who won the 1968 presidential election quizlet

LeMay embarrassed Wallace's campaign in the fall by suggesting that nuclear weapons could be used in Vietnam.

These students organized get-out-the-vote drives, rang doorbells, distributed McCarthy buttons and leaflets, and worked hard in New Hampshire for McCarthy. After Johnson's withdrawal, Vice President Hubert Humphrey announced his candidacy.

[18] Even United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy from New York, an outspoken critic of Johnson's policies with a large base of support, publicly declined to run against Johnson in the primaries. [54] Chandler and Wallace met a number of times; however, Chandler said that he and Wallace were unable to come to an agreement regarding their positions on racial matters.

1972 was a election year, as were 1968 and 1976. Donate or volunteer today!

[88] The rural Democratic "courthouse cliques" in the South lost power. Become a Study.com member to unlock this [35] However, Johnson's January 27, 1968 phone conversion with Daley also revealed that he and the Chicago Mayor were also secretly feeding Robert Kennedy's ego so he would stay in the race, even making him convinced that the Democratic Party was undergoing a "revolution,"[20] and help him at the Convention, possibly earning him a spot as vice president.[20].

Richard Nixon won the 1968 election. Humphrey supported it and everyone else was against it. He was boosted by thousands of young college students who volunteered throughout the state, who shaved their beards and cut their hair to "Get Clean for Gene. '"[42] However, other writers such as Tom Wicker, who covered the Kennedy campaign for The New York Times, believe that Humphrey's large lead in delegate votes from non-primary states, combined with Senator McCarthy's refusal to quit the race, would have prevented Kennedy from ever winning a majority at the Democratic Convention, and that Humphrey would have been the Democratic nominee even if Kennedy had lived. To make matters worse, a poll in Wisconsin showed McCarthy beating the President badly, with the latter only getting 12% of the vote.

To a great extent the story of the 1968 Republican primary campaign and nomination is the story of one Nixon opponent after another entering the race and then dropping out. [89], From 1968 until 2004, only two Democrats were elected president, both native Southerners – Jimmy Carter of Georgia and Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

While the protesters chanted "the whole world is watching", the police used clubs and tear gas to beat back or arrest the protesters, leaving many of them bloody and dazed. Thus, the party machinery and many of the new congressmen and governors supported him. He also pursued a "Southern strategy" designed to win conservative Southern white voters who had traditionally supported the Democrats. Indeed, he died on January 22, 1973, only two days after the new presidential term concluded.

Source (Popular Vote): Leip, David.

Although the American military was eventually able to fend off the attacks, and also inflict heavy losses among the communist opposition, the ability of the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong to launch large scale attacks during the Tet Offensive's long duration greatly weakened American support for the military draft and further combat operations in Vietnam. Incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson had been the early front-runner for the Democratic Party's nomination, but withdrew from the race after narrowly winning the New Hampshire primary. In a clash which was covered on live television, Americans were shocked to see Chicago Police officers brutally beating anti-war protesters.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, igniting further mass rioting and chaos, including Washington, D.C., where there was rioting within just a few blocks of the White House and machine guns were stationed on the Capitol steps to protect it.[4][5].

[2] It was also the first time since 1888 that bellwether Coös County, New Hampshire did not support the winning candidate,[92] which has occurred again only in 2004. Though United States President Lyndon B. Johnson had served during two presidential terms, the 22nd Amendment did not disqualify Johnson from running for another term, because he had only served 14 months following John F. Kennedy's assassination before being sworn in for his "full" term in January 1965. This election was the last time until 1992 that the Democratic nominee won Connecticut, Maine, and Michigan and the last until 1988 when Washington voted Democrat, and the last time a Republican won the presidency without winning Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.

The Pentagon called for sending several hundred thousand more soldiers to Vietnam.

On March 31, 1968, at the end of a televised address regarding the War, the President shocked the nation by announcing that he would not seek re-election. What were main reasons why Nixon won the 1968 presidential election Nixon won the 1968 presidential election because of: 1) Democrat divisions. The loss of his campaign, which had relied on his popularity and charisma convincing non-primary delegates to support him at the convention, meant that the anti-war movement was effectively over, and that Humphrey would be the prohibitive favorite for the nomination.

[78] He did not leak the information to the public because he did not want to "shock America" with the revelation,[79] nor reveal that the NSA was intercepting communications in Vietnam.

From 1932 to 1964, the Democratic Party was undoubtedly the majority party, winning seven out of nine presidential elections, and their agenda influenced policies undertaken by the Republican Eisenhower administration. Humphrey later regretted this as a mistake.

Vice President to Lyndon B. Johnson who ran for the election in 1968 against George Wallace and Richard Nixon.

Had Humphrey carried all three of these states, he would have won the election. Draftees made up 42 percent of the military in Vietnam, but suffered 58% of the casualties as nearly 1000 Americans a month were killed and many more were injured.

The primary reason for the precipitous decline of President Lyndon B. Johnson's popularity was the Vietnam War, which he greatly escalated during his time in office. Johnson concluded his speech and startled the nation by announcing "With America's sons in the fields far away, with America's future under challenge right here at home, with our hopes and the world's hopes for peace in the balance every day, I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office—the presidency of your country.

Robert Kennedy's death threw the Democratic Party into disarray. He also carried eight states that voted for John F. Kennedy in 1960: Illinois, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada and Delaware. On June 4, Kennedy narrowly defeated McCarthy in California, 46%–42%. Kennedy campaigned in the ghettos and barrios of the state's larger cities, where he was allegedly mobbed by enthusiastic supporters. However, McCarthy upset Kennedy in the Oregon primary. Political historians still debate whether Kennedy could have won the Democratic nomination had he lived. Retrieved August 7, 2005. Name and location for the Democratic Nomination convention in 1968. He was Vice President for Dwight Eisenhower and went against JFK in the 1960 election, and came back in 1968 and got elected President. However, Kennedy's delegates failed to unite behind a single candidate who could have prevented Humphrey from getting the nomination. [68] Johnson was enraged and said that Nixon had "blood on his hands" and that Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen agreed with Johnson that such action was "treason. Source: Keating Holland, "All the Votes... Really," CNN[45], The American Independent Party, which was established in 1967 by Bill and Eileen Shearer, nominated former Alabama Governor George Wallace – whose pro-racial segregation policies had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party – as the party's candidate for president. "[31] Issues surrounding reports of this allegation have raised questions about its accuracy,[33] such as the fact that Johnson was attending Texas Governor John Connally's birthday gala in Austin, Texas, when Cronkite's editorial aired and thus was unable to see the original broadcast.

By withdrawing from the race, he could avoid the stigma of defeat and could keep control of the party machinery to support Hubert Humphrey, his loyal Vice President. [37] However, Johnson's telephone calls show that Johnson believed the Nixon camp was deliberately sabotaging the Paris peace talks. [77] In response, Johnson ordered NSA surveillance of Chennault and wire-tapped the South Vietnamese embassy and members of the Nixon campaign. (White, pgs.

The police said that their actions were justified because numerous police officers were being injured by bottles, rocks, and broken glass that were being thrown at them by the protestors.

[52] Wallace also proved to be popular among blue-collar workers in the North and Midwest, and he took many votes which might have gone to Humphrey.[53].

On March 12, McCarthy won 42 percent of the primary vote to Johnson's 49 percent, a shockingly strong showing against an incumbent president, which was even more impressive because Johnson had more than 24 supporters running for the Democratic National Convention delegate slots to be filled in the election, while McCarthy's campaign organized more strategically, McCarthy won 20 of the 24 delegates. Nixon vowed to restore order and law to the nation after the riots that had broken out in the previous years and he would appoint less active judges in creating social policy and was against the draft. His major third party involvement took votes from Hubert Humphrey who narrowly lost in several states. Nixon won a plurality of the popular vote by a narrow margin, but won by a large margin in the Electoral College, carrying most states outside of the Northeast.

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