is biafra part of unpo

A lot of water went under the bridge before we were recognised. We will continue from where we stopped. You spoke about non-violence being part of the code of conduct for UNPO members and I recall that one of the groups with the same philosophy as MASSOB, that is clamouring for a Biafra Republic, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has had confrontations with security operatives who were trying to suppress their demonstration. We have been working cordially with the Yoruba for a long time. Founder of the Biafra Independence Movement, BIM, and Movement for Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra, BIM-MASOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, … We will continue from where we stopped.

It’s not a popularity contest between you and Nnamdi Kanu. We have our timeframe for everything. There was a debate for and against the claim that Biafra extends to some parts of the Niger Delta, though many counter-claimed that Biafra is restricted to the five states in the South-East.

We have 25 stages and this has gone now. NOTE: This is not RAGP.. (Recharge and Get Paid). It is just like in South Africa, they have African National Congress (ANC), Inkatha Freedom Party, Pan African Congress (PAC) and others. They have been sending me congratulatory letters, commending me for the efforts. What is the difference between Biafra and Igbo nation? We are not part of the people clamouring for restructuring or Igbo presidency.

Are you also aware that I have been charged with the highest offence in Nigeria, which is treason?

It as wonderful that you are getting ideas from this piece of writing as well as from our dialogue made at this time.

The Trouble Began When He Woke Up From His Deep Sleep (Find out what happened next)! Like you rightly pointed out, we started this revolution in 1999 with MASSOB. RICENT TELECOMS SERVICES will teach you how to make money from the comfort of your home using your mobile phone or your Laptop. I don’t want to mention names. I am strongly aware and I know your antecedent in the struggle largely.

I am not going to speak for IPOB, but I will speak for MASSOB.

We have been working hand in hand and that is why our recognition came at the same time.

Today, they are talking about restructuring.

Why not?

We can never say who is on the same page with us for now. “Biafra can not be built on lies, you are warned, you have Nigeria blood in you, stop deceiving the people and yourself, we would get Biafra without you, very soon, I will be in United States to address the Umuada, they will welcome me, we shall see the true support.” Kanu said. The normal things we have been doing we will continue to do. ... Netherlands, assists ethnic nationalities that are repressed in the countries they are part of and helps them make a case for independence before the United Nations (UN).

If we want to determine who is on the same page with us, it is by a referendum or a plebiscite as done in most countries.

They can tell you that.

The IPOB leader, who alleged Uwazuruike paid $2,000 to smuggle a letter to UNPO to get the attention of the union towards Igbo’s plight in Nigeria, maintained that his action does not worth it. Are you optimistic that the political leadership will key into the agenda for a sovereign state for Biafra?

We are not interested in Igbo presidency. They always take instructions from here and they do what we tell them to do. I don’t include anybody by force.

I am not going to speak for IPOB, but I will speak for MASSOB. It is God that determines everything, including our lives.

UWAZURUIKE , we know you not .Please, don’t spoil our fun.

If anybody says they are not part of Biafra, there is no problem in that. I hope to contribute & assist other customers like its aided me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

They can tell you that. What is the timeline you have set for the realisation of this agenda? I am happy to work with them and I am happy they were also recognised. It means a whole lot to us. Your email address will not be published. Even in Igbo states, if any state does not want to be part of Biafra, nobody will force such state to be a part of us.

I would not say. In terms of the relationship between Biafra agitators, Igbo nation and Nigeria, what are the implications of this global recognition? If you look at the things that are happening today to the people today, you would see that some of those who are talking about restructuring were hitherto afraid of restructuring in the past. They have been asking us so many questions and we have been responding to their questions.

I won’t want to discuss that for now.

We also established that there is democracy in MASSOB and that we are financially independent. If anybody says they are not part of Biafra, there is no problem in that. So, we are very glad to be a part of that body. My brother, you are going off the line.

When you talk of Biafra, the Niger Delta people are also included. Like you rightly pointed out, we started this revolution in 1999 with MASSOB.

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I would not say.

If you read our letter, it was there clearly stated that the UNPO welcomed Biafra as its 46th member. I asked my foreign representative to send them a congratulatory letter which he has done.

Let me tell you something. When you talk of the elite, yes, they are very important and vocal-like others.

Mr. Ralph Uwazurike in this interview has revealed what the Biafran Admission into UNPO will do  to the region, here what he has to say: What does the admission of the Igbo nation into UNPO mean for you? Please check your credentials and twitter username in the twitter settings. It has been on for a long time. You spoke about non-violence being part of the code of conduct for UNPO members and I recall that one of the groups with the same philosophy as MASSOB, that is clamouring for a Biafra Republic, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has had confrontations with security operatives who were trying to suppress their demonstration. We don’t have to mind what some fringe elements are doing about the struggle.

They always take instructions from here and they do what we tell them to do.

A lot of water went under the bridge before we were recognised. That is not the position of MASSOB. We sent so many documents relating to the struggle. This struggle means a lot to us.

How do you see the Igbo nation using this instrument? What is the difference between Biafra and Igbo nation?

Umahi underscores need for sacrifice, Osibanjo Appeals To IPOB To Withdraw Their Case let’s talk like family to Avoid collapse of Nigeria.

How To Print Money From The Comfort Of Your Home. We have been seeking that admission and recognition for three years now and it will surely be a huge boost for our struggle because other nations that are members of the United Nations were at one time members of UNPO. These three combos will transform your financial status forever. That is not the position of MASSOB. I don’t want to mention names. We have our timeframe for everything. Yoruba, Biafra UNPO membership: Risk of Nigeria breaking up now higher. Now that this recognition has come, what will MASSOB be doing?

Are you optimistic that the political leadership will key into the agenda for a sovereign state for Biafra? Use the above links to invite your friends and feel free to Post/ share in the groups were u belong. How did you react to the admission of the Yoruba nation as well? Are the governors and other leaders on the same page with you on this? In every country that has agitated for independence, there will be many organisations and among those organisations, you will have the main organisation.

But the underlying factor here is that we are not going to force anybody to be part of Biafra. The trouble began when he woke up from his deep sleep only to discover that he has become another man.
Today, they are talking about restructuring. Kanu, in a radio Biafra broadcast, yesterday, particularly took a swipe on Uwazuruike for allegedly taking the matters of the Igbo to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) in the Hague, Netherlands. We did a whole lot of things and I cannot off hand mention all of them now. We have been working cordially with the Yoruba for a long time.

WHAT does the admission of the Igbo nation into UNPO mean for you? They said they welcome Biafrans and didn’t say they welcome Igbo nation. We want our people to be independent and be represented at the UN as Biafrans. We have been working hand in hand and that is why our recognition came at the same time. Now that this recognition has come, what will MASSOB be doing?

What is the timeline you have set for the realisation of this agenda?

So, we are very glad to be a part of that body. We deal on fresh facts with indept analysis & investigative reporting across the globe. Just put a stop to this misrepresentation. But when you want to measure such support, it is by a common referendum and then the majority will carry the day. We don’t have to mind what some fringe elements are doing about the struggle. We want a sovereign nation for Biafrans and stay on our own like every other country. We also established that there is democracy in MASSOB and that we are financially independent.

It is the same. I went over this site and I conceive you have a lot of superb info , bookmarked (:. How do you intend to ensure violence does not taint your struggle from now on? Successive governments have mouthed the indivisibility of the country as a mantra…. But then, people knew ANC was at the vanguard of the revolution in South Africa. Join group Above to register with Just N1k for-profit level. The organisation will help us to champion our case for independence before the UN.

They have been sending me congratulatory letters, commending me for the efforts. He continued “UNPO has nothing to do with Biafra, Uwazuruike has destroyed Biafra name, a man who built his house with Biafra money, he said he has taken Biafra to UNPO, is UNPO part of UN, the group has nothing to do with Biafra.
We have 25 stages and this has gone now. The issue here is that Biafra is what we have been championing for a long time and now this recognition has improved our chances of sovereignty and God willing, we will become a sovereign nation in few years from now. When you talk of Igbo in Diaspora, our members constitute majority.

In every country that has agitated for independence, there will be many organisations and among those organisations, you will have the main organisation. If we want to determine who is on the same page with us, it is by a referendum or a plebiscite as done in most countries.

It is Biafra. Something went wrong with the twitter. We can never say who is on the same page with us for now.

On our relationship with Nigeria, we have been looking forward to a situation like this, an avenue to stay on our own and manage our resources and live according to our own way of life, in accordance with our customs and tradition.

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