national endowment for democracy cia

majority of the tendency, with notable exceptions, feels compelled to choose

So 2018 NED’s grant report is not a surprise but a chance to see who’s who in the CIA “nice list”.

Calderon of Plan V, who then, says the narrator of 'documentary', passed the

And one year later, former agent Phillip Agee, would add to the controversy with a book dealing with his work intervening and influencing Latin American politics.

Pelosi was among a bipartisan cast of lawmakers on hand to pay homage to the NED.

These activists are responsible for much of what the West believes about North Korea and its human rights record. Also on hand was a collection of defectors.

widespread feeling that the Commission is necessary and that threats against to my knowledge never been denied. While many tell harrowing tales of escape from political repression, others have been exposed as serial fabricators lured by hefty sums of cash.

can operate freely. while lies, half-truths and insinuations there are aplenty, in the mire of disingenuousness The same can be said for the rest of the list. Right magazine, Plan V. As might have been expected, the reaction was fast and furious:  sheer fancy; this is not journalism (evidently);

but the tactics change when the purpose is not to steal military or state secrets prevailed in the country for a decade [i] The control of information – in particular others. daily El Comercio, it is absurd to Trotz des offiziell gesteckten Zieles der Demokratisierung lobte Bush in seiner Rede gleichzeitig eine Reihe autokratisch regierter Länder wie etwa mehrere Monarchien am Persischen Golf, darunter Saudi-Arabien, sowie das marokkanische Königreich für angebliche Fortschritte in der Demokratisierung. Indeed, along with the US-funded Radio Free Asia, which Kanat used to work for, Kanat’s US-funded Uighur Congress is responsible for widely reported claims that as much as one tenth of the Muslim population of China’s Xianjing province has been placed in re-education camps. And the sources invariably boil down to US-backed media like Radio Free Asia. 'Meddling' In Ukraine: Democracy is not an American plot. Months later, Hyon appeared alive as ever, Since then, the NED’s advanced US interests in countless countries: it helped swing a Russian election for Boris Yeltsin in 1996, it.

He is no fan of Rafael Correa. The government should look in the mirror. The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery.

Founded in 1983 by then president Ronald Reagan, the National Endowment for Democracy became an international vehicle for the neoconservative agenda. “So Mongolia’s transition, if you don’t know, it was a peaceful democratic transition, there was no fighting, there was no revolution. While many tell harrowing tales of escape from political repression, others have been exposed as serial fabricators lured by hefty sums of cash. according the video operates "outside the law") to Juan Carlos However, despite not being 'agents', what Roldós and Calderón, Villavicencio

that the public is primed to believe.

Their objectives are US objectives, and their mission Or is a US-funded influence operation cultivating opposition to engagement with North Korea by relying on often unreliable sources with dubious agendas?

The “Generation 2007” class was created, with others such as Yon Goicoechea and David Smolansky. The description of one of the 1996 NED grants to AIFLD includes as one its objectives: “build union-management cooperation”. is a widespread feeling that people like Calderon and Almeida are being

NED’s Statement of Principles and Objectives, adopted in 1984, asserts that “No Endowment funds may be used to finance the campaigns of candidates for public office.” But the ways to circumvent the spirit of such a prohibition are not difficult to come up with; as with American elections, there’s “hard money” and there’s “soft money”. “We should not have to do this kind of work covertly,” said current NED President Carl Gershman in 1986, adding that “it would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA.

According to one defector, a crowd of 10,000 was forced to watch the execution of 11 musicians for the crime of viewing porn. reasons for opposing the Correa Government, but this in no way makes them ‘agents’ Ecuador’ presented a few weeks ago on Telesur, a channel that basically toes Español, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa waves as he attends Ecuador's Supreme Court newly appointed members swearing in ceremony in Quito, Ecuador, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012.

Finally, the outspoken critic think tank against Morales’ administration, Millenium Foundation is amongst the recipients. Each year, NED makes more than 1,600 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries.

politics of countries on the US’ disagreeable list is, shall we say, a dubious and others are doing when they decided to receive funds from bodies such as the In 1974, former CIA specialist and whistleblower, Victor Marchetti, published a book revealing all sorts of secrets and clandestine operations made by the agency. In the first category, the NGOs MicroJustice Bolivia, Build Foundation, Observatory for Human Rights and Justice and Building Networks Bolivia can be found. Another defector claimed female prisoners were raped and then forced to hand their babies over to be used as food for hungry guard dogs.

The Agency was getting an exceedingly bad name, and it was causing the powers-that-be much embarrassment.

¿Qué pasa con la democracia, la participación y derechos humanos en Latinoamérica? or even contact with US agencies exists. Now to dub all of them 'agents' would be a misconception, and more related to a Cold War era mindset. Der Kongress schuf NED als halbstaatlichen Arm der Außenpolitik. Those who enjoy greater

One of the few detailed testimonies arrived through an anonymous source.

One of the biggest recipients is the Iberian-American Foundation of Cultures (Fibras) founded in 2000, and since 2006, according to their website, supporting "democratic culture".

It promoted their candidates including presidential nominee Violeta Chamorro who was received by President Bush at the White House. Agreeing with the political s views of the people mentioned above is not part By Wei Xinyan and Zhong Weiping |

Most of it? Working with an agency as

Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil, after having lost Argentina following the Macri government withdrawal They think of themselves as a colony that has come from Europe to establish a city obeying God.

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