battle of ong thanh

The Battle of Ong Thanh was a battle of the Vietnam War that saw the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry (the "Black Lions"), ambushed and subsequently decimated by a well-entrenched and prepared National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF), or Viet Cong, regiment outnumbering the Americans almost 10-to-1. To break contact with the Viet Cong units which fired on Alpha Company from the western flank, First Sergeant Jose Valdez quickly organized an assembly area on the eastern side to round up the survivors.

Two U.S. Marine Corps amphibious tractors are moving along the beach in the foreground, with a UH-1 helicopter approaching at right. The Viet Cong steadily increased their fire which came in the form of various small arms, .50 caliber and 12.7mm machine guns.

The 3rd Platoon, on the other hand, was instructed to move forward to assist the wounded men from Alpha Company. When the bombing runs were over, Allen’s men entered the camp and a firefight broke out with Viet Cong snipers firing down from trees in the surrounding areas. While that was happening Alpha Company's right flank, which was covered by the 2nd Platoon, began to receive sporadic enemy fire. After marching for about 2 kilometers (1.2 mi), the battalion found a fortified Viet Cong bunker, so Allen ordered his men to pull back and directed airstrikes against Viet Cong positions. Allen's men then moved through the western end of the camp, and another fire-fight broke out with an estimated 60 Viet Cong soldiers. As Viet Cong fire increased in intensity, the soldiers of Delta Company picked up the distinctive sound of a U.S.-made M-60 machine-gun firing from the southern flank. Read more about Battle Of Ong Thanh:  Background, Prelude, Battle, Aftermath, “The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood, and for these deeds of horror and destruction men have been rewarded with monuments, with great songs and epics. All other time is PEACE.”—Thomas Hobbes (1579–1688), “The thundering line of battle stands,And in the air Death moans and sings:But Day shall clasp him with strong hands,And Night shall fold him in soft wings.”—Julian Grenfell (1888–1915). It lasted till the 20th of October. Allen assumed that Alpha Company was approaching his perimeter, so he ordered them to cease-fire because he feared his rifle companies were firing on each other. Launched on May 25, 1967 the operation ended June 5. Allen then decided to launch a full-frontal attack against the 271st Regiment's base camp, to determine if the enemy unit was still there. Almost immediately, the 1st Platoon sighted a Viet Cong soldier while scouting west of the trail and another group of Viet Cong soldiers soon appeared. New Zealand: 530 [1]. Starting from September 28, elements of the 1st Infantry Division were air-lifted into positions around Long Nguyen, but again only few contacts were made with the Viet Cong.

Allen then ordered Valdez to lead the survivors of Alpha Company northward to join the rest of the battalion. At around 12:20 pm Newman flew into Ong Thanh to assume command of the 2nd Battalion, while Coleman took control of the 1st Brigade. The Battle of Tra Binh Dong was probably the most famous battle fought by the South Korean Marines. As the surviving elements of Alpha Company pulled back, Delta Company began to receive sporadic fire from their southern flank, so Allen ordered his command group to remain in place near a prominent anthill with the 1st and 2nd Platoons of Delta Company. The 2nd Battalion re-entered the camp, and they discovered the bodies of 17 dead Viet Cong soldiers. Thailand: 2220 [1] Preceded by marching artillery fire, the 2nd Battalion stopped periodically to conduct cloverleaf patrols to their front, rear and both flanks. The Battle of Long Tan in a rubber plantation in South Vietnam in 1966 could have been an Australian military disaster, but is instead remembered as a decisive victory. Nonetheless, just before 12:00 pm, Allen instructed Delta Company to begin a northward march toward the battalion's base, and Bravo Company to move forward to cover the withdrawal. Coleman, who was coordinating the evacuation of U.S. casualties from a helicopter, decided to assemble the bodies of the dead in an area and protect it with artillery fire. The operation occurred January 6–15, 1967. On the morning of October 16, Allen led two rifle companies (Bravo and Delta) of the 2nd Battalion out from their temporary night defensive position along the Ong Thanh Stream to patrol an area to the southeast, which was covered by thick jungle canopy. [2], Running from July 2 to July 14, 1967 Operation Buffalo was a major operation that took place in the southern half of the DMZ, northeast of Con Thien.[2]. Bravo Company stayed behind to protect the battalion's base, along with the mortar sections of Alpha and Delta Companies. During the first few months of 1967, the Viet Cong absorbed heavy losses as a result of large-scale search and destroy missions conducted by the United States Army, and it prompted North Vietnamese leaders to review their war strategy in South Vietnam. About 10–15 minutes later, the 1st Platoon Leader reported that trees were moving, in addition to the sound of weapons clicking and the rattle of ammunition. During the first few months of 1967, the Viet Cong absorbed heavy losses as a result of large-scale search and destroy missions conducted by the United States Army, and it prompted North Vietnamese leaders to review their war strategy in South Vietnam. From April - May 1967 the Battle of Hill 881 was a battle between the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN or NVA) and United States Marines. Operation Union II was a search and destroy mission in the Que Son Valley carried out by the 5th Marine Regiment. The Battle of Ong Thanh was fought on the morning of October 17, 1967, in Binh Duong Province, South Vietnam. The rest of the 1st Platoon was then pinned down when the Viet Cong, from within concealed bunker positions, fired on them using captured M60 machine-guns. Again, Allen ordered his men to pull back and form a perimeter to protect their wounded soldiers, as artillery strikes were called in against Viet Cong bunker positions.
Then in September, following a string of attacks on allied military installations by Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops, Major General John H. Hay decided to temporarily stop conducting large-scale operations until the true intentions of Communist forces were known. At around 8:00 am on the morning of October 17, the 2nd Battalion departed from their night defensive position with Alpha Company in the lead followed by the Battalion Command Group, and the tail of the formation was covered by Delta Company. Conducted in the I Corps Tactical Zone it became known as "the Hill Fights", involving Hill 881 North, Hill 881 South, and Hill 861. Unable to communicate with the 1st and 2nd Platoons, George moved forward with the 3rd Platoon only to find his lead platoons held in their positions by enemy fire. The operation was notable in that it was a sizable, combined U.S. Marine and Vietnamese Marine amphibious operation and it was the last Special Landing Force (SLF) amphibious landing to take place beyond the boundaries of I Corps. The Battle of Đắk Tô was a series of major engagements of the Vietnam War that took place in Kontum Province, in the Central Highlands of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). Battle of Ong Thanh, South Vietnam, Oct 17th 1967. Posted 6 years ago. Battle. Launched on April 21, 1967 the operation ended May 16.[2]. Shortly after the assembly area was established George, who was severely wounded from the Claymore explosion, turned his company over to Valdez. South Korea: 47,830 [1] USS Washtenaw County (LST-1166) is in the background during Operation Deckhouse Five. Read more about this topic:  Battle Of Ong Thanh, “What a battle a man must fight everywhere to maintain his standing army of thoughts, and march with them in orderly array through the always hostile country! On 17 October 1967, elements of the 2/28th Infantry found the basecamp of the 271st Main Force VC Regiment, which we had been pursuing and skirmishing with for the previous 8 days. Operation Junction City was an 82-day military operation conducted by United States and Republic of Vietnam (RVN or South Vietnam) forces begun on 22 February 1967 lasting till May 14, 1967. In response, George ordered the 1st Platoon to reinforce their ambush position. Thus, towards mid-1967, the Viet Cong 7th and 9th Divisions returned to the battlefield again, with the objective of inflicting casualties on U.S. military formations in III Corps Tactical Zone. However, on October 16, the 2nd Battalion of the U.S. 28th Infantry Regiment found a major Viet Cong bunker system located south of their night defensive position near the Ong Thanh Stream, and a short fire fight broke out. [4], The Battle of Tam Quan was a two-week battle fought when the American 8th Cavalry and other units disrupted the 7th and 8th battalions of the 22nd NVA Regiment, which was in the process of preparing to conduct a major attack on ARVN installations at Tam Quan.[5]. On June 12, the U.S. 1st Infantry Division launched Operation Billings to destroy elements of the Viet Cong 9th Division, which had built-up strength around northern Phuoc Vinh. The withdrawal quickly descended into a scene of chaos, as U.S. soldiers scrambled to avoid heavy enemy fire. Panel 28E - the price of war. However, due to the lack of sufficient manpower, Welch suggested that Allen should either call off the assault or get more soldiers on the ground for the operation. Battle reports were declassified in 1991, a ferocious fight that shocked the U.S citizen 16 years after the end of Vietnam war. The operation began on January 8, 1967 and ended on January 28, 1967.[2]. Launched on September 4, 1967 the ensuing battles killed 114 Americans and an estimated 376 North Vietnamese. Meanwhile, Alpha Company had linked up with Bravo Company, which had taken up positions about 450 meters (1,480 ft) to the south of the battalion's night defensive position with the task of assisting the wounded. Meanwhile, Triet's 1,200-strong regiment was joined by 200 soldiers from the C1 Company of Rear Service Group 83—under the command of Captain Nguyen Van Lam—and they set up a three-sided ambush and waited for the arrival of a reported U.S. battalion. In light of the setbacks which North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces had experienced early in 1967, North Vietnamese General Tran Van Tra suggested that North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces could still be victorious if they inflicted as much casualties as possible on U.S. military units, until America got tired and pulled out from Vietnam. It was a search and destroy mission in the Que Son Valley carried out by the 1st Marine Regiment. Division engaged in one of the Vietnam War´s most ferocious fights. [2], Operation Union was a military operation conducted by the United States Marine Corps.

Operation Hong Kil Dong was the largest South Korean operation of the Vietnam War to halt infiltration into friendly areas. During that operation, American soldiers made only limited contact with the Viet Cong, but they claimed to have defeated enemy troops in two separate battles. The Battle of Ong Thanh was a battle of the Vietnam War that saw the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry (the "Black Lions"), ambushed and subsequently decimated by a well-entrenched and prepared National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF), or Viet Cong, regiment outnumbering the Americans almost 10-to-1.

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