deity in a sentence

2. So, vojjor, the word for deity actually derives from the word for statue. The Word "Deity" in Example Sentences Each page has up to 50 sentences. And he has been set thereby in relationship to a, 23. deities example sentences. The deity is usually represented as in Fig. ... Before this new invention of a single invisible Deity: gods and deities were propitiated and appeased and their favors were sought by civilized humans sacrificing the best of whatever they had. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
The other heads advance in a menacing manner towering over the kneeling, 27. Mike is no deity. The Deity is very happy.

Examples of Deify in a sentence.

The deity is usually represented as in Fig. THE FIFTH PURPOSE OF DEITY. I pray to my deity daily. Deity definition is - the rank or essential nature of a god : divinity. To ancient peoples, there could be a deity in everyday objects like trees and rocks. 2. Definition of Deity. was founded in 2010 and our goal is to have definitions for any english word. About. 4. 2.

Find more ways to say deity, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. 91, Indra becomes "the chief solar, Deity in a sentence | Short example sentence for deity, Rendered in a sentence | Short example sentence for rendered, Doer in a sentence | Short example sentence for doer, Truckle in a sentence | Short example sentence for truckle, Future in a sentence | Short example sentence for future, Nude in a sentence | Short example sentence for nude, Depreciate in a sentence | Short example sentence for depreciate, Thronging in a sentence | Short example sentence for thronging, Programmed in a sentence | Short example sentence for programmed, Salute in a sentence | Short example sentence for salute, Goddess in a sentence | Short example sentence for goddess, Worshiped in a sentence | Short example sentence for worshiped, Ganesha in a sentence | Short example sentence for ganesha, Deities in a sentence | Short example sentence for deities, Shiva in a sentence | Short example sentence for shiva, Vishnu in a sentence | Short example sentence for vishnu, Worshipped in a sentence | Short example sentence for worshipped, Gods in a sentence | Short example sentence for gods, Worship in a sentence | Short example sentence for worship, Words to describe Deity | Deity Adjectives.
Dagda, an ancient Irish deity, literally translates as 'the good god'. When there is a drought, the people in our village pray to the deity of the harvest.

The council of Nice and the decision to make Christ a deity is historical fact. one viewed as being extremely powerful or having godly powers.

This "deity" is popular among the drug using and selling people.

I do not believe that any Deity works in that way.

These might represent the deity, the donor, or neither. : The red and distant deity was reserved for sacred festivals held every morning to the east. 5.

These semitrance states involve the identification with a cult god, In the various cults that later became Vaisnavism, Balarama was portrayed as a form of the minor, In the Jehovistic version of the creation a feature of the myth of the expulsion is the apparent conflict between the thirst for knowledge and the will of the, Fromm said he hopes his fellow students don't confuse his atheism, or lack of belief in a, I think that the universe was created by a life force rather than a, He is known as the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a, A steel engraving from the 1850s, which depicts the creative activities of Prajapati, a Vedic, Other sources connect its name with an obscure, This orientation is aligned with the summer solstice, and it may relate to the worship of a solar, In cultures that did not recognize a smallpox, Bahrain was also the site of worship of an ox, One common motif is incense as a form of sacrificial offering to a, Ibn Battuta also mentions locals who worship the Solar, I believe that this word was made flesh and by its suffering the world was redeemed, and I believe that humanity, not, Their chief priest held a prominent position as the representative of the supreme, Oil lamps are lit at traditional Chinese shrines before either an image of a deity or a plaque with Classical Chinese characters giving the name of the, Dolphins are common in Greek mythology, and many coins from ancient Greece have been found which feature a man, a boy or a, Some Heathen groups hold festivals dedicated to a specific, Heathen groups assemble for rituals in order to mark rites of passage, seasonal observances, oath takings, rites devoted to a specific, These two deities are sometimes viewed as facets of a greater pantheistic divinity, which is regarded as an impersonal force or process rather than a personal, Throughout history, many of them believed in a supreme, The Samvara tantra texts adopted the pitha list from the Saiva text Tantrasadbhava, introducing a copying error where a, Dawkins is a prominent critic of creationism, a religious belief that humanity, life, and the universe were created by a, As the Severn becomes tidal the associated, We talk of genius still, but with thought how changed! However, he is protected by Sigmar, the patron, 12. Without doubt the term deity was deliberately chosen, for it does not exclude a heathen interpretation. The self-centered billionaire believes he is a deity with unlimited power. The genius of Augustus was a tutelary demon, to be sworn by and to receive offerings on an altar as a, A common sight in India is a crowd of people gathered in the courtyard of a temple or at the doorway of a streetside shrine for the darshan of the, In fact, he isn't strictly speaking the Buddha at all but a Chinese, Ramman or Rimmon, identified with HAdad or Adad, is a, I have used the neuter It and not He, the Egyptian idea of the highest, If man is a microcosm then kosmos is a megalanthrope and that is how we come to anthropomorphise the, As chronos simply personifies antiquity itself, this only means that Saturn was the most ancient, It is not clear, then, how they can 'deify' classes of things, if they have no notion of, Lakshmi, as we have just noticed, is the Sakti or consort of Vishnu, the preservative power of the, This feature was very strikingly exemplified in the god Sarapis, a, Among the Germans, Valleda, a Druidess, was for ages worshipped as a, A belief lingers that the pious are en rapport with the, I was specially interested in the designs representing the story of the favourite Hindu, In this twentieth century, certain enlightened men are teaching the absurdity and harmfulness of a belief in a, Aphrodite exhibits more clearly than any other, The actual work of creation was done by a male, This idea, reinforced by the national significance of the, A syllabary describes the god as a 'raging', What witch, what magician, with his thessalian incantations, what, This is generally occupied by some lower-class, The outward and visible sign or incarnation of Te ua's, But though the monotheist believed only in one god, that did not prevent others from believing in an entirely different, The prologue commences with a prayer or benediction invoking the national, Sin-gashid of the dynasty of Uruk makes mention of this, This fatal urn encloses a dead majesty, but yestreen a reverenced, There is not a word of proof of the view that the placation of the, He is remunerated with some of the cooked food, after it has been offered to the, But she made no motion of revering or any offer of saluting her late, Like her brothers, the Dioscuri, she was a patron, Varuna, the all-embracing sky, is also in many hymns a solar, All the Andean people worshiped some object as an ancestral, Tlaloc was their second, and Tezcallipuca their third, This is only another form of the anthropomorphic conceptions of, From the mythological side, Gilgamesh appears to be a solar, There is no theogony, no regular subordination of one, Crouching, Matthew takes off his bandanna and shakes out a fulvous mane of dreadlocked hair, like some minor Rastafarian, In Violence and the Sacred, Rene Girard explores the relation between the sacrificer, his victim, and, The latter was both an Etruscan and a Roman, But Mammon was never the name of an idol or other form of false, The apotheosis of these powers led to the conception of the first, Everything earthly in the light-world of Ormazd had its protecting. Basically, between Gog, Magog, Persia, and legions of squealing teenagers, even an omnipotent deity is woefully outmatched. In my religion, we worship only one deity. Here are some sentences. deity in a sentence. Deities; 1. Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Contact Us, divinity, divinity, godhead, godhead, god, active deity, deity almost, deity but, a deity, deity then, heterogeneity, heterogeneity, homogeneity, homogeneity, spontaneity, teutonic deity, roman deity, egyptian deity, Demogorgon, boddhisatva.

He has a confidence, typical of his time, that the works of nature provide sufficient evidence of a, 30. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 4. In various other places and strands of the New Testament we find similar unselfconscious allusions to the three persons in the, 24.

Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary. Deity; 1. It is a mistake to deify a celebrity and treat him as if he is a god. Analysis is carried into everything.

The Agia Triadha sarcophagus shows birds perched on double-axes, indicating the presence of a, 22. 3. 2.

7. one viewed as being extremely powerful or having godly powers, In my religion, we worship only one deity.

Deities in a sentence. Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a. LESHY: Deity of the forest. Is she addressing a friend, a lover, a deity? Examples of Deity in a sentence. [from 14th c.] | A supernatural divine being; a god or goddess. We begin with the argument that the evidence for a, 1.

deity in a sentence - Use "deity" in a sentence 1. Back in Ireland, the euhemerised deity is commemorated on 1 February. Example sentences with the word deity. How to use deity in a sentence.

Clergy to her seemed quiet and gentlemanly people who preached about the four seasons and the attributes of the, 28.

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