regenerative economy movement generation

We will all have to collaborate to achieve this transformative response to the converging crises we are facing. Author of the internationally acclaimed book Designing Regenerative Cultures. Investment in a Regenerative Economy based on care, “essential work,” and reproductive labor.

No commodification of us, nature, or our planet. Decarcerate and demilitarize our communities. We must make our families whole through transformative justice approaches and by freeing Black folks who have been disproportionately jailed for non-violent offenses. Short, medium and long term organizing strategy—indeed, entire movements—grow and are derived from narratives. Convert private banks to public ownership after a financial crisis.

My own book, Designing Regenerative Cultures, explores many more examples of how the Re-Generation is on the rise and what questions might guide us in charting our course towards a regenerative future. The transition itself must be just and equitable, redressing past harms and creating new relationships of power for the future through reparations. A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy offers three dynamic tools to advance these interventions. This evolution requires that we reorient our relationship to each other and to Mother Earth to seed a Regenerative Economy. Whether we are advancing a People’s Bailout right now in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, summoning grassroots power to take on the climate crisis through Just Transition and Green New Deal policies, or advancing implementation and organizing strategies, we see this as a continuous process that puts us on a trajectory toward collective justice, rooted in a Regenerative Economy that is intersectional—anti-racist and feminist. We must invest in resilient and sustainable infrastructure and systems that center the rights and expertise of Asian and Pacific Islander, Black, Brown, Indigenous, poor, and marginalized people. Torn away at the border. To pursue a Regenerative Economy requires that we uphold the rights of refugees and immigrants as equals in our society. The policy planks are one of three tools in the kit, together with series of Strategy Questions and the ... Feminist Economy visibilizes and repairs the harms of capitalism’s exploitation of both paid and unpaid reproductive labor. Impose a wealth tax on the 1% (individuals and corporations) and reinvest funding to repair and build communities most impacted and marginalized by our current inequitable economic system. It means bringing energy resources under public or community ownership and/or governance—a key aspect of the struggle for climate and energy justice, and an essential step toward building a more just, equitable, sustainable, and resilient economy. When considering energy, climate change, and Green New Deal policy, it is important that the U.S., and its agencies, consider the history of destructive energy and mineral exploitation in Indigenous lands and territories. Codify enforceable federal standards, rules, and procedures for prioritizing low-income homeowners, renters, and unhoused people in the allocation of housing aid and recovery resources, with a particular focus on long-term housing recovery programs. The post-War Baby-Boomer generation was born at a time when humanity’s impact on the planet became catastrophically degenerative. How will this solution take on larger structural issues that harm all communities? When the pandemic hit, millions lost healthcare because they lost their job. “Respond” means to activate mutual support networks to support communities on the ground to meet the articulated needs of those most impacted and vulnerable, rather than national emergency response that often marginalizes those most impacted.

A Regenerative Economy requires that society create a different system that is healthy, holistic, nurturing, and job-creating. Our Tribal Nations and communities are not, and will not, be Sacrifice Zones for pollution and extraction. The document offered herein is a result of this work, with over 80 policy ideas and solutions presented as fourteen planks for a Regenerative Economy, which a Green New Deal could provide. Starting this week’s public launch of A People’s Orientation, we uplift Justice for Black Communities recognizing the political moment we are in, in which our Black relatives are faced with a crisis of police violence, brutality, and even murders in their communities all across the nation. But that right is not afforded to people living next to the engines of the extractive economy: refineries, incinerators, industrial agriculture, etc. For these reasons and more, we hold that a Green New Deal must be more than a resolution or set of policies. Change The Rules Alliance for Appalachia, Alternatives for Community and Environment, Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Black Dirt Farm Collective, Black Mesa Water Coalition, Center for Economic Democracy, Center for Story-Based Strategy, Central Florida Jobs with Justice, Climate Disobedience Center, Climate Justice Alliance, Communities for a Better Environment, Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice, Cooperation Jackson, Corporate Accountability, Dēmos, East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Emerald Cities Collaborative, Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform, Farmworker Association of Florida, Got Green, Grassroots Global Justice, Ground Game LA/ POWER, Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy, Harambee House Citizens for Environmental Justice, Illinois People’s Action, Indigenous Environmental Network, Institute for Policy Studies, Ironbound Community Corporation, Jobs with Justice San Francisco, Just Transition Alliance, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Local Clean Energy Alliance, Michigan United, Million Hoodies Movement for Justice, Movement Strategy Center, Movement Strategy Innovation Center, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Family Farm Coalition, Native Movement, Native Organizers Alliance, NC Climate Justice Collective, New Economy Coalition, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, New Jersey Organizing Project, Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica de Puerto Rico, People Organizing to Demand Environmental & Economic Rights (PODER), Philadelphians Organized to Witness Empower and Rebuild (POWER), People’s Action, Poor People’s Campaign, Push Buffalo, Race Forward, Richmond Our Power Coalition, Rights & Democracy, Soulardarity, Southwest Workers Union, SustainUS, The Moving Forward Network, The Ruckus Society, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, UPROSE, Urban Tilth, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, We Own It, WV Citizen Action Group. Don’t just take our word for it; listen to the voices of the next generation of consumers, employees, investors, and community members. Just Transition describes both where we are going and how we get there.

Member Login, Fight The Bad Our communities are not displaced and gentrified by investment.

Shift to community governance over planning processes, zoning decisions, regulations, and siting of renewable energy projects and grid build-out, through a strong anti-racist, anti-gentrification analysis. It requires a re-localization and democratization of how we produce and consume goods, and ensures all have full access to healthy food, renewable energy, clean air and water, good jobs, and healthy living environments. At this summit, we identified green lines (what we want), yellow lines (what we’re still questioning), and red lines (what we say no to) for GND policies, from development through implementation. A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy is created in partnership with the Just Community Energy Transition Project.

In particular, undocumented trans, queer, and gender non-conforming immigrants have felt the deep burdens of marginalization and isolation in unjust immigration policies and services. Reproductive labor encompasses building and maintaining familial and intimate relationships, broader communal ties, crisis planning and management, and passing on cultural knowledge and wisdom.

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