most rural places in america

They pretend not to be racist but you can tell by their conversation and body language they they truly are. Thank goodness, after 12 years in this hell hole, I'm finally in a position to sell my house and move to California! The median age was 47 years. About 13.40% of families and 16.90% of the population were below the poverty line, including 19.20% of those under age 18 and 13.20% of those age 65 or over. Florida is the most racist state I have lived in. You're BLACK? " The 25 Best Small Town Main Streets in the U.S. 30+ Small Towns You Should Visit This Summer. I am an educated, full time working wife and mother. The county population contained 22.10% under the age of 18, 4.90% from 18 to 24, 20.00% from 25 to 44, 29.50% from 45 to 64, and 23.50% who were 65 years of age or older. Louisiana is not a bad place to live. Situated at the base of sea cliffs and nestled right up against the ocean, this tiny town is the perfect tropical getaway for when you REALLY was to get away. Why can't you go back to where you CAME from? Daniels County is a county located in the U.S. state of Montana. I am from Turkey and I live in south west Kentucky. They are scared of living in peace, but we get stereotyped and harassed by the police,denied places of employment and all types of stuff called silverbacks list goes on if people had respect for the next individual regardless of their race wv might have a chance otherwise this place will be a cesspool.. I moved here 2 years ago from Georgia and I am still ahead in school. Most people there are have extremely bigoted views, and they will put you on an island if you don't agree with them. No wonder we always make the "Most Dangerous" list. Also the worst state for road kill as they just don't build game fencing around highways. I'm Hispanic and so were most of the people I went to school with. I have lived in six states from along the East Coast and Mid-West.

Nope! Even when I applied at some jobs where the manager was black, I was always turned down despite that I'm very well educated with a college degree and the job was given to black people, a majority of them had just gotten out of jail or didn't even finish high school (one job I applied for, I was turned down and a black guy who had committed murder and had ...more. It's really sad.

Most minorities Only stick to their own race while caucasians hang out with everyone especially those not white. I recognize everyday these racist simple minded bugs are so stuck in there ways its ridiculous because minorities will never get equality for any circumstance.I have friends in all races, but it seems whites look at us like we came along to destroy them and don't want anything out of life WRONG! The second teacher gave me a "D" when really I should have been given an "A", because when it was my turn to use the Laser Cutter he demanded me to step aside for this other student, just before me in line. To the black man who was born in Los Angeles... uneducated... You said the George Bush was the reason people had to go to prison for crack laws... Wow, do your homework before you give your input!Washington -- President Clinton signed into law yesterday a bill to continue punishing crack-cocaine crimes far more severely than powder-cocaine crimes -- a difference that civil rights activists say is racist. I am from Virginia, and let me tell you, it is indeed quite racist. And there is a lot of racist people out there. They never hired any black people and did not like to hire poor people either. The median age was 50.4 years. White people here are so racist and they are really good at hiding it from the world. As an adult, I moved back and lived there for a little over a year. Chicago IL is a great city with many fine qualities. I have submitted my resume over 200 times.

I think these white people here are far more racist then the ones in Mississippi. White people are scowled at because they come here and buy all the land and destroy the environment, thusly hurting our people even more. I understand you 100% racism is everywhere and in every group I'm latin afro Cuban also happens when they hire me over the phone and the sudden they see me in person turn me down even I am overqualified or just because I am not white hispanic then you pass by the same super market or restaurant the next day and you recognize a new fresh face that looks just arrived or crossed the border recently and is getting paid less money for that kind of work. I can't understand why people are so prejudice because we are all mixed with something I'm part Spanish,Indian and black and if the average person did a dna test they would be very surprised there is a reason the word say Love Thy Brother. I was promised to be attached to a unit near the metro area. Whittier is actually only accessible via a 2.6-mile tunnel that is only open during daylight hours. They are loud, arrogant and mostly rude to foreigners. My neighborhood though. I was only told I needed one when I started packing an electricity bill. I grew up in Erie, Pa and I have to say that it is very racist toward people of color and also prejudiced against people who aren't protestant or catholic. Even Jewish people were whispered about behind their backs. I live in Mississippi and there is a very bad reputation of the state for racism that just is not true. At first I had problems with my father law because he was very prejudice to the point he wanted to kill me but after he got to know me it was very different we was like Dad and Son in fact we became even closer than his own son I have never had a prejudice bone in my body except for the lazy and people that won't work. I realize I sound racist to some people just referring to them the way I do but I'm sorry that's just they way we talk get used to it because it won't change and it's no one should take offense to being referred too as what they are because there's plenty of other black people and Mexicans etc that will deliberately make jokes about us being white and call us that and nothing makes me more pissed off then a double standard. The surrounding landscape is unsuitable for vehicles.

Affirmative Action has now been voted out of Oklahoma.

To the responders of the comments (Bush apologists), I have three words for you: War on Drugs. All of Supai's visitors must come by horse or helicopter. Louisiana is racism at its worst. But when I went out to buy clothes that's when I saw the deep seated racism! It treats its minority population horribly, provides almost zero effective help for the city schools, and as a result they have closed some. I was met with hatred from both blacks and whites, as the blacks didn't like me because I guess, I wasn't from their eco system, or didn't fit into their collective mindsets... And the whites didn't like me because you guessed it, I was black. Mentone is the only settlement within the county of Loving County. Please reconsider that Utah just maybe is not racist or weird or whatever crazy things that people say. No matter how much experience, education or qualifications you have. Just for having facial hair! Other then the beaches and climate, this state is horrible. I got a job right away at Seversen Lutheran Hospital or Care Facility for the elderly and even the residents... Old and infirm, did not want me to give them services. Almost all of the racism in the state stems not from rude locals who just want to be mean, the Hawaiian people are jaded and hurt because western influence nearly destroyed our culture. I've been shunned by so many ...more. What followed was that we were robbed several times and finally moved back to the northwest. I just wish they would see me as American Brother first and Black second. Teeny tiny Arthur may not have much of a downtown (pictured) but it has a lot of heart. Who goes to jail for tinted windows?! The average household size was 2.14 and the average family size was 2.77. The metro Atlanta area is place is where as soon as a couple of decent black people move in to a white area you will soon see a convoy of moving trucks with whites fleeing like refugees in a war. I know many of white people who voted for Obama only because they didn't want to feel like they were racist.

Then I just laugh and leave while my mom worried about the situation.

Maybe even more of other.

Its 181 residents enjoy 30 miles of green valley and mountain range all around. In at least 15 instances blacks have been prejudice in their actions and especially words in interactionswith me. We are indigenous, biologically we belong here while you are not indigenous- biologically that makes you foreign (in scientific terms you represent a biological invasion just by being here) even if you were born here. Glad that I escaped that hellhole with my wife a couple years ago! This is a very racist state. My neighbors came to my aid and the witness to the accident, all white. at home I told us if the office can't get my my driver license # that he would take me to jail and let my white co-worker drive on. There's no grocery store, bank, or even hospital in Mentone. I have never seen such a racist place in my life. I'm biracial (white mom black dad) and my experience in Idaho has been awful.

If you are not white you will have hell finding or keeping a job or even renting an apartment. The church are good place to start. I'm sick of getting dirty looks because I say something about how the guy held the door for the white lady with full hands but let it slam in my face while I've also got full hands and smirking about it as he watches me struggle. I can say that although there are some racists in the Northeast, it's much worse in Arkansas particularly if you are not from the area. Most believe we still live in the 60's -70's. I'm from Northern VA, lived there all my life and it disgusts me how people who haven't lived here all their lives are judging a state by 1 or 2 years. And how there are so many poor neighborhoods. All of these locals.

Before the 1960s blacks and whites in Virginia lived in the same cities and towns but in different neighborhoods. I know there is good in every race and I won't lest the action of a few manipulate my will. Teachers all turned a blind eye on racism against Asian students. I have a feeling that because of this, I will be moving when I graduate college next year. However the skiing and mountain biking are great. I am a Hispanic and have lived in Idaho since 1960. Daniels County is predominately rolling plains. The Loving County Sheriff has been quoted as saying "if you've got to have rattlesnakes or lawyers, which one would you have?" They automatically think I'm a foreigner. Black people assume that they can say whatever they want to a white person and get away with it. Wade Michael Page, a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi, fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple near New Berlin, Wisconsin.Milwaukee Wisconsin is the most segregated city in the country.

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