colorectal cancer awareness month social media toolkit

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is an annual observance held throughout the month of March. It can also help you plan, implement and evaluate your social media strategy and make the case for why it's important. �� �'�])|-�7���Ô�6Ӄ%��2odxt/F� s�A�v>Ukw�^�jŭ ��Z����se���BY�"g*��]urt�f�rU�Ĺo2�C9Ք�}3��b��bq��NSC�K�L�>�&���E|�/�\9���ӴQ��c6���c���7ɧՖi�r�_a�I(���XGC�`J@�t��`&����(��� 1�c1J �0� DG�F ��ˊ�u� -������6��?� �������!�t�� �+��(�p��������@�����̇f��lP30�4iW69 ���x The Colorado Cancer Coalition created this tool kit to reduce the burden of breast cancer in Colorado through social media awareness and outreach. <> endstream endobj startxref

Please refer to the, DNA Chips: Genes to Disease - Using Microarrays to Study Genes Involved in Lung Cancer, Ex-Twit: Explainable Twitter Mining on Health Data, 2019 Media Kit - Robb Report International Editions Media Kit, WECHAT IMPACT ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IN CHINA - MENGMENG RONG - THESEUS, PERFORMANCE ENVELOPE PROGRAM GUIDELINES 2018-2019, Preventing Suicide A Resource for Media Professionals - World Health Organization, Creative potential of the human capital as the key resource of development of the techogenic civilization - Revista ESPACIOS, Family Income Affects Children's Altruistic Behavior in the Dictator Game, To ITV or Not to ITV: A Comparison of Hybrid and Web-enhanced Approaches to Teaching a Macro-course in Human Behavior in the Social Environment. ��l��BT1� `��� �i��d�e8҃b���C���@��8�Ҩ� �B���(@��������>8I 8����O�DIà01�GҊ endstream endobj startxref %PDF-1.5 For additional social media posts, we invite you to check out the American Cancer Society Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Materials.

This Website is administered by the American Cancer Society, Inc. on behalf of the NCCRT and its member organizations. Corporate social responsibility in European organizations: A universal idea? Download Resource PDF. 0 The North Dakota Colorectal Cancer Roundtable has been formed in support of 80% by 2018, a national movement in which � �/��� ��J�g&%[� 0(�D"e*Nqk �ov��ZD�Q%�6N"�jT������_��.\1a�.y�~m�ұ��(�c���X��T�b����;�+���������K�7�~�d,�m�,:�T%/[p/���lPIZm������'�����k��K�؃l�.�2�����K�q�~���;k��x�k6S��������ύ�����ǫ��S��q ��V̞gLL\L��,}c�-F|�. Evaluation: The recommendations and sample messages in the toolkit were designed using evidence-based social media and colorectal cancer messaging best practices. Data and Statistics. 2020-2022 Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures: Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures booklet, American Cancer Society. 1148 0 obj <>stream

CONTENTS . Download Resource PDF. ACG 2020 National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Media Outreach . Created by: Cindy Park. This toolkit, developed by the George Washington University (GW) Cancer Center, is designed to help public health professionals establish a Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month social media strategy, implement Facebook and Twitter best practices, disseminate Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month messaging, and manage and evaluate social media efforts. 93 0 obj <>stream �����YL�Bze|46_��:������ ������k���>0̝�ʠ����� Sign up to join our community and receive the latest AICAF news, events and resources! 3 0 obj This toolkit is designed to help stakeholders implement evidence-based practices when communicating about colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon or rectum) is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of death from cancers that affect both men and women. Please click, Professional Education & Practice Implementation, 80% in Every Community Conference & NCCRT Annual Meeting. Page topic: "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Social Media Toolkit - March 2020". 1137 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3002B3B523B92940A63131AF79CC22F7>]/Index[1118 31]/Info 1117 0 R/Length 96/Prev 437251/Root 1119 0 R/Size 1149/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Social Media Tips for March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month .

Disclaimer: This resource does not reflect the new 2018 ACS guideline for colorectal cancer. It can also help you plan, implement and evaluate your social media strategy and make the case for why it's important. %%EOF 4 0 obj endobj Download Resource PDF. h�b```��,�o�@(� Created by: Cindy Park.

Fill in the blank and tell others your story, and tag #TomorrowCantWait. %���� 2020 Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Social Media Toolkit, George Washington University Cancer Center’s Cancer Control Technical Assistance Portal. In February 2000, President Clinton officially dedicated March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Media Toolkit. J������x��ϸ^�%C����ψ ��� ��K�n;�xe�h"l;|z[@Ȟ�`��3^B�?T�)�9���9�����!�Β�䧯���l��|s_��;J������υ4�j��u�F��~�]}���i3���V?� �-���I��x ��*�����>�J�AЫfU5˟��> �Ԭ�9@85�O[ϿDͪpj��S��a:$��L��=Xӡ6hU� h�bbd``b`�$׀� ��$f"�S/HBH�^��� �` "ҁ?H�; �!$��6 a����������h���y� �J@ First Name * Copyright ©2002-2020 American Cancer Society, Inc. The goal is to support those affected by colorectal 1118 0 obj <> endobj The North Dakota Colorectal Cancer Roundtable, co-lead by the American Cancer Society and the North Dakota �3L�+_4�Mg.z����|涵QFA� 7� <> 76 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<48D8CC2358BADF46A966527119978A8B><698569E49B507D479EC3C16866AA7C23>]/Index[49 45]/Info 48 0 R/Length 124/Prev 231358/Root 50 0 R/Size 94/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Colorectal cancer affects people in all racial and ethnic groups and is most common in people age 50 and older. For additional social media posts, we invite you to check out the American Cancer Society Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Materials. %%EOF 1 0 obj Stay Connected. Use any of the materials provided below on your own social media channels. <>>> h�b``�d``Z�����_�� a Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month social media strategy, manage social media accounts, implement Facebook and Twitter best practices, disseminate Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month messaging and evaluate their social media efforts. This toolkit provides a short introduction to use of social media in a health system context, a list of Twitter and Facebook best practices for messages, a list of sample tweets and Facebook posts, other ideas for participating in colorectal cancer awareness month, tips on evaluating social media efforts, and a list of references and other resource links. This toolkit is designed to help stakeholders implement evidence-based practices when communicating about colorectal cancer. Language: english. Contact: Send comments, questions, and suggestions to x��\Ys�H�~w��C��n�"�:L8����퍱��֮�� Q��Ehx����'3� �J�RG���:���ʫ�}��������7q����`1K2�lY�}���l������7�7�qŊ�~{��C��q����L�n��/��}���W������l�v�?o߼�������V���+v�Y�e�^���uޔ�:�:��tʴ��Q�VZ�[?xe�Q4��o��Hx*�e�"b';����p��5��`"�2�R$&Ғi.�j}@[x@*�"q8q(��Ң���$=��M4�� S2>� Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Social Media Toolkit – March 2019. endobj stream ... Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month was established in 2000 as an annual opportunity to raise awareness about the disease and focus on research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Week-by-week Social Media posts, Newsletter Inserts, and Email Blasts (2 – 10) ND Poster Template and tips for recruiting a local “Screening champion” (10 – 11) Talking Points (includes ND statatistics) (11-13) ND Radio Station List (14) And Links to: (13-14) o Brochures If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below, We use cookies. endstream endobj 50 0 obj <. This toolkit, developed by the George Washington University (GW) Cancer Center, is designed to help public health professionals establish a Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month social media strategy, implement Facebook and Twitter best practices, disseminate Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month messaging, and manage and … Storytelling is a powerful way to make more people aware of colorectal cancer. h�bbd```b``� "���|�zD2�����90� &��=0 V�$"B@$_�MYj��$�]��~��fO�-��l��ܟ@*���"�@�ߣ�L@w ���H�?ӽ� jp Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March is a great time to spread the word about the … March 2020 . BACKGROUND, KEY MESSAGES & TALKING POINTS .

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© 2020 Created by the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership, Collaboration/Engagement - CCC coalitions, Evidence-based practices and interventions, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Social Media Toolkit 2020, Contact Us: Public health professionals, cancer control professionals, coalitions, community-based organizations and stakeholders can all use this toolkit and adapt its messaging for their unique audiences and areas of expertise. endstream endobj 1119 0 obj <. It was created for health care providers, nonprofits, and other community organizations in Colorado to help amplify social media reach during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. For additional social media posts, we invite you to check out the American Cancer Society Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Materials. The North Dakota Colorectal Cancer Roundtable has been formed in support of 80% by 2018, a national movement in which Tips for Success: Use Twitter to Raise CRC Awareness. The North Dakota Colorectal Cancer Roundtable, co-lead by the American Cancer Society and the North Dakota 49 0 obj <> endobj 0

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