indigenous news sources

Govt approves construction of Moco Moco, Kumu hydropower, Govt. The Anti-Indigenous Handbook: A global project shows most common attacks on Indigenous Peoples APTN National News Across the globe, anti-Indigenous organizations and sympathizers work to undermine the collective rights of Indigenous peoples. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service says five Indigenous people have died in custody since June. News in Indigenous languages .

“We are not getting on top of the system. Articles from newspapers worldwide, including The Globe and Mail. The show features interviews with Eric Avery, Jodie Ginsberg, Kerry O'Brien, Navi Pillay, … s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); Highest unemployment rate in the G7, Pot prices at Ontario Cannabis Store rival those of illicit market for the first time, Everything you need to know about the Canada Recovery Benefit, the new program replacing CERB, FUREY FACTOR: Chinese flag should not be raised in Canada, A ban on single-use plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds comes into force in England today, MPs have been promised a vote on new coronavirus restrictions ‘wherever possible’, National League football clubs will receive an emergency grant to enable them to start the new season, The UK’s first hydrogen-powered train has been trialled on mainline tracks in Warwickshire, Timothy Ray Brown, the first patient to be cured of HIV, has died of cancer, Facebook has merged its Messenger app with Instagram's direct messages, Forgot your password? Based in Toronto, artist and documentary filmmaker Rebeka Tabobondung is the publisher and editor-in-chief. The 23-year-old activist from the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance collective was speaking on behalf of a community reeling from the loss of 441 Indigenous Australians in police custody since 1991. The system is still on top of us. Sorry, no headlines or news topics were found. Remember - if you have a specific title and want to know if the BU Library has access (either in print or online) to that title, check it in the Journals A to Z list. ", "We are a politically independent media and publishing company owned and operated by Aboriginal People. “I’m a parent of a young daughter. More rallies are planned later on Friday.

(holdings 1993-94; 2005 to present) Published by the Union of Ontario Indians. The rates are even higher for Indigenous youth, who were 16 times more likely to be under youth justice supervision – in detention, or on bail, parole or probation – than non-Indigenous young people in 2018-19, according to the Australian Insitute of Health and Welfare, a government agency. The Birri Gubba woman’s death sparked new marches in the city and 18 protesters were. Coronavirus Outbreak . To date, not a single officer has been charged. Newspapers are not peer-reviewed sources. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6., Journal Articles (peer-reviewed / scholarly articles), Conference - The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Broadcasting, Micmac News (Membertou) - articles date back to the period from 1965-1991. “The solution doesn’t exist in their system because that system don’t protect us,” she said. gcse.async = true; The Black Lives Matter demonstrations set in motion by the death of George Floyd in the United States have brought renewed scrutiny to Australia’s treatment of its Indigenous people. "Leading Aboriginal newspaper in Saskatchewan", "...takes you straight into Indigenous Canada, from Halifax to Haida Gwaii, from Shamattawa to Ottawa, introducing listeners to the storytellers, culture makers and community shakers from across the country. A. Aboriginal Advertising Inc. "We publish 20,000 copies of our paper each issue with distribution throughout the Province of Manitoba including major urban centres such as Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Thompson and The Pas.". Mega projects will boost indigenous capacity in Nigeria —Okwuosa Tribune Online 06:24. Technology is key to better outcomes for, By learning to think like a puffin, this conservationist has saved seabirds around the world, Investors Are Betting Big On Canada’s New Gold Rush, CERB Alternatives Can Give You More Than $13,000 in CRA COVID-19 Benefits, Health Canada approves rapid COVID-19 test, maker says it will be available here 'in the coming, Canada police charge dozens and seize $10m in assets in illegal casino bust, Canada PM Trudeau will make an infrastructure announcement on Thursday, One person dead after Salmonella outbreak linked to dog treats, A coronavirus ‘game changer’: Canadian company claims it can detect virus in the air, GOLDSTEIN: We're number one! ", "...conversations important to Indigenous youth today.". "IsumaTV 2.0 was launched as an updated social networking platform in April 2009 with over a thousand films in thirty different Indigenous languages free for users.". Founded by journalist Maureen Googoo, covers everything from the Indigenous economy to local First Nation politics. Karl Dockstader, the co-host of the radio show One Dish, One Mic on NewsTalk 610 CKTB, said he spent six days living at the encampment in Caledonia, Ont., where Indigenous … IsumaTV uses the power and immediacy of the Web to bring people together to tell stories and support...". cookies to improve your experience and customise advertising. “One of the first tasks I did as President was to work with Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, who has responsibility for Finance and your subject Minister, in reprogramming resources that were there. They still have their knees on our necks and they are still killing our people every day in this colony. You will need to be mindful of the requirements of your assignment before you choose to cite information that you have read in a newspaper article. Decolonizing Journalism.". Windspeaker is published 24 times/year by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society (AMMS) and is "Canada's most widely circulated Indigenous news publication". In recent years, media coverage of Indigenous people and communities has been getting more and more prominent. US$10M has been reprogrammed for this from an Indian line of credit’, the President said.

that a post-mortem examination appeared to indicate “that the death was by natural causes,” but that the circumstances remained under investigation. Depending on the newspaper, access may be online or on paper (or even on microfilm depending on the title). “We are not getting on top of the system. News, News Sources, and Media Coverage Search this Guide Search. ", From their site: "Canada's first non-government funded Native newspaper".

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