mandatory prayer in public schools

In the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, many public schools reportedly opened with prayer. Because of this, prayer should not be mandatory. A Christian, she wants to allow states to reintroduce prayer and Bible instruction to public schools. And while the law does prohibit public schools from conducting mandatory religious observances such as prayer, it does not prevent individual students from praying while at school. “Mandate” stipulates total compliance. One of the greatest freedoms granted by the U.S. Constitution is the freedom of religion. If yes, prayer of which religion and denomination should be held?

It’s not about law and the Constitution; it’s about identity. Prayer should never be mandatory in government-run or public schools. While I support teaching world religions in public school (for educational purposes only, not devotional ones), forced practice of any single religion should not be permitted. Katherine “Bitzi” Tate, a former high school teacher vying for the Republican nomination in Mississippi’s 3rd Congressional District, is running on a platform of radically shrinking the government’s role in public schools.

In many communities (especially in the South) the vast majority of people attended a Christian church. Yes. Indeed, for the record, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees students the right to pray in school.

The Buddha taught that there are 84,000 paths to enlightenment — situationally appropriate to the causes and conditions at hand. Brian E. Melendez, American Indian spirituality scholar. "And I would tell the principal.".

You have to give it time to mold into what they are going to be in the future.

NPR's Tom Gjelten contributed to this report. The U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Fourth Circuit ruling to stand, meaning that prayer is enjoined to this very day in Rowan County. Prayer is school is already legal.

However, I think I don't even need to make my argument, as it is self-evident that not only is it completely against the Constitution, it violates basic human rights, and would be cruel to all. This is not a matter of prohibiting lewd or offensive speech by students in class; this is actively compelling a student to participate in the ultimate religious conversion statement of another religion.

That was the upshot of the opinion from Alito, joined by Roberts and Kavanaugh.

First, I want to point out that the prompt is contradictory: mandatory school prayer be allowed? However, raising children with praiseworthy characters and capacity to serve humanity will be accomplished through uniting principles. For Roberts, Alito, and Kavanaugh, this is gross hypocrisy. We should endow children with the freedom to choose which religion they endorse and of course allow them the option of having none at all.

Tate’s call to bring mandatory prayer back into the public schools is a dog whistle that carries the insinuation that students are somehow prohibited from praying while in school. During the House floor debate over the First Amendment on August 20, 1789, James Madison explained the purpose of the Establishment Clause as follows: Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any manner contrary to their conscience. Parents who want their children to be educated in a religious environment can send them to a parochial school or to Sunday school. One of the greatest freedoms granted by the U.S. Constitution is the freedom of religion.

“I’m a public-school educator, and I think we can do better in public schools by getting government out,” Tate said.

A majority of Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court’s stance on prayer in public schools, according to 2012 data from the General Social Survey, conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.

He said God sees and hears our prayers that are made in secret. In fact, it is unlawful for public schools in the United States to have any period of prayer, mandatory or …

Why should a child whose parents are Buddhist be legally required to attend school and pray to a god that they don’t believe in? How do we know? Zuhdi Jasser, an enlightened Muslim scholar, was quoted by Fox News as saying, “They made this student recite the Islamic call of witness, a prayer which makes her a Muslim. As I noted in June when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Fourth Circuit on the Bladensburg Cross case, some of the GOP appointees indicated that a similar cross that is newer might be a violation of the First Amendment. Mandatory school prayer that cannot be opt-out is basically forcing a certain religion on people who believe another religion or don't believe religions at all. However, justices like Roberts and Alito, who clearly allowed the Fourth Circuit to mess with Rowan County’s voluntary Christian prayer, have no excuse for not getting involved in this case. I can see a different of not having pray in the public school you can look at the example where their is pray in the private school. Private school do not have the problem like the public school such as pregnancy, drug abuse, and being disrespect to the teachers and principle, just to name a few things.This country was founded on prayer and God, so without pray this country and public school sector are going down to hell. According to those who support the policy, the increasing rate of abuse and violence in schools can be curbed with such a practice, as it would help the children to remain away from bad practices.

Yes it should be mandatory for school prayer to be allowed and enforced in all ( public and private ) schools. This derogates prayer, ehich should be a truthful and personal communication with whatever is "out there". How is that fair to them, especially if it is mandatory, since that would be more of forcing beliefs on children instead of educating them. Trump did not propose changes to existing law or regulations, but the White House says it wants to empower students and teachers to exercise their rights. Joe Grogan, the director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, said Trump's Oval Office event underscored the importance of religious freedom. Some people don't have a religion, so they shouldn't have to pray..... Just imagine the awful society we would be living in if this was a real rule. Mandatory schooling should not include religious indoctrination. No one would know who was praying and who was just thinking.

Imagine having your children being forced to pray to a god you didn’t believe in; this is how others would feel if they were forced to pray to your god of choice.

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