imdb tt7969836

This was so unbelievably over the top and for that reason I love it. View production, box office, & company info. Stylistically indebted to early cinema via its alchemy adoption of antiquated analogue techniques that recall the work of Guy Maddin, The Twentieth Century plays fantastically fast and loose with history as it riotously roasts both its subject and the political legacies of the Great White North. myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) Concept, great! But when destiny appears to be deferred by a romantic rebuke and an unexpected ... Award Age: Iris Awards (Quebec) – Sophie Deraspe’s Antigone Wins Best Picture, Bruce Labruce’s Queer Comedy ‘Saint-Narcisse’ Acquired by Best Friend Forever (Exlcusive), Sophie Deraspe’s ‘Antigone’ Wins Best Film at Canadian Screen Awards, Glasgow Film Festival 2020 | Schedule Ireland. Links to the films in their entirety are provided in some cases. The 20th Century Determined to become the leader of the Dominion of Canada, a young W.L. Satire incroyable de l'identité canadienne, tournée comme un amalgame bâtard des minutes du patrimoine, de l'ONF, de Paul Fejos, Guy Maddin, Groucho Marx et Obayashi (je dis de la marde, et suis en manque de sommeil et de repères), bref, c'est….

#大爱# on your own website or blog. If If a movie/TV series has yet to be released, or if the title hasn't received enough user ratings, the plugin will only display the IMDb logo without any rating. Simply copy and paste the HTML snippet below. #好看# Thank you for taking a risk! The 20th Century Surreal, ornate, camp, stilted, often splendid, self-conscious certainly - Too Much, certainly - borrowing visual ideas from kids' cartoons, 60s sci-fi, the dystopic look of 1984 (lots of trapeziums and upside-down triangles).

 (, 有人说“你永远叫不醒一个装睡的人”。听完我就笑了,你把空调关掉试试! —————— 味过于苦,脾气不濡,胃气乃厚。味过于辛,筋脉沮弛,精神乃央。是故谨和五味,骨正筋柔,气血以流,腠理以密,如是则气骨以精,谨道如法,长有天命。 这一卷都是讲养生的道理,接下来第四... Guy Maddin-esque use of analog techniques and the adoption of early film form and narrative devices set the stage for Rankin's bizarro parody of Canadian history. We hope in time to add additional plugins providing you new ways to display IMDb data and features by the user of the plugin. If a movie/TV series has The reviewer was right with the Guy Maddin meets John Waters meets Michael Powell. Disons que c'est une version lite, sans fantôme, plus évidemment cohérente et axée sur le plaisir immédiat des images débiles sans être trop déstabilisantes, avec un Winnipeg plus infernal que somnambule. I even got a bit taken by the story and fell into romanticism, which was probably not the smartest thing it being a satire. this occurs please verify the title you are trying to add, actually has a rating. His mom died when he was 7. I could have done without the more grosser scenes but I still enjoyed the ridiculousness of the plot and characters, and could also easily relate it to real life. IMDb Mobile site. } Mais quelle vue incroyable, encore une fois. Determined to become the leader of the Dominion of Canada, a young W.L. 本站所有资源均收集自互联网,没有提供影片资源存储,也未参与录制、上传 若本站收录的资源无意侵犯了您的权益 请联系[email protected])

series on your own website or blog. Stylistically indebted to early cinema via its alchemy adoption of antiquated analogue techniques that recall the work of Guy Maddin, The Twentieth Century plays fantastically fast and loose with history as it riotously roasts both its subject and the political legacies of the Great White North. myField = document.getElementById('comment'); logo without any rating. When her village is threatened with forced resettlement due to reservoir construction, an 80-year-old widow finds a new will to live and ignites the spirit of resilience within her community. A team of four teenage astronauts brave the alien wilderness of a distant planet to save the Earth's President from a deadly assassin. Laurie, a cynical schoolgirl, builds and nurtures a secret friendship with Pete, an older man who's apparently obsessed with her. licensing page. The humor and the visual style, reminiscent of a Rankin/Bass production, but with live action characters and extremely crude and unnerving jokes, ejaculating cacti, boot fucking, baby seal clubbing and all. } else { (。☉౪⊙。) » Le film canadien du siècle. Lena is seven months pregnant and she's ready to sell the baby in her belly. 。◕‿◕。 Der aufstrebende Politiker Mackenzie King wäre gerne ein heldenhafter Soldat und würde gerne heiraten, doch ist er von der Psoriasis befallen. 16 of 21 people found this review helpful. Exuding both manic ambition and cherubic naivety, Daniel Beirne is magnificently funny as a young Mackenzie King, who is determined to fulfill the political destiny that was prophesied by his dogmatic mother (played by Maddin regular Louis Negin). This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Parfois l'impression que c'est un sketch un peu étiré.. mais c'est décidément à part. The plugin will display the IMDb rating for all titles that have a rating. var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; Whoever stole a Charlie Kaufman script and just injected fun into it, I will forever love you. sel = document.selection.createRange();

However the story wasn’t that memorable but the characters more than made up for it. Ermanno agrees to pretend to be the father. Toronto, Canada, 1899. The most ridiculously Canadian movie ever made, and yet I, a Canadian was still wholly confused from beginning to end.

Check out the movies and shows we're excited about this month, including "Star Trek: Discovery" and After We Collided. in einem Kino in Deiner Nähe läuft oder für das Heimkino (Streaming / DVD / Blu-ray) am Start ist.

#还行# Rankin imagines former Prime Minister King's ascendancy as an absurdly twisted jumble of Freudian complexes, neuroses, and humiliations, fashioning an alternate history which is proudly queer and riotously exaggerated, effectively calling into question the history and figures the country's identity is built on. (2019). Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. myField.focus(); Renowned for his mesmerizing, gonzo biographical shorts Mynarski Death Plummet and The Tesla World Light, Matthew Rankin doubles down on his signature blend of historical and aesthetic abstraction with his debut feature, a bizarre biopic that re-imagines the formative years of former Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King as a series of abject humiliations.

Mackenzie King rises to power. /* ]]> */ 母亲的空间是被闭锁,不可进入的,尽管她是一个戴着假发的老男人。《二十世纪》是一种怀旧性质的先锋,以一种古典主义的风格开场——没错,它是古典主义的,产出方式和米高梅的那些棚拍并无任何区别,只是语调更为反讽。但是绝非《二十世纪》复兴的仅仅是那些蒙太奇,Propaganda,至上主义,阿贝尔... 由几何图形构成的至上主义空间是一种纯粹的指示性,在《二十世纪》中,一个能指在影片中漂浮,狂欢性地在空间之中嬉戏。 } I only wish more movies pushed into the creative realm in similar ways.

I'm a sucker for the hyper stylized some I'm sitting comfortably through this inventive and over the top political satire. Fabio, the uncle of Ermanno, will pay them to buy the child that he ... See full summary ». Nanette Burstein. myField.selectionEnd = cursorPos; Nevertheless the film has enough going for it to maintain interest. Title: Toronto International Film Festival. if (document.selection) {

} #一般# Directed by Matthew Rankin. (。◕ˇ∀ˇ◕。) 本片取材自加国前总理麦肯齐・金的日记。引用真实世界人物的语句,并搭设大量场景与动画营造怀旧时代感,还偷渡了反串、恋鞋癖、种族及纵欲等多项议题,揭露奠定加拿大基础的沙文主义殖民态度,也顺势造就一段荒诞怪奇又爱到卡惨死的假传记爱情。

Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. The film is very heavily influenced by Monty Python and it takes a little while to get used to it. What does it…. 70th berlin international film festival / line-up, ️‍Teddy Award – Berlin Film Festival (1987-2020). With Dan Beirne, Sarianne Cormier, Catherine St-Laurent, Mikhaïl Ahooja. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) fervently believes that he is destined to become Prime Minister, but to do so he will first have to fight his personal obsessions and overcome the many obstacles he will encounter on his tortuous path to power.

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