letter to jacinda ardern

If you can help us, please click the button to ensure we can continue to provide quality independent journalism you can trust. 0000001236 00000 n You said there would be really strict protocols for businesses to follow but  there was very little mention about protocols schools have to follow, only that contact tracing will be easy. * Homelessness Action Plan (which included $300m of funding) to stop people becoming homeless.

April 23rd 2020. When we say we have the highest standards for our animals and our people, we’re being honest.

As a teacher, with children coming to school, how does that then work for my mother, who is 70, has a heart condition and is on her own but I am supporting by taking groceries and picking up medications and so on at the moment? “The first casualty of war is the truth”. I am horrified by the about-turn to allow young children back to school at Level 3. • This article was amended on 19 September 2019 to correct an inaccuracy in a quotation – “assure”, not “ensure”. 0000054287 00000 n A teacher’s open letter to Jacinda Ardern. An 'actual teacher*' penned this open letter to the Prime Minister about her deep worries over the move to allow children back into schools at Level 3. Dear Jacinda Ardern, Let’s show the world how kind we are. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. “I would also like to extend a standing invitation to participate in an interview on my programme, which would allow us to constructively debate the issue of climate change,” he writes.
We have an opportunity now to show the world that when we say we’re kind, we mean it. This change in legislation, if it becomes law will send a strong discriminatory message to our community. Open letter to Jacinda Ardern - Keep your promise, don't introduce abortion up to birth for children with disabilities - Saving Down's The Government have announced the details of its new abortion bill which, if it becomes law, will introduce abortion right through to birth for babies with disabilities. You can read more details about the new abortion bill in our press release here. 0000123741 00000 n Bolshevik Beehive compromised by Beijing, TROJAN HORSE, take back the Beehive from Beijing, STOP THE RED TERROR. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. Instead abortion will be available for disabilities including Down syndrome right through to birth, under part one, clause seven of the Bill, which outlines new grounds under which abortions will be available between 20-weeks and birth. 0000047156 00000 n 0000044335 00000 n * Put aside $400 million aside to help people buy their own home. 0000002947 00000 n I will not take part in your experiment. Help us create a sustainable future for independent local journalism. And particularly given this is an Australian commentator, we’ve got enough of our own to occupy my time without me having to jump into something that an Aussie says.”. will introduce disability-selective abortion through to birth. No contest. ", Photographer wins new category in national awards, Safety improvements for Waikanae's Te Moana Rd, Students take design assignment to the next level, Community solar farms officially opened in Ōtaki, Principal gives up office as school roll swells, Melania Trump's 'uncomfortable' moment after presidential debate, Twelve new Covid cases - 10 from same Air India flight. Clearly, there has been some change of mind when it comes to teachers. Term two starts today in a new virtual way. © 2020 - Saving Down's. Community-based midwives have been actively seeking pay equity since 2015. Open Letter to Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern and Cabinet. An 'actual teacher*' penned this open letter to the Prime Minister about her deep worries over the move to allow children back into schools at Level 3. Newsroom is collating information as it’s available to paint a picture of what’s happening. There is a famous saying.

Your Government’s new abortion bill, if it becomes law, will remove the current 20-week gestational time limit for disability. Ardern did not take up Jones’s offer of a follow-up phone call, or the invitation to appear on his radio program. 0000004674 00000 n 0000032616 00000 n Jones goes on to say that, if she so wishes, he is happy to discuss the matter by telephone with the PM – and then pitches for an on-air interview. I have worked so hard during my teaching career, with endless late nights, unmanageable workloads, no time and energy for a social life, keeping up with constant changes and living with constant stress. Last month Jones, of Sydney radio station 2GB, suggested that the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, should “shove a sock” down the throat of the New Zealand leader to silence her views on climate change. On 16 August Jones penned an apology letter to the New Zealand PM, saying he never intended to cause offence, which has been released to the Guardian under an Official Information Request – New Zealand’s version of FOI. When we say we have the highest standards for our animals and our people, we’re being honest. Shane Jones is behind in the Northland race and warning everyone the region will go back to being forgotten if some voters don’t put aside their personal dislike of him. All rights reserved. Love The Music? Room 19 wrote to Ardern about the housing crisis and caring for families locally.
0000050948 00000 n They will see a very different teacher in front of them. 0000112225 00000 n "It is not an easy thing to fix but it is a priority for me so I will continue looking at what can be done and working on this with colleagues.". As New Zealand moves from crisis to recovery mode the need to support local industry has been brought into sharp relief. They are my priority and I will not ‘pop’ my bubble so people can get back to making money. How is Covid-19 spreading within the country? 0000033004 00000 n Another parent works at another school so how big is my bubble now? If they have a sibling in another class or at secondary school, myself and anyone in my class are now open to those bubbles, too. “Please accept my sincere apology for the words spoken, and I hope that my intentions are, at least now, clear.”. I will not be giving them a cuddle when they are upset and crying (a daily occurrence). It also means my partner can't join his mother in her bubble (on her own at the moment) because he is exposed to me. trailer <<1FB1852BF88443A18EA05DB52002132B>]/Prev 552019/XRefStm 1490>> startxref 0 %%EOF 109 0 obj <>stream

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