working in seychelles as a foreigner

> our landlord was not prepared to do anything to improve security <. We haven’t been targeted yet, thankfully. Again, we were really upset with this. We have two sets of patio doors in our house, our landlords put extra bolts on one set but the others worked differently so they left those while they decided the best way to deal with those ones. ), but it’s also something I’ve struggled with feeling safe again and at home in a place that isn’t technically “home”. I don’t particularly think there are ‘good and bad’ places to live. It is easy to feel ‘too safe’ when you live somewhere like this and it was indeed ridiculous of us to have not locked a door – It was a door we never used so not totally unnatural to not check that everyday The crime rate was one of the reasons we wanted to leave SE England and ended up in Normandy (not the only one I hasten to add) but even here there is crime and it does seem that sometimes expats are targeted. The whole thing was a surreal experience, it was the day we were bringing Freddie home from hospital and all of a sudden we were dealing with police and security. We face it a lot here on Mahe. Its not always so easy for an expat to get work here though unfortunately! We are about 50% sure we want to relocate to your side of paradise, but I have my concerns. Accomodations in the Seychelles, for one night up to several months. They broke in through a window while they were out. However, well done for writing about it, it’s hard to write about negative things when you really want to forget them. I’m a Seychellois who live abroad and I’ve just come across this story. let me first say that this post was not written to scare anyone into not living here, because I absolutely adore living here and couldn’t be happier. It is becoming increasingly clear that expats are being targeted. Click here to participate in our survey about expat quality of life, in partnership with April International Care France. Born and bred! I honestly can’t believe someone had something negative to say about your article unless the truth offend them. The government is also developing the fiscal sector, aiming at becoming an offshore center to attract foreign investors. Escaping the rat race of London for the idyllic shores of the Seychelles - all its cracked up to be?! They were so stupid they took Monopoly money, thinking it’s real. We are stepping up security in our home to help protect us from people getting in.

Cat Cocos: Mahe to La Digue Island Fast Ferry,, List of permitted countries and Special Status Countries. I feel physically sick at the idea of it. Recognizing dentist license in Seychelles and job opportunities, Similar discussions about life in the Seychelles. This post has been removed at the author's request. We were burgled in our last house – they took the TV while I was at work and Mr TB was working away – but to be targeted more than once is horrific. I then went downstairs to have a look around, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’m been here for two weeks and I’m also worried about theft. Search jobs in Seychelles. Many people keep dogs here to help. The most memorable time, my father had just returned from the UK, and brought me birthday presents I was waiting to open. Corina particularly appreciates the beauty of nature and ... LuLu Exchange Limited, We live in a gated community but I’ve still heard of break ins.

more. *If you are thinking of moving to the Seychelles, you can find all of my posts about life in Seychelles here*, I’d love to say that it was the first time since we’ve lived here. As you probably know, we live behind gates and locks, have an alarm and an electric fence plus a keep at the top of the stairs. We discovered that they had come in through the back door which was unlocked. Claire at Tin Box Traveller recently posted…Mr Tin Box is running the London Marathon, That’s terrifying that they came in and stole things while you were sleeping! Living and Working in Seychelles. I am also alone.. We will be best friend and best partner in Seychelles.. Because both are we need help to each other.. Fb and gmail addre: and my whatsaap no is +923213672360. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. It’s been two weeks now and I can’t get over it. That’s so sad Geetha. But if having the extra security means we’re going to be the last house they target then I’m happy as unfortunately crime can be very violent here and not just petty robbery.

I think for me that house was tainted, in the same way that if anything bad happens anywhere! How can i proceed. I think I would have left after all that.

My heart goes out to you it really does, I think life as an expat can make you feel so vulnerable anyway and for all these incidents to have happen to you must be so traumatic. Life have become a hassle under the super power of idiots for more than 4 decades. Corina comes from Switzerland. Hello everyone,i plan to relocate to Seychelle by January 2017 to live and work in Seychelle, but i do not have any friend or relative there. This is so unfortunate, and I can imagine how helpless you feel. Having said that you’ve written it all down so I hope that this starts to give you some peace of mind and you can move forward. Make your expat project in the Seychelles successful. This “thieving lifestyle” will go on until the day Democracy takes over the State House, trust me! Life is so much embarassing there, we know it if they thought those living abroad knows nothing about it. Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault recently posted…Animal Tales 43, What an awful thing to have happened to your family. The little assholes had the nerve to show up in the police station wearing OUR clothes!!! You’d have to look at getting a visa to move here and whether or not you’d want to apply for a working visa. You are super brave and hopefully this is the end of it and the increased security measures and your new pup will give you peace of mind. Continuing our adventures around the globe. Home. Knowing someone came into your room while you were asleep must be horrific. I'll appreciate if anyone here can hint me on how i can if it's even possible. Expats looking for job opportunities can find leads in the tourism sector. I really hope Koopa grows up to be a a great loving pet and also a formidable guard dog (he is gorgeous!) #TwinklyTuesday I wouldn’t worry about letting them ‘win’, I’d just make sure you and your family feel safe and comfortable xxx, #twinklytuesday Thank you so much for sharing! We had guards protecting our home, and still got burgled. Annoyingly our landlord had put deadbolts on one set of our patio doors before we’d gone to Mahe but not another. My family owns a business on Mahe. Anyway, someone broke in through our patio doors. For the 2 years we lived on Mahe we were robbed only once and it was by 2 9 year old boys who were hired by my neighbor to clear her lawn. Thanks. Nine years later, I’ve trained myself to always glance over my shoulder, walk quickly (tricky to do when pushing a stroller), never carry more than one credit card on me, and only certified copies of IDs. Everyday life in the Seychelles from snappy house guests (of the crustacean sort) to buying a machette or simply admiring the beaches and sunsets! The country is made of 115 islands, the 2 largest ones being Mahé and Praslin. Thanks for sharing, I hope it was cathartic getting it all down on paper. It’s a sad thing, however we do still love living here and there are so many wonderful things about living here. We forgot that there are bad people all over the world. Oh Chantelle! Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Darling, I was Wrong, I’m so sorry you and your family had to go through this. I have been trying to get to this post to read it all week.

Kids under ages are not living the lifestyle I lived when I was their age. Absolutely awful. I am not being racist here, I am just angry that the wrong people are entering our country. Beautiful beaches, blue lagoons, ideal temperatures: here is the setting of your next expat destination if you are relocating to Seychelles.

So sorry to hear this happened to you! We don’t know who unlocked it, it really could have been anyone. We know that, in reality if someone really wants to break in, they will always find a way but we want do make it as difficult for them as possible. Seychelles or Mauritius - which is better for family,. Get hired! We never use this door, ever. Which beaches to avoid during different parts of the year? May 25th honeymoon - Mauritius, Maldives or Seychelles?

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