learn shamanism

We offer an ongoing remote course for training in shamanism. Shamanism is a global spiritual system, encompassing cross-cultural spiritual practices and addressing the spiritual needs of people everywhere. Travel to the world of spirit and meet helping compassionate spirits, Build personal mana (spiritual power) and shine your inner light, Learn how to follow your intuition and divine answers to your questions, Relax your mind and engage the power, protection, and support of the invisible realms, Journey to a helping ancestral spirit for healing, Begin to connect to plant spirits as medicine teachers, Perform a Divination Journey for another person, Retrieve lost power and learn a spiritual healing technique called a, eye curtain, bandanna or scarf that can be tied loosely around your eyes, internet/phone (headset is nice but optional). Heal your body and soul, and create your life in a compassionate garden that grows in mirrored harmony with your dreams. It teaches an ancient practice of direct revelation so that you learn to become your primary spiritual authority through inner guidance and intuition. A shaman can have many skills such as spiritual and physical healing, performing soul retrievals, helping spirits of the deceased and divining information. Tuesdays beginning October 6, 2020 Time: 8:30 – 9:30 am Hawaii Standard (2:30 ET) Time Zone Converter. I may be captivated by the ecstatic dancing practices of the San Bushmen in the Kalahari while you may find you are drawn to the songs of the Celts, vision plants of South America or the drumming of Native Americans. Experience ancient teachings and rituals and witness the spirit of shamanism first hand. Advanced Shamanic Healing Techniques Including Soul Retrieval. It’s a good way to integrate the experience. Methodology for Safe & Effective Shamanic Journeying Call about our programs. “The techniques of shamanism help us awaken to our true essence,” says Sandra Ingerman.

Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation. Begin your journey with one of our programs. Shamanism is a path towards “seeing with the heart” to become a force for positive change in your life, family, community and the world.

It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. Common beliefs identified by Eliade (1972) are the following: What I learned through the course might best be described as a set of practices and ways of thinking and being that are life-enriching and life-enhancing.

Our shamanic training is an introductory level course that helps you connect to your helping spirits for healing, protection, and insights. For information, midlife help or for setting up personal teaching – contact: DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when making a purchase on a product link, we receive a commission. We would love to hear from you. Shamanic practice is based on the principle of direct revelation. Our inherent connection to these sacred places has fostered an unbreakable bond between people and nature. Kauai Shamanism Retreat * Energy Body + Fundamentals of Shamanism, The 2 trainings work hand in hand to expand direct connection to spirit, enhance grounding and build immunity in our energy body, You will develop and effective practice to ground into physical reality the healing & guidance you receive from Shamanic Journeying, Enrolling in both trainings simultaneously provides an exponential expansion of the benefits you receive, Accommodations and Meals are not included, Image Courtesy of David Craig - Shamanic Visionary Artist, Working with the Ancestors and Guardians of the Land, This Online Shamanism Training Consists of 5 Video Classes held on the Zoom Platform (each class is 2 hours), Every Class is Available for Free Download (for Registered Students who miss a class or want to review), Shamanic Self Protection & Personal Growth Training.

In general, I was able to gain an awareness of how spirit can support my own life and how I can interact with spirit to help others and the world. “Shamanism is an ancient universal spiritual practice that dates back over a hundred thousand years…As shamanism has been practiced all over the world, you most likely have personal ancestors who at one time practiced shamanism.” Sandra Ingerman in Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life. Grounding & Keeping our Personal Space Clear. A good question, but if you are heading out to learn shamanism, a better question is... How does one become a shaman! Join us on a shamanic event. World renowned shaman, healer and traditional ceremonial leader Brant Secunda is the founder and Director of the Dance of the Deer Foundation. Essential aspects of shamanic life include journeying, ceremony, sacred dance and pilgrimages to places of power in nature. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world, but several common beliefs are shared by all forms of shamanism. In this way the shaman helps to maintain balance and harmony on both a personal and planetary level. click the link above or email: ShamanicSpiritMedicine@gmail.com, Copyright 2020 - Shamanic Spirit Medicine & Scott Silverston - all rights reserved, Disclaimer: Nothing in this website and none of the services offered herein are meant to diagnose or treat any disease, Shamanism Retreat Hawaii - Listening to the Voices of Nature. Good information and it shows that you really care about the entire process. Our organization strives to connect ancient teachings with the modern world. Ethics & Right Use of Power. The modern shaman continues to fulfill many roles such as teacher, doctor, information technology specialist and weather worker. Practicing Shamanism. Maybe you’re a therapist, teacher or healer who wants to incorporate these methods into your practice. We offer 1 to 1 and group sessions Over the Phone and Online. One meaning is “to be consumed with fire” [of inspiration]. We live by the wisdom we teach, which has filled the lives of thousands with greater purpose and balance. Learn From Anywhere. What is shamanic healing and journeying? This shamanic training is taken from the convenience of your home via phone/Zoom with email support between sessions. A shaman’s life belongs to the village and it is their responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of the family, the community and all of creation. S hamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. The term Shaman refers to a person who can be a bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. Good, gentle reminders of not only what happened in the session, but what you suggested to do afterwards as well…, For me, personally, I left your house and drove down to Rainbow Falls and sat off by myself for 20 minutes or so. Send us your questions. These teachings are about learning how to connect with the spiritual world. Thank you for subscribing to our mail list.

Julie is a supportive, compassionate and insightful teacher. We are dedicated to staying true to and maintaining the ancient traditions of the Huichol tribe.

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