when was spain discovered

Spain's geographic location, popular coastlines, diverse landscapes, historical legacy, vibrant culture, and excellent infrastructure has made the country's international tourist industry among the largest in the world. Large numbers of indigenous Americans died in battle against the Spaniards during the conquest,[68] while others died from various other causes.

to renounce to the throne, and the First Republic was proclaimed. In the following reigns the Catholic kings of France assumed the role of protectors of the Hispano-Roman Catholics against the Arianism of the Visigoths, and in the wars which ensued Alaric II and Amalaric lost their lives.

After years of combat, Comuneros Juan López de Padilla, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado were executed and María Pacheco went into exile.

These tribes had crossed the Rhine in early 407 and ravaged Gaul. The Spanish–American War was fought in the spring of 1898 and resulted in Spain losing the last of its once vast colonial empire outside of North Africa. The current education system is regulated by the 2006 educational law, LOE (Ley Orgánica de Educación), or Fundamental Law for the Education. The Spanish king abdicated in favour of Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte. There were two Schools of special flair and talent: the Seville School, to which Juan Martínez Montañés belonged, whose most celebrated works are the Crucifix in the Cathedral of Seville, another in Vergara, and a Saint John; and the Granada School, to which Alonso Cano belonged, to whom an Immaculate Conception and a Virgin of Rosary, are attributed. The incredible find was discovered in the megalithic tomb of Montelirio tholos, which is located in southwestern Spain. High levels of unemployment, cuts in government spending and corruption in Royal family and People's Party served as a backdrop to the 2011–12 Spanish protests. In this epoch Cordoba was the indisputable cultural center of this area of the world. Although it no longer has official status by law, in all public schools in Spain students have to choose either a religion or ethics class. In the early eighth century the Visigothic Kingdom was conquered by the Umayyad Islamic Caliphate. Artists from Spain have been highly influential in the development of various European and American artistic movements. Spanish conquest in the New World was driven by the three `G`s—gold, glory, and gospel. Napoleon's troops entered the country to invade Portugal but instead occupied Spain's major fortresses. Franco's rule was also characterised by authoritarianism, promotion of a unitary national identity, National Catholicism, and discriminatory language policies. In 1469, the crowns of the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united by the marriage of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. [24], There is the claim that "Hispania" derives from the Basque word Ezpanna meaning "edge" or "border", another reference to the fact that the Iberian Peninsula constitutes the southwest corner of the European continent. According to residence permit data for 2011, more than 860,000 were Romanian, about 770,000 were Moroccan, approximately 390,000 were British, and 360,000 were Ecuadorian. In the same period of time, the number of citizens with Spanish citizenship reached 42,094,606. There are many festivals and festivities in Spain. Roman law and its institutions were the model for the legislators. A number of cities were founded along the coast by Phoenicians, and trading outposts and colonies were established by Greeks in the East. Joseph Bonaparte was seen as a puppet monarch and was regarded with scorn by the Spanish. [168] This early global expansion is a competitive advantage over its competitors and European neighbours. Is it ALWAYS inappropriate to use profanity with friends or on social media? Rosa Chacel, Gloria Fuertes, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Juan Goytisolo, Carmen Martín Gaite, Ana María Matute, Juan Marsé, Blas de Otero, Gabriel Celaya, Antonio Gamoneda, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio or Ignacio Aldecoa. On 17 January 1966, a fatal collision occurred between a B-52G and a KC-135 Stratotanker over Palomares. In 1793, Spain went to war against the revolutionary new French Republic as a member of the first Coalition.

Extending to 1,214 km (754 mi), the Portugal–Spain border is the longest uninterrupted border within the European Union.[121]. Political corruption and repression weakened the democratic system of the constitutional monarchy of a two-parties system. Besides the Perejil Island, the Spanish-held territories claimed by other countries are two: Morocco claims the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla and the plazas de soberanía islets off the northern coast of Africa.

The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean respectively. Other notable sculptors were Bartolomé Ordóñez, Diego de Siloé, Juan de Juni and Damián Forment.

Spain is one of the world's leading countries in the development and production of renewable energy. The Toledo School of Translators is the name that commonly describes the group of scholars who worked together in the city of Toledo during the 12th and 13th centuries, to translate many of the philosophical and scientific works from Classical Arabic, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Hebrew.

In their respective regions, the traditional games of Basque pelota and Valencian pilota both are popular. [195][196] As of 2019, Spain has a total of over 3,400 km (2,112.66 mi) of high-speed tracks[197] linking Málaga, Seville, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Valladolid, with the trains operated at commercial speeds up to 310 km/h (190 mph).

The rise of humanism, the Counter-Reformation and new geographical discoveries and conquests raised issues that were addressed by the intellectual movement now known as the School of Salamanca, which developed the first modern theories of what are now known as international law and human rights. Portugal stance has been the territory being de iure Portuguese territory and de facto Spanish.[157]. If so, please include who discovered it...Thanks!!! The Kingdom of Castile, formed from Leonese territory, was its successor as strongest kingdom. [176], German companies poured €4.8 billion into Spain in 2015, making the country the second-largest destination for German foreign direct investment behind only the U.S. [105], The proportion of Spain's foreign born population increased rapidly during its economic boom in the early 2000s, but then declined due to the financial crisis. The most profitable Spanish activities in the New World occurred in the southern portions, while less rewarding ventures took place in northern areas.

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