth of Túrin Turambar in Gwaeron. The Balrog Durin's Bane is awakened by the Dwarves of Moria killing Durin VI.

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