senator definition rome

They numbered ordinarily 300. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Ancient History Encyclopedia.

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Foreign policy was also considered such as hearing foreign ambassadors, deciding the distribution of the legions, and creating provinces and deciding their borders. [4] Over time, the patres came to recognize the need for a single leader, and so they elected a king (rex),[4] and vested in him their sovereign power. In the 5th century, however, some of them helped the barbarian leaders against the imperial authority. The senate was a political institution in the ancient Roman Kingdom.

In the early ages of Rome, the senate was there to advise the king. After the fall of the Roman Republic, the constitutional balance of power shifted from the Roman senate to the Roman Emperor.

From the 3rd century BCE there were 300 members of the Senate, and after the reforms of Sulla in 81 BCE, there were probably around 500 senators, although after that date there does not seem to have been either a specific minimum or maximum number. The most important senators were the great landowners throughout the empire, whose position became almost feudal. As the Roman Republic grew, the senate also supervised the administration of the provinces, which were governed by former consuls and praetors, in that it decided which magistrate should govern which province. In 81 bc Sulla secured an automatic composition for the Senate by increasing the number of quaestors to 20 and enacting that all former quaestors should pass at once into the Senate. As a result of the civil war of 49–45 bc, the number of senators (which Sulla had earlier raised to 500 or 600) was seriously depleted. Real political power was in the hands of the emperors, but the Senate, nevertheless, continued to pass a large quantity of legislation during the Principate. Julius Caesar instigated reforms in the mid-1st century BCE, gave out membership to his supporters, and extended it to include important individuals from cities other than Rome so that there were then 900 senators. This ever-widening influence and power of the Senate was challenged by tribunes from the time of Tiberius Gracchus onward (133 bc) and, more particularly, by the military leaders, from Marius onward, who pitted their administrative power against the authority of the Senate.

During the early Republic, the Senate was politically weak, while the various executive magistrates were quite powerful. bribery, extortion, and crimes against the people) were decided by the Senate and their ruling could not be overturned by the emperor. During senate meetings, the emperor sat between the two consuls,[28] and usually acted as the presiding officer. We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. (It was probably in their capacity of former magistrates that plebeians first entered the Senate.) Designated in Greek as synkletos, or assembly, the Senate of Constantinople was made up of all current or former holders of senior ranks and official positions, plus their descendants.

It acquired the right to assign duties to the magistrates, to determine the two provinces to be entrusted to the consuls, to prolong a magistrate’s period of office, and to appoint senatorial commissions to help magistrates to organize conquered territory. When the seat of government was transferred out of Rome, the Senate was reduced to a purely-municipal body.

Thank you! often repeated, gives a total of 50). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. A consul would seldom venture to disregard the advice of the Senate, especially because he himself, in accordance with steadily growing custom, would become a senator at the end of his year of office.

For example, every senator was permitted to speak before a vote could be held, and since all meetings had to end by nightfall,[15] a dedicated group or even a single senator could talk a proposal to death (a filibuster or diem consumere). That the Senate was still regarded as a representative and necessary part of the constitution is shown by Constantine’s creation of a duplicate Senate in Constantinople. Learn more.

The Senate could also have the ultimate last word on an emperor's reign by declaring them a public enemy or officially erasing their memory (damnatio memoriae).

Following the constitutional reforms of Emperor Diocletian, the Senate became politically irrelevant. The Senate’s powers had by this time extended far beyond its ancient prerogatives. During the reigns of the first emperors, legislative, judicial, and electoral powers were all transferred from the Roman assemblies to the senate. Roman Senate.

][according to whom?] The Late Empire then saw the momentous decision to split the Senate into two bodies, one in Rome and the other in Constantinople.

Its decisions were given further weight by the fact that many senators were themselves ex-magistrates with practical experience of governance, and so, in practice, vetoes were rare (but did occur by, for example, the tribunes of the popular assembly, the tribuni plebis).

The senate was a major political body throughout the history of Ancient Rome. The descendants of those 100 men subsequently became the patrician class. During the early Roman Empire, all judicial powers that had been held by the Roman assemblies were also transferred to the senate.

It survived the overthrow of the Roman monarchy in 509 BC; the fall of the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC; the division of the Roman Empire in AD 395; and the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476; and Justinian's attempted reconquest in the 6th century. According to the same work, Elagabalus also established a women's senate called the senaculum, which enacted rules to be applied to matrons regarding clothing, chariot riding, the wearing of jewelry, etc. [6] When the king died, that sovereign power naturally reverted to the patres.

About 312 bc the selection of senators was transferred from the consuls to the censors, who normally chose former magistrates.

Citizenship is and always has been a valued possession of any individual... Lucius Cornelius Sulla (l. 138 - 78 BCE) enacted his constitutional... Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny, New Men in the Roman Senate, 139 B.C.-A.D. 14.

In the 6th century the Roman Senate disappears from the historical record; it is last mentioned in ad 580.

A great number of them failed to leave their estates to attend meetings, and the Senate often acted—as it had in the early days of the Republic—merely as a town council for Rome, under the chairmanship of the prefect of the city. Julius Caesar revised the list and increased the Senate to 900, naturally filling it with his own supporters.

This article was most recently revised and updated by, Kidipede History for Kids - Roman Government. The Senate of the Roman Republic passed decrees called senatus consulta, which in form constituted "advice" from the senate to a magistrate. While senate meetings could take place either inside or outside the formal boundary of the city (the pomerium), no meeting could take place more than a mile (1 km) outside it.

The Senate became a self-perpetuating, automatically constituted body, independent of the annual magistrates, and a recognized factor in the Roman constitution, with extensive powers. In the early Republic, it is likely the body began as an advisory board to magistrates and then grew in power as retired magistrates joined it as indicated by the lex Ovinia (after 339 BCE but before 318 BCE) which set out that members should be recruited from the 'best men.' When the Republic began, the Senate functioned as an advisory council. It was one of the most enduring institutions in Roman history, being established in the first days of the city of Rome (traditionally founded in 753 BC). [26] Under the empire, the power that the emperor held over the senate was absolute. The late Republic saw a decline in the Senate's power, which began following the reforms of the tribunes Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. The role of the senate changed over time.

Under Gallienus, senators lost the right to command legions and much of their part in provincial administration. The Senate continued to exert influence on government in the imperial period, albeit to a lesser degree and despite the increase in the army's intervention in politics and its manipulation in both membership and sessions by successive emperors. With a dictator as well as a senate, the senate could veto any of the dictator's decisions. Through these decrees, the senate directed the magistrates, especially the Roman Consuls (the chief magistrates) in their prosecution of military conflicts. The prehistoric Indo-Europeans who settled Italy in the centuries before the legendary founding of Rome in 753 BC were structured into tribal communities, and these communities often included an aristocratic board of tribal elders.

Senate definition, an assembly or council of citizens having the highest deliberative functions in a government, especially a legislative assembly of a state or nation. But in the early Republic the Senate remained an advising body and assumed no definite executive powers. Over the centuries, as the empire expanded so too did the geographical origins of the senators until, by the 3rd century CE, up to 50% of senators came from outside Italy. Third, the general control exercised by the Senate over provincial affairs implied its direction of the income derived from the provinces.

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