chloroplasts in a sentence

A summary slide is shown in Fig 1: Figure 1. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

The electrons in cells called chloroplasts are excited by sunlight.

The origin of these areas that lack functional green chloroplasts is in primordial tissue.

The main assimilating tissue, on the other hand, is under the upper epidermis, where it is well illuminated, and consists of oblong cells densely packed with chloroplasts and with their long axes perpendicular to the surface (palisade tissue). A glyphosate-resistant plant cell of Claim 22 in which the chloroplast transit peptide is from a plant EPSPS gene... . ‘Fluorescence of guard cell chloroplasts was imaged when plants were at approximately the six-leaf stage.’ More example sentences ‘As Zeiger et al. Figure: Irrigation technique for introducing a stain under a coverslip Awaiting image 3. Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Contact Us.

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The chloroplasts are generally distinguished by their green color, which is due to the presence of chlorophyll; but in many Algae this is masked by another coloring matterPh ycoerytlsrin in the Florideae, Phycophaein in the Phaeophyceae, and Phycocyanin in the Cyanophyceae. organelles known as chloroplasts (next page ).

chloroplatinate. These microscopic organisms, typically 1-5 micrometres long, are distinguished by the absence of sub-cellular organelles, such as a … chlorophytes. chloropicrin.

chloroplasts. There's the familiar system of organelles called chloroplasts that turn sunlight into fuel via photosynthesis..

This is met with in the form of small granular specks in the substance of the chloroplast, specks which assume a blue color when treated with a solution of iodine. which is essentially a parenchymatous tissue containing chloroplasts, and is penetrated by a system of intercellular spaces so that the surfaces of the assimilating cells are brought into contact with air to as large an extent as possible, in order to facilitate gaseous interchange between the assimilating cells and the atmosphere.

27. Glaucophyte algal chloroplasts have a peptidoglycan layer between the chloroplast membranes. The same enzyme exists in chloroplasts and bacteria.. There's the familiar system of organelles called chloroplasts that turn sunlight into fuel via photosynthesis. Envelope membranes from spinach chloroplasts are a site of metabolism of fatty acid hydroperoxides. All Rights Reserved. Bacteria to archaea and eukaryotes via endosymbiotic ancestors of mitochondria and chloroplasts. The chloroplast consists of two parts, a colorless ground substance, and a green coloring matter, which is contained either in the form of fibrils, or in more or less regular spherical masses, in the colorless ground-mass.

Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum. chloroplast definition: 1. one of the parts in a plant cell that contain chlorophyll and where energy provided by light….

The dimeric PSII supercomplex used for this study was isolated from spinach chloroplast thylakoid membranes. A second important development has also taken place, with much less media coverage: the genetic engineering of cell organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria. phylogeny based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences and morphology. Here are some examples.

Example sentences for: chloroplast- How can you use “chloroplast-” in a sentence? Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. However this is not the case for the chloroplast complex which plays a distinct role in supplying acetyl CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis. These cells do not contain chloroplasts - why?

59. Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each chloroplast, as in Mesocarpus and Spirogyra; sometimes only an occasional chloroplast contains pyrenoid at all, as in Cladophora.

All Rights Reserved. The same enzyme exists in chloroplasts and bacteria. chloroplastid. Nearby Words. Blue-light reception in plants leads to phototropic plant movement, It was suggested above that one proton was released in the, Next, the transit sequence interacts with the proteinaceous components of the, High temperatures can cause plasmolysis, change, In photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms, nitrate assimilation involves two membrane barriers, the plasma and the, It is found in leaves, etiolated tissues, seeds, roots, fruits, and tubers in the, Granules of different sizes were noted in the, The cells lack a sheath and are uni-nucleate with a conspicuous single laminate parietal, There has long been speculation that excessive accumulation of starch may impair. chloroplast transgene containment is known not to be completely effective [5,6] . chloroplasts in a sentence - Use "chloroplasts" in a sentence 1. This action all takes place inside tiny capsules called chloroplasts that reside inside every plant cell - and which is where photosynthesis happens. They arise either from the leucoplasts or chloroplasts. Plant cells also have an additional organelle called, Glaucophyte algal chloroplasts have a peptidoglycan layer between the, Starch granules vary in composition and location across different, Light has been shown to be a requirement for, These shuttle systems also have the same transport function in, "PSII, PSI and cytochrome b6f are found in, A similar protein structure exists in the, The flowering plants are especially well represented in complete, This might provide a way to regulate protein import into, Toc75 is the most abundant protein on the outer.

Chloroplast, structure within the cells of plants and green algae that is the site of photosynthesis. The 4.1 kDa N-terminal transit peptide appears to target the nuclear encoded gene product through the chloroplast envelope into the chloroplast stroma.

2. Learn more. They do not represent the opinions of Sentence Examples. Each cell is nearly circular and a single bright green chloroplast fills the entire cell. The "Latro" algae-powered lamp, invented by Dutch designer Mike Thompson, was inspired by the discovery that electrodes can be inserted into algae's chloroplasts to make electricity. Frey J. Das Ziel einer Zusammenfassung ist es, die Hauptaussagen und wichtigsten Informationen des Textes kurz, präzise und sachlich darzustellen. Genetic flexibility of plant chloroplasts, Nature 1998, 398, 115-6. chloroplasts in the light, this will require the use of inhibitors. It is clear therefore that there is an intimate relationship between the metabolic processes in the developing chloroplast and nuclear gene expression. In addition, it has a single chloroplast, which makes it easy to produce a uniformly transformed culture.
An example of a sentence using the word is: Chlorophyll is stored in organelles called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are very sensitive to light and are capable in. Chloroplast in a sentence 1) Chloroplast membranes are very susceptible to attack by oxygen radicals which are generated as a by-product of... 2) Plant cells carry chloroplasts: organelles containing the pigment chlorophyll, which they employ to entrap sunlight.

It would be used in a sentence such as: "He didn't start school that semester as he would have had to register by a certain date." They do not represent the opinions of A transgenic tobacco trichome cell containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) targeted to the chloroplast outer envelope. have recently emphasized, guard cell chloroplasts show remarkable functional plasticity.’ Instead it is a member of the clade Sacoglossa, the sap-sucking sea slugs.Some members of this group use, Chloroplasts. It appears that originally free-living green bacteria were hijacked into plant cells, where they eventually evolved into what we now call chloroplasts. chloroplasts of eukaryotic plants and algae. Using different glass filters, I could show that it was not the wavelength absorbed by the chlorophyll (red light) which regulated the orientation of the chloroplasts but indirectly some yellowish pigments absorbing the blue light. Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary.

These substances can, however, be dissolved out in water, and the green coloring matter of the chloroplast then becomes visible. A chloroplast is an organelle in green plants containing the light harvesting pigment chlorophyll.

How to use chloroplast in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word chloroplast? They are devoid of cellulosic cell walls, That cyanobacterium became the ancestor of every living. Chloroplasts are very sensitive to light and are capable in. The chloroplast genome codes for the transcription and translation machinery of the chloroplast plus numerous structural proteins. Pathways for the targeting of thylakoid lumen proteins in chloroplasts.

Chloroplast transformation to produce GM pharmaceuticals entails specific risks that are associated with its advantages. Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum. All Rights Reserved. chloroplastids. The chloroplasts increase in number by division., which takes place in higher plants when they have attained a certain size, independent of the division. In Spirogyra and allied forms the chloroplast grows as the cell grows, and only divides when this divides.

The subaerial part is tubular or ovoid, and contains the chloroplast (clil.). chloroplast transformation to produce GM pharmaceuticals entails specific risks that are associated with its advantages. This stage takes place in the stroma of the chloroplasts and involve the fixation of carbon dioxide and the synthesis of glucose. thylakoid lumen proteins in chloroplasts. Sentence with the word chloroplasts. chloroplast definition: The definition of a chloroplast is a part of a plant that has chlorophyll and conducts photosynthesis.

As the cell grows they may become converted into leucoplasts (starch-formers), chloroplasts (chlorophyllbodies), or chromoplasts (color-bodies). was founded in 2010 and our goal is to have definitions for any english word. chloropid. Chloroplasts sentence examples.

chloroplast transit peptide is from a plant EPSPS gene... . Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each chloroplast. chloropids. The Marchantiaceae (see article BRYOPHYTA) show considerable tissue-differentiation, possessing a distinct assimilative system of cells, consisting of branched cell threads packed with chloroplasts and arising from the basal cells of large cavities in the upper part of the thallus. Structure and function of mitochondria and, Elysia chlorotica (common name the eastern emerald elysia) is a small-to-medium-sized species of green sea slug, a marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusc.This sea slug superficially resembles a nudibranch, yet it does not belong to that clade of gastropods. stroma of the chloroplasts and involve the fixation of carbon dioxide and the synthesis of glucose.

Brief Supporting Sample Answer: Complex eukaryotic cells contain organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria. nitrogenous coloring matter contained in the chloroplasts of plants.
Eine weitere Grundlage für eine Analyse und deine Englischprüfung bildet das Schreiben einer Zusammenfassung (summary).. Wie schreibe ich eine summary?. click for more sentences of chloroplasts: 5. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The chlorophylls are concentrated in cell bodies called chloroplasts, where they’re embedded in the many folds of a membrane along with the other molecules of the photosynthetic system.

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