synonym for work wife

Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality. ", "This whole idea of sway is that you've got to find this natural balance between the ebb and flow of life," Gukowksi says.

You can use life to refer to things or groups of things which are alive. A life-support machine is the equipment that is used to keep a person alive when they are very ill and cannot breathe without help. © 2020 The exhibition is an enjoyable and, ultimately, life-affirming experience. Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you say that someone does something for dear life or for their life, you mean that they do it using all their strength and effort because they are in a dangerous or urgent situation. Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us. [Internet slang] Life in the real world, in contrast to life on the Internet. ...a life-enhancing and exciting trip..., His letters, like his poetry, are life-enhancing and a delight.

wonder-woman | definition: a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time | synonyms: adult female, woman| antonyms: man, male, husband.

The average life expectancy was 40..., They had longer life expectancies than their parents. Someone who is pro-life thinks that women do not have a right to choose whether or not to give birth to a child they have conceived, and that abortion is wrong in most or all circumstances.

According to David Ballard, director of the American Psychological Association's Center for Organizational Excellence, those are myths. The half-life of a radioactive substance is the amount of time that it takes to lose half its radioactivity. He was in a critical condition, fighting for his life in hospital.

All rights reserved. He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement..., For the first time in his life he regretted that he had no faith.

A life preserver is something such as a life jacket, which helps you to float when you have fallen into deep water. Synonyms for spouse include consort, mate, partner, soulmate, better half, helpmate, husband, companion, dutch and hubby.

Cable News Network. When I asked the students to do their homework, they did a bang up job.

In American English, you usually say that they are the life of the party. [Hist.] Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.

My personal life has had to take second place to my career..., Most diabetics have a normal sex life. business, calling, career, interest, mission, occupation, profession, purpose, pursuit, vocation, work, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, animation, being, breath, entity, growth, sentience, viability, vitality, being, career, continuance, course, duration, existence, lifetime, span, time, human, human being, individual, mortal, person, soul, autobiography, biography, career, confessions, history, life story, memoirs, story, behaviour, conduct, life style, way of life, the human condition, the school of hard knocks, the times, the world, this mortal coil, trials and tribulations, vicissitudes, activity, animation, brio, energy, get-up-and-go, pep, sparkle, spirit, verve, vigour, vitality, vivacity, zest, animating spirit, élan vital, essence, heart, lifeblood, soul, spirit, vital spark, creatures, living beings, living things, organisms, wildlife, awaken, become animate, revive, rouse, show signs of life, desperately, for all one is worth, intensely, quickly, urgently, vigorously. One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people from all walks of life. and/or its affiliates.

18 synonyms for wife: spouse, woman, partner, mate, squeeze, bride, old woman, old lady, little woman, significant other, better half, her indoors, helpmate.... What are synonyms for wifehood? If something happens inreal life, it actually happens and is not just in a story or in someone's imagination. You can use life to refer to the events and experiences that happen to people while they are alive. All Rights Reserved.Terms You can use life to refer to a period of someone's life when they are in a particular situation or job.

Life is the quality which people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have. Life force is energy that some people believe exists in all living things and keeps them alive. She likes it so much it's become a way of life for her.

Work-family synonyms.

The most important thing is feeling like you have control over managing your time and energy.

Yost says even a small change -- as small as a monthly "work from home" day -- can make all the difference in finding your best fit.

The repairs did not increase the value or the life of the equipment. If someone is sentenced to life imprisonment, they are sentenced to stay in prison for the rest of their life, or for a very long period of time. Before execution, he admitted to taking the lives of at least 35 more women..., He helped his first wife take her life when she was dying of cancer. Someone's life's work or life work is the main activity that they have been involved in during their life, or their most important achievement. The life history of a person is all the things that happen to them during their life. Some were serving life sentences for murder. ...not that we should expect all good publishers to be larger than life..., Throughout his career he's always been a larger than life character. come to life/spring to life/roar into life. If someone lays down their life for another person, they die so that the other person can live.

The woman's department: maternalism and feminism in the Texas Medical Journal, "Well, seriously, Flora, what can we women do?" Is there life on Mars?..., The book includes some useful facts about animal and plant life. Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons. A still life is a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects such as flowers or fruit. His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.

Business. If you bring something to life or if it comes to life, it becomes interesting or exciting. Synonyms for life's work include accomplishment, achievement, attainment, lifework, success, product of working life, result of working life, prosperity, affluence and … Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived. Top synonyms for work-family (other words for work-family) are family life, family-friendly and work-life. Search life work and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.

"You have to respect the fact that people are going to be putting so much time into your company, so it's OK that they integrate some life into the workday by going to pick up a kid at 4 o'clock," she says.

", According to a 2015 study of female Millennials by PwC, the phrase is something that matters to younger women more than ever. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Issues in women's liberation struggles in contemporary Nigeria: a study of Ezeigbo's Hands that Crush Stone (2010), Models in the construction of female identity in Nigerian postcolonial literature, Charlotte Smith's poetry as sentimental discourse, Sue Miller: Ms. Miller turns to politics, as the wife of a senator deals with his chronic infidelity, Lessing's 'To Room Nineteen': Susan's voyage into the inner space of 'elsewhere', In the shadow of marriage: single women and the legal construction of the family and the state. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Your social life involves spending time with your friends, for example at parties or in pubs or bars. "Work-life integration" is the preferred term of Katharine Zaleski, co-founder of Power to Fly, a recruiting platform for women in tech.

There are times when you have it all under control and times when you don't -- and people feel this at all levels of their careers. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors.

The code for attribution links is required. If you tell someone to get a life, you are expressing frustration with them because their life seems boring or they seem to care too much about unimportant things. Someone's life is the period of time during which they are alive.

A way of life is the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them. old-fashioned an insulting word for a man whose wife has sex with another man. She threatened to publicly expose his double life if he left her. ...a baby's first minutes of life..., Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life., ...the earth's supply of life-giving oxygen.

A life jacket is a sleeveless jacket which helps you to float when you have fallen into deep water. The life of something such as a machine, organization, or project is the period of time that it lasts for.

For life means for the rest of a person's life. Word of the Day: mayhem. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices © S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2018 He describes it as "how the various demands in your life touch up against each other." For the latest business news and markets data, please visit CNN

You can use life to refer to the things that people do and experience that are characteristic of a particular place, group, or activity.

A life-saving drug, operation, or action is one that saves someone's life or is likely to save their life.

Experts have suggested several alternatives to help people better understand the concept. It also refers to this type of painting or drawing. An exhibition of his life's work is being shown in the garden of his home..., My father's life work was devoted to the conservation of the Longleat estate. He is in a coma and on a life-support machine. Life won't be dull!..., It's the people with insecurities who make life difficult. A life-size representation of someone or something, for example a painting or sculpture, is the same size as the person or thing that they represent.

Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc. 2018.

If you refer to someone's life, you mean their state of being alive, especially when there is a risk or danger of them dying. The life sciences are sciences such as zoology, botany, and anthropology which are concerned with human beings, animals, and plants. If someone has a life-threatening illness or is in a life-threatening situation, there is a strong possibility that the illness or the situation will kill them. If something starts life or begins life as a particular thing, it is that thing when it first starts to exist. "The 'balance' part of it is implying you're equally dividing time and energy, which isn't necessarily the case. Life insurance is a form of insurance in which a person makes regular payments to an insurance company, in return for a sum of money to be paid to them after a period of time, or to their family if they die. If you describe a particular activity as away of life for someone, you mean that it has become a very important and regular thing in their life, rather than something they do or experience occasionally. The shelf life of a product, especially food, is the length of time that it can be kept in a shop or at home before it becomes too old to sell or use. When people talk about an unborn baby's right to life, they mean that a baby has the right to be born, even if it is severely disabled or if its mother does not want it. You use thehigh life to refer to an exciting and luxurious way of living that involves a great deal of entertainment, going to parties, and eating good food. You can use life to refer to particular activities which people regularly do during their lives.

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