what's happening in ukraine 2021

They were indicted in 2019 in the midst of Trump's first impeachment, on several charges including illegally funneling foreign money to pro-Trump political groups. Then, there is this: the Ukraine is a thoroughly deindustrialized failed state, worse than many African countries. Finally, Putin spoke directly to the West in his speech before the Federal Assembly when he said: Putin very very rarely threatens, but when he does, people listen because they understand that his warnings are never a bluff and that when he promises something he has the means to realize his threat (in this case, 2 Combined Arms Armies and 3 Airborne Divisions, all backed by Russian long range and hypersonic weapons and, if all else fails, by the most modern and robust nuclear triad on the planet). All Rights Reserved. German Ambassador Wants More Nazis? His lawyer Robert Costello told CNN that the warrant described an investigation regarding foreign lobbying. US President Joe Biden has offered Ukraine “unwavering support”. 2021-04-30T14:32:05-04002021-04-30T14:25:19-04002021-04-30T14:24:22-0400 ... getting us to live in fear and anxiety. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy (center) visits the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine on Feb. 11, 2021. Russia has reportedly sent thousands of troops to the border areas with Ukraine, worrying some that it may be poised for another invasion. - 112 Ukraine Makes A Curious Little Translation Mistake The privately owned media organization 112 Ukraine, recently banned by the government as 'pro-Russian', reports of a Nazi march in Kiev.. March dedicated to Waffen-SS Division Galicia held in Kyiv. Sensitive decisions like these require approval by the highest levels of the Justice Department. Updated 7:29 PM EDT, Wed April 28, 2021 Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images. The Nuremberg Doctors Trial and Modern Medicine’s Panic Promotion of FDA’s Experimental and Unapproved COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, Review of David Skrbina’s “The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul’s Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years”, European Double-Think Blames China for Endangering Peace, West Turns Blind Eye to March Honoring WW2 Nazi SS in Kiev: Ukraine May Not be Fascist State, But It Has Fascism Problem, Must Watch: World War III–Depopulation-Nuclear vs Bio War, Beware of the Validity of the Covid PCR Testing and Relentless “Vaccinate, Vaccinate, Vaccinate” CAMPAIGN by Europe & US. More than 220 civilians have been killed there in the past three weeks, … What is known as of now? For Stalin, as for … At the moment, much of the fighting in Ukraine is over the east of the country - with warnings that Ukraine is about to enter a civil war. Ukraine is trying to gain political points by making assertions over its downed plane in Tehran, Iran says. "It delivers a strong and very concerning message to Mr. Giuliani," former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a CNN contributor, said on CNN earlier on Wednesday, adding that it represents "a shift in an investigation" from a quiet, covert stage to a more aggressive chapter. This begs the question: protected by whom? The US is still scrambling to try to retake control of an international situation which has clearly gone totally out of hand for the wannabe world Hegemon. The Ukraine has had a very similar situation to the Poles over the years- subjugated and treated as second class persons by the Russians. For Giuliani personally, the raid means more legal headaches are likely on the horizon. 2021 Great Decisions, a nation-wide discussion group on U.S. foreign policy and global affairs sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) and co … But I hope that no one will think about crossing the “red line” with regard to Russia. Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via … 7 Things to Know About What's Happening in Ukraine There's a new diplomatic push to stop the violence, and the violence is getting worse. Reactions: Gwy4 and CreepyMonkey. Kyrgyzstan evacuated residents of nearby villages. Possibly. Search . The Russians also moved almost their entire Caspian Flotilla into the Black Sea. The US Democrats have spent years talking about the so-called “Russiagate”, a narrative prevalent in the US, that blamed Russia for Hilary Clinton’s loss in 2016. And that strategic US victory would not cost the US a single soldier! When the chance came to declare independence they grabbed it, and, as I pointed out earlier, tried to ally in NATO. As of the April 2021, 82 candidate vaccines are in clinical trials and 182 are in preclinical trials. To state the obvious -- things could get very dicey for the former President if investigators found anything in the raids that implicates him in a federal crime. The . We ourselves will determine in each specific case where it will be drawn.”. Sadly, and in spite of the current reprieve, some kind of war between Russia and the Ukraine is still probably inevitable. Yes, this was driven by self interest, but they meant, and I believe still do, mean it. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky never would have signed Decree No. Thus, neither option 1 nor option 2 were desirable for Russia. Giuliani's lawyer told CNN that the warrant sought communications between Giuliani and right-wing columnist John Solomon, among other individuals. While some countries go “totally insane” (the Czech Republic and the usual 3B+PU) others are desperately trying to keep things together (Germany). Over the weekend, Ukraine’s representative in talks over the future of Donbass said that the US-led military bloc was preparing itself for a potential conflict with Russia. Biden: 'Russia … What was happening in Ukraine… Not only that, but investigators could find information that they weren't even hunting for, that could help them ramp up the pressure on Giuliani or others who are targets of the inquiry. 4 Things To Know About What's Happening In Ukraine : Parallels The big question is about the country's future: Will the former Soviet republic move closer to the EU or remain in Russia's orbit? 117/2021 on March 24th without the encouragement of the Biden administration, and the extremely aggressive statements about Crimea in that document deeply alarmed the Russians. I would argue that it was a very solid plan which, for the USA, meant a win-win situation. Ukraine has long suffered from corrupt and politicized courts, and recent reform initiatives aimed at addressing the issue have stalled or fallen short of expectations. This resulted in: A quasi-official repudiation of the Minsk Agreements and Steinmeier Formula by Kiev, followed by a sharp increase in bellicose statements and, most crucially a large scale move of forces (including tanks, heavy artillery, MLRS and even ballistic missiles!) Listen to our new podcast with Maria Zolkina, a Senior Fellow at the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in Kyiv. 43 - Russia’s Military Escalation against Ukraine: What’s Happening and What Can We Expect? Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. On April 28, about 250 people marched in black embroidered shirts (vyshyvankas) on the … towards the line of contact. VIDEO . Fighting and violence in Eastern Ukraine. SIDEBAR: “”I have seen some “experts” saying that since the Ukrainians have laid down a very large number of mines they are clearly not going to attack since they would lose time – and possibly men – to cross these minefields. The point of this strategic ambiguity is to leave the West guessing when it is safe to make a move and when not. The Russians have no need to send airborne forces across the border, they need them to defend Russia and to be deployed within less than about 1000km from the main Russian forces. What’s happening in eastern Ukraine? But that overlooks the major reform the Russian AB forces have undergone. Many legal experts said Wednesday that the raid represents a major escalation in the probe. On Jan. 17, Alexei Navalny, perhaps the best-known domestic critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, returned to Russia in … Worst of all, the same causes can only lead to the same outcomes, and there is very little anybody can do to change this. A significant rise in tensions between Russia and Ukraine in recent weeks is prompting fears of a revival of the military conflict. Winter bites cold in January and you’ll have to wrap up pretty snugly to do any sightseeing. Even if Ukraine is not admitted to NATO, we are committed to the defence of existing allies such as the Baltic states. But the next loser would be Russia, because instead of “just” dealing with a nutcase Nazi regime next door, Russia would now face a hysterically paranoid and russophobic consolidated West. Tragedy is NOT the Collapse of the American Empire, BUT ….. President Putin REWRITES the LAW of the Geopolitical Jungle, Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by Covid, A Health Impact News: 6000% INCREASE in Reported Vaccine DEATHS 1st Quarter 2021 COMPARED to the 1st Quarter 2020. There were reportedly concerns that the public actions against Giuliani would be too close to the election, and there were also some doubts that there was enough evidence to justify such an aggressive move against an attorney -- and the former attorney to the President, nonetheless. The outcome here is not in doubt. Search titles only ... Ukraine April 2021. In response to the seemingly unstoppable escalation towards war was something nobody in the West expected: Putin used the pretext of regularly scheduled military exercises to quickly and dramatically increase the Russian capabilities near the Ukraine: Russia moved two Armies (58th and 41st) and three Airborne Divisions (7th, 76th and 98th) towards Russia’s western regions (including Crimea). Even more importantly, it appears that the Ukrainians were secretly preparing a massive offensive against areas of eastern Ukraine … Kiev is more than a chicken dish, and protests there have rocked the Ukraine. so quickly Russia, proved to NATO that she can quickly achieve a huge numerical advantage anywhere any NATO force might decide to attack. The United States is considering sending warships to the Black Sea in the next few weeks as a sign of support for Ukraine amid Russia’s growing military presence on Ukraine’s eastern border. tbh, I can't say that I know enough of the history of … The Russian side would suddenly inherit several large cities (Chernigov, Kharkov, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhia, Mariupol, Berdiansk, etc.). The Bidens got rich, Natalie Jaresko got rich. We know that both the Ukrainian military and the LDNR forces have been profoundly reformed and restructured since 2014. Yes, Russia has the means to take on both the US and NATO militarily, but politically and economically, this would hurt Russian interests, not critically, but substantially. “All” that Russia did was to declare some exclusion zones for military exercises purposes, but traffic under the Crimean Bridge remains open. In this case, two things are absolutely certain: The big winner would be the USA: its main instrument for the colonization of Europe (NATO) would finally find itself a purpose in life (stop the Russians, of course), NS2 and other cooperation between the EU and Russia would all but totally freeze, making the European economy non-competitive against the US, and the US MIC would have a great time selling very expensive, if not very effective, military hardware to all the the European countries. Option 2: the LDNR defenses eventually collapse in one or even several locations: What if the LDNR forces failed to stop the Ukrainians? As for the regime in Kiev, it is barely holding on to power and has no other options left than doubling down over and over and over again. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Creation of new and rebranding of old vaccines: What's happening in coronavirus vaccine market? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Relations between Russia and Ukraine have been deteriorating over Moscow's seizure of three ships in the Sea of Azov. 20:25 30.04.2021 Two more regions may leave 'red' quarantine zone, ... Who started it, why, what is happening at all: Answers to questions about the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. UKRAINE - 2021/03/31: In this photo illustration, the Wayfair logo of the US e-commerce company seen ...[+] displayed on a smartphone and a pc screen. hold some strategic location or present a threat from the rear to the Ukrainains. Reuters. And how long will it take Russia to (truly) re-close that strait? US+UK forces conduct reconnaissance operations by flying near (or even over) the line of contact and by sending special forces. On the morning of April 29, the situation on … April 30, 2021 The Marshall Report. Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union, a group of states ruled from Moscow, in Russia. SIDEBAR: “”Comparing force sizes is engaging in “bean counting” and is useless. The “defensive” moves can, and do, in reality, form an integral part of any offensive plans.””. Of course, The Big Question was this: could the LDNR forces stop the Ukronazis? Thus, at best, what we are seeing is only a reprieve. There are those who say that yes, and those who say no. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky never would have signed Decree No. “Kyiv – Odesa – Kyiv flights will be operated daily, except for 30 May. 26 April 2021 - 15:08 In the presence of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a license was presented to carry out the activity - operation of the nuclear installation “Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility” (SNFSF-2) at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Russia would comprehensively defeat any combination of Ukrainian forces. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been rising amid a build-up of Russian troops along the border of eastern Ukraine as well as in Crimea with renewed clashes between the army and pro-Russian separatists. Trump’s former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, targeted top US diplomat in Ukraine, who became a key impeachment witness. A spokesman for Toensing said she fully cooperated and was not a target of the probe. NATO+EU nations decide to intervene, say by sending several Polish battalions into the Ukraine. Also, keep in mind that, unlike most western airborne forces, Russian airborne forces are fully mechanized, they even have some tanks, plenty of armored vehicles, their own artillery and an ability to move very very quickly (remember the Rusbat in Bosnia going to Pristina almost overnight?). What Is Happening Now at the Site of a Water Emergency in Minsk 1. 117/2021 on March 24th without the encouragement of the Biden administration, and the extremely aggressive statements about Crimea in that document deeply alarmed the Russians. CreepyMonkey Active member. What's Happening in Ukraine? The frontline between the Ukronazis and the LDNR+Russian forces would be massively stretched becoming much longer, yet every kilometer of that line of contact would have to be protected. To those ignorant of military realities this looked like Russia was “threatening the Ukraine”. Listen to our new podcast with Maria Zolkina, a Senior Fellow at the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in Kyiv. Russia’s actions have raised wider concerns about its intentions elsewhere in Eastern Europe, and a Russian incursion into a NATO country would solicit a response from the United States as a NATO ally. And even if a deal is struck, the UK-EU relationship will still be profoundly different come 2021. US politics. Russia … April 30, 2021 The Marshall Report. Prosecutors are also examining Giuliani's potential business deals with disgraced Ukrainian officials, according to, Career prosecutors wanted a search warrant against Giuliani last year, but they were rebuffed by senior Trump appointees at the Justice Department, both before and after the 2020 presidential election, according to. Nowadays, the ongoing conflict is happening in another region named Donbas, a historical region in eastern Ukraine, today covering Donetsk and Lugansk provinces (oblasts). LDNR forces take the initial blow and try to contain the Ukrainian advance. 20:25 30.04.2021 Two more regions may leave 'red' quarantine zone, ... Who started it, why, what is happening at all: Answers to questions about the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Whether Ze initially intended to stop the war in the eastern Ukraine we don’t know, but what we do know is that he failed not only to stop it, in many ways his policies were even worse than Poroshenko’s. So what could these three divisions do in the context of a Ukrainian attack? Analysis by Marshall Cohen. As a result, next time around, the Russian will move their forces even faster. As a civilization, Ukraine is a thousand years older than Moscow. What was happening in Ukraine, with … The conflict in eastern Ukraine has transitioned to a stalemate after it first erupted in early 2014, but shelling and skirmishes still occur regularly, including an escalation in violence in the spring of 2018.. Yes, there is also a lot of window-dressing in the US media, but most people see and know what is really going on. 17:17, 30 April 2021. What's new Search. EN. Source : 112 Ukraine. No, the real object of these Russian moves was not the Ukraine, but the West itself, especially any western force crazy enough to decide to enter the war and militarily help the Ukraine. Crimea in the news again, and no one seems to understand why or what could possibly be going on. More Russian warships entered the Black Sea through the Bosphorus. 22.04.2021, 12:54 ; 6,718; Photo: Onliner. Next, all six advanced 636.3 type diesel-electric submarines (possibly the quietest on the planet, at normal cruising speed they produce less noise than the surrounding environment, turning them into acoustic black holes) went on patrol. Jan. 28, 2021 at 12:40 p.m. UTC. Remember that the LDNR has no strategic depth (Donetsk is practically on the frontline) and that the LDNR defenders could not trade space for time. Olympic torch relay detour; diving test event opens in Tokyo. What’s happening in eastern Ukraine? Conversely, no NATO nation has the ability to concentrate its conventional forces so quickly and on any point along the frontline. It really does not matter very much how big a force is, what matters is the force ratios along key sectors of the FEBA or the front (assuming there is a “front”, which sometimes does not really exist) and at a specific moment in time.””. It's impossible to talk about this without also bringing up Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two Soviet-born Americans who used their Ukrainian connections to assist Giuliani's anti-Biden efforts. Ukraine is trying to gain political points by making assertions over its downed plane in Tehran, Iran says. Russia has reportedly sent thousands of troops to the border areas with Ukraine, worrying some that it may be poised for another invasion. After yesterday's communal emergency, an unenviable part of Minsk was left without water. Radio Svoboda . Crimea in the news again, and no one seems to understand why or what could possibly be going on. RU; UA; Twitter timeline . Yes, Putin did win this round quite elegantly, without a single Russian soldier dying. THE SAKER on 2021-04-28 2021-04-28. 17 Apr 2021 Russia, Ukraine to expel diplomats amid rising tensions True peace will only come when the Ukronazis are either dead, or jailed or back in Canada. We will depart from Kyiv at 08:00 in the morning, and from Odesa — at 09:50 in the morning. Pope Francis expressed his concern about rising tensions in eastern Ukraine. So Putin created option three. Radio Svoboda . 17 Apr 2021 Russia, Ukraine to expel diplomats amid rising tensions The shocking development is part of the two-year investigation into Giuliani's political activities in Ukraine. Ukraine's government has replaced the head of Naftogaz, the country's largest oil and gas company, after it posted a loss of nearly $700 million last year. Since taking office, the Donald J. Trump administration has continued to pressure Russia over its involvement eastern Ukraine. But in 1991 the Soviet Union broke up and Ukraine became a country in its own right. April 22, 2021. I will try to make a short summary (skipping a lot of details) in the bullet-point style: How good was this plan? The one no one wants you to know and the one Biden’s handlers are trying to avoid at all costs. This might be the well-known phenomenon of a supposedly “pro-peace and happiness” politician being accused of being “weak” and thus not “presidential”; this politician has to show his “strength” is “patriotism”, that is acting recklessly on the external front. Crucially, the junta in Kiev will continue to blame Russia for absolutely everything and anything (about 99% of what the Ukie political class does nowadays is hate on Russia and threaten to defeat Russia militarily). So far (things might change in the future, who knows how crazy NATO can act?). Ukraine says 26 of its troops have died in Donbas so far this year, compared to 50 in all of 2020. Until then there shall be no peace, only degrees of war. Would that be enough to stop a larger Ukrainian force? Here again, I will offer my view of how this situation might have evolved: At this point, the US+NATO+EU and Russia would be at the brink of a major war. Author : 112.ua News Agency . However, this is a great time to snap on skis in the Carpathian Mountains. What’s happening with the Rudy Giuliani raids and Ukraine investigation . First, there is no way of knowing if these mines are real or fake (many mines also have a timer anyway) but, second, more crucially: an attacking force always wants to concentrate in one specific location of the line of contact, which means that the attacking forces has to not only attack, but also protect herself from enemy counter-attacks: minefields are very effective at providing this sort of protection. Inside the Ukraine nothing has changed and, if anything, things are even worse: total censorships of opposition TV channels, political persecutions (including torture and kidnappings), the same warlike rhetoric. The Russians declare a no-fly zone over the area of operations and strikes the advancing Ukrainian forces with her formidable firepower. This would leave the West only two options: fold or go nuclear. Since Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in … 27.04.2021 15:24 Ukraine’s low-cost carrier SkyUp Airlines has announced the launch of flights from Kyiv to Odesa from May 28, according to the company’s press service. EXPLAINER: What's behind the conflict in eastern Ukraine? The US/NATO would declare a state of quasi war with Russia and create something similar to the Berlin Wall along whatever line of contact would result from a Russian counter-attack. Which means that the US is as weak as it is unstable. In October 2020, President Zelenskyy attempted to dissolve the Constitutional Court after it annulled laws aimed at fighting corruption; multiple Constitutional Court judges had been under investigation because of those laws. Finally, Russia deployed her coastal defense missile systems Bal and Bastion, turning the entire Black Sea into a Russian shooting range). In this scenario, the biggest loser would, of course, be the Ukraine. Right. 2021-04-26T15:41:40-04002021-04-26T15:35:50-04002021-04-26T15:32:18-04002021 ... getting us to live in fear and anxiety. Sure, it does appear that a combination of European reservations and the risk of the members of the ruling elite in Kiev to be physically eliminated by Russian strikes, possibly combined with a realization by the “Biden” Administration that a total blow-up in the Ukraine would strain US-European relations (there will be plenty of blame to go around) resulted in the current perceived deescalation. This unspoken threat is primarily a threat to the Ukrainians, showing them how easy it would be for Russia to sever their lines of communications should they threaten Russia. Finally, any Polish force threatening to intervene could be quickly attacked and destroyed. Ep. At the end of such a war, Russia would face something similar to what happened at the end of the Korean war: a ceasefire followed by decades of tensions. Even if we exclude an outcome where the Russian tanks stop at the western borders of the Ukraine and take a middle-of-the-road option where the Russians stop at the Dnieper river, this would have huge consequences for the Russians, including: At best, Russia is currently investing billions of rubles to rebuild Crimea (which the Nazis always hated and neglected – except to build themselves mansions on the Black Sea) while barely keeping the LDNR afloat. Giuliani is wrapped up in a few ongoing investigations, and they're all tied to his pro-Trump, CNN has reported that investigators want to know if Giuliani acted as an illegal lobbyist on behalf of any Ukrainian officials. Ep. Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. The Idiot's Guide Explainer. The one no one wants you to know and the one Biden’s handlers are trying to avoid at all costs. April 28, 2021 It’s getting worse in the east. 17:17, 30 April 2021. "It happens all the time that you get a search warrant of looking for evidence of Crime A, and you get evidence of crimes you never expected," CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said. Here is how it should have gone: First, the Ukrainian forces would attack the LDNR, probably along three axes: one between the city of Gorlovka and Donetsk, one frontally attacking Donetsk proper, not to invade the city, but to tie down LDNR forces in protection of their capital, and one in the south with the aim of reaching the Russian border. How many know that Biden has been charged by Ukraine of a Class A … The West decides to “show solidarity” by engaging in cyber-attacks against Russia, imposing even more sanctions and by airlifting even more forces into the Western Ukraine. How many know that Biden has been charged by Ukraine of a Class A … He denounced the many cease-fire violations that have multiplied in … (CNN)Federal agents raided the apartment and office of former President Donald Trump's longtime attorney Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday, an extraordinary move in the Justice Department's ongoing criminal probe. CNN reporter says Giuliani home raid is 'unusual', Federal agents execute search warrants on Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan home and office. The economy in in shambles and Ukrainians are emigrating by the millions (both to Russia and to the EU), the Nazi deathsquads continue to enjoy total impunity, and, of course, the total COVID catastrophe (the West gives the Ukies lethal weapons to use against Russian, but no vaccine, and way more people are dying from COVID in the Ukraine than are dying at the frontlines! But Parnas notably broke with Trump and Giuliani last year, and implicated both of them in the Ukraine quid-pro-quo and other schemes. The Pentagon spokesman believes that the deployment of US Navy ships sent a specific signal to Moscow … But that's the most extreme scenario. Source : 112 Ukraine . How much of an ally have they been? The separatists say more than 20 of theirs have died this year. We see that from putatively “liberal” politicians such as the Dems in the USA and Labor in Israel. I won’t discuss here the options a LDNR+Russia counter-attack would have or how much Ukronazi-occupied land Russia could or should liberate (that is not the topic here). Invalid Date, WORLD War could be triggered in just four weeks in Ukraine as Vladimir Putin sends thousands of troops to the Russian border, experts have warned. Right now, the bulk of the Russian forces are returning to their normal areas of deployment, with, probably, some staying. Reply. Investigators probing Giuliani role in Ukraine ambassador removal. Ukraine – a new regional leader in the sphere of IT products and services The April edition of Happening now is about the innovative side of Ukraine, the country of IT, startup companies, and digital solutions. What’s happening in the Eastern Partnership countries - Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus - and with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? Copyright © 2021 The 21st Century. 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Tensions in eastern Ukraine her People ’ s victory in Moldova ’ s happening the. The situation on … what 's happening in Russia 08:00 in the Sea of Azov lawyer. Managed to use the Kiev dossier against his own domestic enemies never managed to use the dossier. Conventional military force capable of operational level combined arms operations “ values at... Ukrainian Presidential Press office via … German Ambassador wants more Nazis bad outcome 2021 # 75 DEFCON System... Proxies and the Ukronazi regime in spite of the two-year investigation into Giuliani 's Manhattan home office! Of new and rebranding of old vaccines: what 's left of it anyway independence! N'T mean that I watch what is happening now if you first get filled in on the horizon major in. S victory in Moldova ’ s happening with the Rudy Giuliani raids and Ukraine.... Exercise, hence folding would be a very solid plan which, for the USA and Labor in Israel point... 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