christianity in a sentence

It's difficult to see branches of christianity in a sentence . St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity. German Italian Dutch French Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Swedish Norwegian Russian Czech Indonesian Croatian Hong Xiuquan ( 1814 - 1864 ) was not only the successor of. Why did not these spiritual forces for which Christianity stands prevent the war? , The Ten Commandments are biblical principles of Christianity and help guide followers down a moral path. 135. Christianity and Islam are on a collision course, competing for converts and influence. christianity example sentences. The tribe practised a religion that mixed native beliefs and, 29. Indeed, there is little urged against Christianity in our day that is original. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with, 127. No infidels try Christianity upon its own merits. Jesus did not create Christianity.

It's no use citing the Bible to a non -, 11. Also, that Christianity was the. I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling, 141. Chesterton, wrote in the early twentieth century about the benefits of religion and, specifically, Its population was a mixture of Greeks, Crimean Goths, Alans, Bulgars, Kipchaks and other nations, which confessed Orthodox, The Saxon freemen and servile class remained faithful to their original beliefs long after their nominal conversion to, In 1314, Karelians rebelled over the attempt to convert them to, The reference to aifranchisement in ecciesia shows that it was composed after the conversion of the Alamanni to, In contrast with his mother's conversion to, Groups of denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs, practices, and historical ties are known as branches of, He studied the Hebrew language, aiming to purify, By the late 6th century, the Visigoths had converted to, Racism is one of several systems of oppression. If Christianity be false, is it nothing that day after day you have the fear of death before your eyes?

258+19 sentence examples: 1.

Baptism is one of the sacraments in the. Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's, 148. Example sentences with the word christianity. Unitarianism for example is a liberal branch of Christianity that formed in the 1600s. The country swayed precariously between, 11. high-flown ideas about the history of, 14.

It is not self-evident that Christianity will prove equal to this which is clearly the greatest task that the present imposes upon it. It is the birthplace of four world religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism--and one of the early homes of, 125. 2. Translations of the phrase IS CHRISTIANITY from english to german and examples of the use of "IS CHRISTIANITY" in a sentence with their translations: What is christianity ? The cross is the symbol of Christianity. There was a pre-Christian sect called "the Essenes" that was influential in the moulding of, 131.

Nowadays the Japanes The writer is aware that in offering a chapter on Christianity at the conclusion of this work, he attempts a difficult task. 1. With regard to the former, natural-law theories from Grotius to Locke had been emphasizing that, 140.

European missionaries converted thousands to, 10. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of, 28. The Christian church taught the knight should observe, 133. Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my. Sunday is Examples of Christianity in a sentence Although they are both monotheistic religions, few view Christianity as a cult religion like they do Islam. 228+8 sentence examples: 1. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to, 124. The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of. the religion that uses the Bible as its scared book and is based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Although they are both monotheistic religions, few view Christianity as a cult religion like they do Islam. In Australia, Presbyterianism is the fourth largest denomination of Christianity , with nearly 600,000 Australians claiming to be Presbyterian in the 2006 Commonwealth Census. , Most Christians believe Jesus of Nazareth to be the son of God and that his second coming was predicted in the Old Testament. John has converted to Christianity. 2. 3. 31. It was through Christianity that this idea came into the world. Did he think that Christianity was a gaudy mummery? Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 A.D. My object will be, if possible, to form, 5. Christianity is not only a salvation religion, it is a confessional religion. Baptism is one of the sacraments in the, 16. use "christianity" in a sentence Both Christianity and Judaism were founded on written texts, and taught a code of ethics. In other words, Mark does a good little Gentile, 128. The century of disasters (A. D. 378-476) that befell the western Roman Empire occurred after she had adopted, 146. The fathers lived among them and made some Christians formerly. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact.

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The violence of the Northern savages exasperated Christianity into power. With Christianity, Poland also adopted the Latin alphabet, which made it possible to write down Polish, until then existing only as a spoken language. With its inclination toward the secular affairs, 150. Hence the outrageously aggressive tone of his writings wherever he alludes either to Christianity or to Mahomedanism. christianity in a sentence: christianity meaning in Hindi. 4. It's no use citing the Bible to a non -, 26.

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