baha'i faith population

The change brought teaching efforts into the rural areas of India, where the teachings of the unity of humanity attracted many of the lower caste. They derived numbers from, "calculation of approximate numbers from the number of Bahá'í organizations; extrapolating back from the official figures for the number of individual Bahá'ís provided more recently; estimates provided by informed Bahá'ís; and when the first draft of this paper was completed, a copy was sent to the Department of Statistics in Haifa and the present table incorporates some of the statistical information given in the reply to this, dated 8 July 1988. [56] She visited Africa again on several trips from 1969 to 1973. Publication however was delayed in the United States until 1919 – published in Star of the West magazine on 12 December 1919. 2005- 2007. [6][7] It is the only religion to have grown faster than the population of the world in all major areas over the last century. The first claim apparently represents a legal rather than anthropological determination, as Baháʼís are regarded as Muslims under Iranian law. [83], ʻAbdu'l-Bahá's first European trip spanned from August to December 1911, at which time he returned to Egypt. [18], All local and national Spiritual Assemblies are expected to keep membership records that include declarations of faith and withdrawals, which are used for annual assembly elections. 3 Estimates of U.S. membership data: [88][89], ʻAbdu'l-Bahá arrived in Liverpool on 13 December,[90] and over the next six months he visited Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, and Germany before finally returning to Egypt on 12 June 1913. This religion's name comes from the Arabic word for splendor. In this brief time ʻAlí-Akbar Furútan was able to return in 1990 as the guest of honor at the election of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Soviet Union. Baháʼu'lláh, founder of the religion, was himself briefly in Egypt in 1868 when on his way to imprisonment in ʻAkká. During his first European trip he visited Lake Geneva on the border of France and Switzerland, Great Britain and Paris, France. [106] In the United States, hosting one of the most prominent Baháʼí communities, the estimate[permanent dead link] in Feb 2011 was 169,130 members on record, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. [37][38][39] In 1997 the National Spiritual Assembly presented a Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa which said in part: Abhorring all forms of prejudice and rejecting any system of segregation, the Baháʼí Faith was introduced on a one-to-one basis and the community quietly grew during the apartheid years, without publicity. [63] Since then there have been homes burned down and families driven out of towns. The Unity Of God The three Pillars of Bahai faith are the Unity of God, Unity of Religion, and the Unity of Humanity. The original purpose of signing a declaration card was to allow followers to apply for lawful exemption from active military service. The Baháʼís of New Zealand elected their first independent National Spiritual Assembly in 1957. The Bahá'í faith, which developed in nineteenth-century Iran, is relatively new, compared with other major world religions. [67] He suggests that the mentality of the believers in India changed during the later years of Shoghi Effendi's ministry, when they were instructed to accept converts who were illiterate and uneducated. David Langness | Oct 2, 2013. In 1910, ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, then head of the Baháʼí Faith, embarked on a three-year journey to Egypt, Europe, and North America, spreading the Baháʼí message. It was an all day affair. During that time he wrote the Kitab al-aqdas (Arabic for "The Most Holy Book"). Would to God every State within American Republic and every Republic in American continent might ere termination of this glorious century embrace the light of the Faith of Baháʼu'lláh and establish structural basis of His World Order. Is allowance to be made for the pattern of multi-religious adherence which is common in many parts of the world? In 1844 the Bab announced that he had had a revelation from God and that he was a bearer of divine truth. [22] Margit Warburg wrote, As with other voluntary organisations, some members become more active than others, but the fact that there is no fixed membership subscription means that there is no economic motive for inactive Baháʼís to take the initiative to resign membership. There are more than 5 million Bahá’ís in the world. First century of Baháʼí Era drawing to a close. Ils s’organisent autour de plus de 100 000 centres (répertoriés par le centre mondial de Haïfa) à travers le monde. Jainism. estimated 7 million Baháʼís in 2000 based on Baháʼí sources, research from the, In 1912, a reporter in Salt Lake City claimed, On June 16, 1912, a news report introduced him as the "Persian religious leader and spiritual and temporal head of the 14,000,000 of Baháʼís scattered throughout the world. In 2013 Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha of Trinidad and Tobago Branch 377, an organization of those who have Trinidad and … Inactive Baháʼís, however, are not expelled just because they are inactive in community life, since in principle they could still be believing Baháʼís. Wide-scale growth in the religion across Sub-Saharan Africa was observed to begin in the 1950s and extend in the 1960s. [116] The first Baháʼí in the Antipodes was Dorothea Spinney who had just arrived from New York in Auckland in 1912. ", "Global Religious Populations, 1910–2010", "Estimating the Religious Composition of All Nations", "The Baha'i Faith 1957–1988: A Survey of Contemporary Developments", "Populations and Demographic Trends of European Countries, 1980-2010", "ʻAbdu'l-Bahá ʻAbbas Comes to Lecture on Baháʼí Religion", "Over 35,000 Buddhists, Baha'is call Pakistan home", "ʻAbdu'l-Bahá ʻAbbas, Head of New Religion, Believes in Woman Suffrage and Divorce", "The List: The World's Fastest-Growing Religions", Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "The Economist explains: The Bahai faith", "Baha'i Blogcast with Rainn Wilson – Ep 53: Sean Hinton (part 1) – The Story of Becoming the Knight of Baha'u'llah for Mongolia", "Commons sees first debate on Iran persecutions", "The story of Van Kee Leong, Malaysia's first Baha'i", "The Faith in India: Chronicle of growth", "Bahá'ís in Guyana celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb", "Religion by Australian States and Territories", "The Baha'i Faith in America as Panopticon, 1963-1997", "2011 National Household Survey: Data tables", "Facts and Figures - How many Baháʼís are there? Miscegenation, race-mixing, abandonment of your own people, and allowing their extinction are the true sins of God's True Aqdas. [96][97] It was called to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the declaration of Baháʼu'lláh, and announce and present the election of the first members of the Universal House of Justice with the participation of over 50 National Spiritual Assemblies' members from around the world. [19] The Baháʼí system of membership thus has a system of contracting into the religion and some maintenance of the membership list is required for community functioning. At times the authorities in Iran have claimed that there are no Baháʼís in their country, and that the persecutions were made up by the CIA. In 1960, with a regime change in Egypt, the Baháʼís lost all rights as an organized religious community[47] by Law 263[48] at the decree of then-President Gamal Abdel Nasser[49] which specified a minimum sentence of six months' imprisonment or a fine for any organized activities of the Baháʼís. The current estimate of the number of Baha’is in the world is at most 5–7.5 million adherents. 2 The Canadian census found 14,730 in Canada in 1991 and 18,020 in 2001. His first touch on European soil was in Marseille, France. She talked to audiences about the future of African Baháʼís and their role in the religion. Since these countries were also by this time providers of development aid, this overt attack on the Baha'is was supported by covert moves such as linking the aid money to a particular country to the action that it took against the Baha'is. [44] He was appointed as the youngest[45] Hand of the Cause, the highest appointed position in the religion. I’m not sure that you can call that ‘growth’ it is slightly higher than the general population growth of 0.70% per year. Baha’is recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ and see the Baha'i Faith as fulfillment of, and the next chapter in, Christ’s promise of creating the Kingdom of God on earth. It was held in the Royal Albert Hall and chaired by Hand of the Cause Enoch Olinga, where approximately 6,000 Baháʼís from around the world gathered. [87] From then he went to Great Britain. If the delusion called the Baha'i Faith continues, soon there will be no more charming Mary Maxwells left. The divisions and injustices that beset America are symptoms of longstanding spiritual illnesses of racism and materialism that can only be resolved by recognizing the oneness of humanity. Countries where the Baháʼí Faith is established: Languages into which Baháʼí literature is translated. [11] Those that have included the Baháʼí Faith are known to under- or overestimate many proportionally small groups. Humanity entering outer fringes most perilous stage its existence. The prevailing norm in the Western world is that members of minority religious groups must be actively participating to be considered a member, and members of majority religious groups have a large number of passive adherents. Source gives the number for Guadalupe, which is the main city of the nation of São Tomé and Príncipe. Baha’i Faith Statement on the Environment. [107] By 1963, most countries in South America had their own National Spiritual Assembly. (And the Baha'i Faith ruined the personality of this one.) This was partially successful and a number of countries did ban the Baha'is for a time. Few national Baháʼí communities have the administrative capacity for efficient enumeration of membership,[9] and Baháʼí membership data does not break out active participation from the total number of people who have expressed their belief. [46], Troubles characterize the experience of the Baháʼís across the Saharan countries. During the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the subsequent few years, a significant number of Baháʼís left the country during intensive persecution. One can see exactly where the Faith … The Baha’i faith began in Persia (now Iran) in the 19th century. Minors under 15 years of age not counted. Presently, Bahai faithful in the world are estimated to stand at 5 million in more than 200 countries and territories. The Baháʼí House of Worship in Panama City, Panama, completed 1972. [21], The change toward including children in statistics caused an increase in the total number of reported Baháʼís in the late 1980s, but has been consistent since.[22]. Following this a few Baháʼís began to move south. People began to follow him. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. [12] Country-level detail from World Christian Encyclopedia, on which many other estimates rely, tends to be much higher than the numbers available from Baháʼí institutions, which themselves are counting declared belief, not active participation. Jainism originated in India and dates back to at least the 6th century B.C.E. [43] Among the figures of the religion in Africa, the most senior African historically would be Enoch Olinga. [92] In 1959 the Baháʼí National Spiritual Assembly of Turkey was formed with the help of ʻAlí-Akbar Furútan, a Hand of the Cause — an individual considered to have achieved a distinguished rank in service to the religion. About 2,100 indigenous tribes, races, and ethnic groups are represented in the Bahá’í community. ABC News: Jack Fisher [1] Most encyclopedias and similar sources estimate between 5 and 6 million Baháʼís in the world in the early 21st century. [93][94] However, repeating the pattern of arrests in the 20s and 30s, in 1959 there was a mass arrest of the local assembly of Ankara.[92]. Adherents of the Baha’i Faith increased to 5,021 from 4,645 in the 2001 census. Baháʼís are noted in most of the rest of the countries of Asia. Bahá’ís reside in well over 100,000 localities. The timber used for making the doors and benches was from Uganda. [20] Early membership rolls excluded children of Baháʼís and didn't even count them separately. [50] In obedience to the government is a core principal of the religion. This number is for West Germany, and there is no entry for Baháʼís in East Germany. Baha Allah was imprisoned or exiled from 1852 to 1877. Baháʼí authors Peter Smith and Moojan Momen, commenting on the difficulties of counting Baháʼís, wrote the following: With any religious movement there are invariable problems of quantification unless the movement's own enumeration techniques are exceptionally efficient, or government censuses incorporate questions on religion. [citation needed], A peculiar difficulty arises in counting Baháʼís because a tenant of the faith is that parents cannot choose the religion of their children and that 15 is the age of spiritual maturity when an individual can make the choice. En 2011, cette religion met en avant dans ses documents le chiffre de 7 millions de membres appartenant à plus de 2 100 groupes ethniques, répartis dans plus de 189 pays,. It serves as the mother temple of Latin America. The major program of action being the Ten Year Crusade and the overall list of the first pioneers to countries in the Knights of Baháʼu'lláh – the last being in July 1989 when the religion entered Mongolia. While the Baháʼí Faith grew in Western Europe, the Universal House of Justice, the head of the religion since 1963, then recognized small Baháʼí presence across the USSR of about 200 Baháʼís. The colored glass in the wall panels was brought from Germany. At the other extreme of the continent the Baháʼí Faith in South Africa struggled with issues under the segregated social pattern and laws of Apartheid in South Africa. The Baha'i census claims that there are 6 to 7.2 million adherents of the Faith in the world which is nothing but a blatant LIE. Serves as the second-most geographically widespread religion after Christianity increase from 75,448 adults and youth it... A significant number of Baha ’ is in the early 21st century population 8,531,050! 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