is gandalf the white stronger than sauron

They just didn't because frankly, she had it covered. @eisenfauste: The Wizards weren't using their full power and they were also fighting 9 nazguls. And remember Sauron wasn't driven off, it was basically a Tactical Retreat, he left Mirkwood to enter Mordor. edit: yknow while we are about it, Huan is not even a proper maia while we are about it, how do you feel his fight with sauron went? And Sauron at this point had died like..3 times before, he really has lost most of his power. Istari like Gandalf and Saruman are trapped in mortal bodies, she isn't. Coincidentally, many of his spells are based on light and fire. Yknow while we are on the subject of uninformed posts on the Valar, which seem to be largely prevalent hereabouts, to the extent of threads like Morgoth vs Thanos ( thanostomps) , Anclagon the Black drove back the armies of the Valar himself with the last of the Balrogs, blotted out the sun with his size and destroyed a mountain with his fall. (If it's movie Sauron, anyway. @mistertapman: Could you list me some?

Giving Gandalf Narya actually works against him as Sauron with the One Ring could just turn Gandalf into a new Ringwraith through it.

His deep wisdom and compassion clearly derived from the patience he learned in Valinor, just as his care for all creatures of goodwill must have come from his strong sense of pity for the weak. Keen observers of Gandalf often detected a veiled power, usually revealed in his eyes, which appeared deep and wise. ancient beings that served Morgoth after being corrupted by him). Dude called down lightning from the skies. So much, in fact, that for a very long time afterwards, he was unable to even maintain a physical body. So Galadriel was perfectly capable of standing up to Sauron at this time but arguably so were the rest of the White Council. Both his patience and sense of pity were revealed again and again, extending even to the servants of his enemies. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Didn't see that. Sauron seems to have plenty strength ( throwing several people into the air with 1 blow ) but that won't do much if he can't catch Gandalf.

He considers himself the greatest scholar of Hobbit traditions.

Secondly, there is a statement in Unfinished Tales, that the power of Lothlorien (that includes Galadriel, Celeborn, Nenya and literally everything else in there) was to great to be defeated - save if Sauron himself came. She was one of the greatest of the Elves in Middle-earth, surpassing nearly all others in beauty, knowledge, and power. Sauron stomps. Galadriel possessed a tremendous amount of magical powers and was said to be the greatest of the Ñoldor after Fëanor. Did he not empower him with his own power, like Sauron does with the Nazgul/Witch King? She also refrained from openly using the powers of Nenya while the One Ring was in Sauron’s possession, and only did so after the One Ring was lost (for it was only then that it was safe enough for her to do so). I agree with the content if not the tone of the above.

It's not every elf that can casually read minds and communicate telepathically over great distance or go toe-to-toe with even a weakened Maia like Third Age Sauron (and when her brother Finrod took Sauron on in the First Age, he held his own briefly, but lost in the end). Gandalf or Saruman cannot challenge Sauron personally, but Galadriel can. We will give you a detailed look at both characters, and explain why Gandalf is stronger then Galadriel. Anclagon is not even Maia, but a dragon. As far as I recall he broke his staff. A being of true massive power was Melian who was a maia without a mortal limitation.

Such as morgoth and manwe. I think it's sad that the movie has probably usurped the book for many (including those who haven't even touched the book, I mean). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We collect, process, and publish a wide variety of information, provided that they are useful, timely, and accurate to create the best experience for our readers. @thegrayghost: Does Book Sauron have any feats? Similar spells he displayed are: Gandalf the White displays these same powers, but more advanced. Another important thing with Sauron.

He was alternately affectionate and brusque; he often surprised others with his bluntness when the time was of the essence. He and the other wizards are not close to being saurons equals. And when he doesn't entire kingdoms crumble with ease. Plus that scene, as far as I know, isn't canon. He can cause the tip of his staff to glow with bright white light so as to see in the dark and increase the radiance at will, as demonstrated in Moria. That said, I believe the reason Gandalf was unsure whether he could beat the Witch King was primarily because of the powerful enchantment protecting the Witch King, which made it so that he couldn't be slayed by a man (Gandalf was a maia that took the form of a man, so I guess it still applied to him). Gandalf's greatest power is his ability to know how Sauron will react.

Regardless, it's implied that Sauron absolutely curbstomps anyway, even though he didn't have enough screen time to really get any decent feats. Feanor is in fact noted to be greater than Fingolfin who injured Morgoth himself, Galadriel , among the Eldar is specifically noted to be well aware of Gandalf and his purpose. Shortly afterward, he said that he had recently battled Sauron’s eye to prevent him from locating Frodo, and although successful, the confrontation left him spent.

Sauron just acted like he was dispelled, to make them think that he was beaten and make them relax and not keep on attacking him. Being a maiar doesn't give you more raw power than everyone else. I just re-read LOTR and while I don't remember the exact wording I'm pretty sure Gandalf specifically says that Sauron is above him.

In his true form, as Maia named Olorin, they shouldn’t even be compared, he is then one of the strongest beings in whole Tolkien’s legendarium. With his body and ring he stomps gandalf. His long journeys have allowed him to meet many influential and powerful individuals and form lasting bonds with them. Does the White Council know Saruman and Gandalf are basically Archangels in the body of men? Well, that's the problem, because he holds back so much, he doesn't really have full power feats, so we don't have any idea how powerful he actually is. She is by no means from "literally the same origins and bloodlines of Legolas and Thranduil. Galadriel also possessed the skill of ósanwe (the ability to communicate with others through thoughts), this can be seen after the destruction of the One Ring, when Galadriel communicated mentally with Elrond and Gandalf on their return journey from Minas Tirith. Is she more powerful than Gandalf or Saruman? Her elder brothers were Finrod Felagund, Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor. As I said before, the Wizards were sent to help the Free People beat Sauron, not to do it themselves. @pateuvasiliu: I'm talking about the novel. It doesn't mean Voldermort can stand there and laugh off Dumbledore's best curses, it just means that the story is going to end with Harry defeating Voldermort. The idea is that Gandalf the White is stronger than Saruman. Gandalf the White, or in his true form, is much stronger then wise elf Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings. Gandalf is one of the wisest and most knowledgeable beings in Middle-earth and believed by Galadriel to be more worthy than Saruman in leading the White Council. It's because the Witch King wasn't yet at his peak until the battle for Gondor. Outside of the Shire, however, Gandalf the Grey is revered as one of the most powerful and wisest beings to tread Middle-earth, although he was wary of confronting Saruman and Sauron directly, the latter also after his rebirth, as well as of the influence of the One Ring. Gothmog, the most powerful of the balrogs, was slain by an elf. In some tales, she was also depicted with the powers of communicating over vast distances, predicting the future, and even cloaking her mind from other tremendously powerful beings (she once stated that Sauron could not perceive her mind, though she could perceive his). @eisenfauste: Oh my, Sauron get's amps too. As for the battle, Sauron with the One Ring has no equal. Gandalf has his staff or Saruman's ( whichever is strongest ) and Glamdring. Hate to say this, but I'm pretty sure Sauron beats Gandalf the White. The vast majority of Galadriel’s powers stemmed from the legendary artifact she controlled: Nenya, the Ring of Water. @pateuvasiliu: honestly, I couldn't. And while combat is not his greatest power, he still would've beaten any single challenger, except maybe, maybe Aragorn - but that is only my own idea.With The Ring - no chance. But, Gandalf is one of the Maiar – spirits whose being also began before the world, of the same order as the Valar but of less degree – in short, smaller god. Maiar is plural. Grima Wormtongue, the wild men that he made attack Rohan.

When fighting a pack of wolves, he set fire to all treetops on a hill with a single blazing branch, and the air became so hot that an arrow burned mid-flight. They're also not allowed to stand up to Sauron directly. It differs from other similar games because it allows the players to... Fiction Horizon is a place where you can learn, find news, updates, and all kind of lists related to fantasy, sci-fi, superhero, comics, games, books. his performance against her brother, who literally enchanted an entire race of men with his songs alone, is him jobbing out? She is also stuck making sure her home Lothorien doesn't fade away, which is where most of her power is being invested into. The Valar and Maiar are "the offspring of the thought of illuvitar". There are a couple of things at work here. Another important thing with Sauron. Press J to jump to the feed. Valar are the stronger ones. @noah_ouellette: "base " ungoliant otherwise deceived various Valar and evaded capture to the point of being specifically used as a weapon by Melkor because of said powers. Fiction Horizon is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. @mistertapman: Well, we've seen him make the Nazguls flee with his white light, we've seen him kill a balrog, summon lightning and what not. In our opinion, Gandalf, mostly, is not stronger than Sauron.

Lex Luthor's hate for Superman comes from his envy. While that isn't being crushed by a continent... it's something. Lex Luthor is Superman’s most famous enemy, but how it all started and why Lex hates Clark Kent, find out in this article. In the beginning, they were both approximately equal. Dungeons and Dragons, often referred to as DnD, is a popular roleplaying game released in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. And in every book where there's talk of the maiar Sauron is always stated as the strongest. She is more powerful than Gandalf the White by both feats and statements. We use a [Watsonian point of view](, versus Doylist. I would say that Galadriel has much greater bloodline than Legolas has. This was stated outright and shown. Not all of the Maiar were created equal.

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