cloture vote

The cloture process essentially limits debate on any bill or motion before the Senate, establishing a 30-hour window before a final vote must be held, and eliminating the ability of opposing Senators to filibuster—to hold the floor indefinitely—and delay a vote. The Yea votes represented 89% of the country’s population by apportioning each state’s population to its voting senators. Cloture is a “is a blunt tool for managing the Senate,” as Brookings Institution’s Sarah Binder put it. Members of Congress side together for many reasons beside being in the same political party, especially so for less prominent legislation or legislation specific to a certain region. 1 . They more than doubled to 252 from 115 in the previous session. For example, California’s population of near 40 million is given the same number of senators as Wyoming’s population of about 600,000. This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom.

These are some of our most ambitious editorial projects. In 2013-14, a Republican minority led by McConnell  filibustered dozens of Obama nominees, and Democrats used cloture votes to push past them. Quartz is owned by Uzabase, the business intelligence and media company. is an independent website tracking the status of legislation in the United States Congress and helping you participate in government.

Now we’re on Instagram too! Nay 6 % 6 6 . You are encouraged to reuse any material on this site. Take a look at where this bill is in the legislative process. Please help us make GovTrack better address the needs of educators by joining our advisory group. Contests & Promotions, © 2020, The Networks of Mid-Missouri Columbia, MO USA, the Trump administration’s Department of Justice, Trump’s allies offer public praise but privately worry after debate, Senate approves stopgap bill to prevent shutdown ahead of midnight deadline, Trump signs spending bill to keep government open until December 11, US restricts palm oil imports from Malaysia over alleged forced labor abuses. Cloture is basically a vote to go ahead on a vote, a procedural oddity of the Senate that allows a majority leader to “push past a recalcitrant minority,” as Pew Research Center explains. But the House of Representatives uses “Aye” and “No” in other sorts of votes. When that failed, McConnell moved to obstruct his agenda and block Obama’s last Supreme Court nominee in 2016. is not a government website. Our public interest mission means we will never put our service behind a paywall.

You’ve cast your vote. By providing your email, you agree to the Quartz Privacy Policy. Two days later, the Senate would be required to vote on the cloture motion(s). Each vote’s study guide is a little different — we automatically choose which questions to include based on the information we have available about the vote. A vote in favor is a vote to end debate and move to a vote on the issue itself, while a vote against is a vote to prolong debate or to filibuster. The top Democrat’s action now sets up a vote later this week related to a bill that would protect people with pre-existing conditions if the Supreme Court sides with the Trump administration’s Department of Justice and strikes down the Affordable Care Act after arguments are heard in November.

Congress takes this literally and uses “yea” and “nay” when voting on the final passage of bills. When cloture is invoked, senators are also required to engage in debate that is "germane" to the legislation being discussed. 3/5 The rules say any senator can do what …

This vote is related to a bill. Do you agree with how your senators voted? Do the senators who voted yea represent a majority of the people of the United States? The Senate is more deeply divided, ideologically, than perhaps at any time in modern history. You can learn more about the various motions used in Congress at

GovTrack, which follows members’ positions on various issues, shows there is very little overlap between Republicans and Democrats—and therefore little room for compromise or agreement. A vote in favor is a vote to end debate and move to a vote on the issue itself, while a vote against is a vote to prolong debate or to filibuster. The jump in the use of cloture is rooted in the fact that there’s very little middle ground between the political parties. Schumer’s surprise steps were extraordinary because such motions are typically offered by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who controls the Senate and dictates what gets considered on the floor. Does it look like Members of Congress voted based on party, geography, or some other reason? Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. But a vote could still be politically difficult for those Senate Republicans up for reelection this fall who have said they support keeping protections for people with pre-existing conditions, even as the Trump administration took steps to have the law thrown out. Join 10 million other Americans using GovTrack to learn about and contact your representative and senators and track what Congress is doing each day. You can help us improve them by filling out this survey or by sending your feedback to If you aren’t sure what the Senate was voting on, try seeing if it’s on this list. This was a vote on “cloture” in the Senate, which means to end debate so that an up-or-down vote can be taken.

Congress makes many decisions in the process of passing legislation, such as on the procedures for debating the bill, whether to change the bill before voting on passage, and even whether to vote on passage at all.

Brookings Institution’s Sarah Binder put it. The push comes as protecting the Affordable Care Act is at the center of Democrats’ arguments for winning back the White House, retaking control of the Senate and blocking the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be a justice of the Supreme Court, whom they believe will join with conservatives on the high court to strike down the ACA and the protections for people with pre-existing conditions in the law. Follow on Instagram for new 60-second summary videos of legislation in Congress. Keep in mind what this specific vote was on, and the context of the bill. The U.S. Constitution says that bills should be decided on by the “yeas and nays” (Article I, Section 7). What does cloture mean, exactly, and why does it keep coming up in Senate votes? “Aye” and “Yea” mean the same thing, and so do “No” and “Nay”. Thank you for joining the GovTrack Advisory Community! Will the other chamber of Congress vote on it, or let it die? We’re looking for feedback from educators about how GovTrack can be used and improved for your classroom. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. © 2020 Quartz Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Invoking cloture guarantees that a Senate vote on the bill or amendment being debated will eventually happen.

This is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC. GovTrack displays the percentage of the United States population represented by the yeas on some Senate votes just under the vote totals. Congress uses different words in different sorts of votes. The measure is unlikely to get the 60 votes it would need to advance. In the 2013-14 Congress, after Barack Obama won his second term, there was a massive rise in cloture motions. McConnell escalated the situation, vowing to make Obama a “one-term president” in 2010. All Votes R epublicans D emocrats I ndependents; Yea 82 % 82 40 . Will there be amendments?

This was successfully invoked for the first time on 15 November 1919, during the 66th Congress, to end a filibuster on the Treaty of Versailles. Please sign up for our advisory group to be a part of making GovTrack a better tool for what you do.

By joining our advisory group, you can help us make GovTrack more useful and engaging to young voters like you. Study guides are a new feature to GovTrack. Cloture Motion Agreed to. Why do you think they voted the way they did? How much of the United States population is represented by the yeas.

What might come next? Cloture The procedure by which debate is formally ended in a meeting or legislature so that a vote may be taken. And please consider supporting our work by becoming a monthly backer @govtrack on Patreon or leaving a tip. The vote was related to H.R. Cloture is basically a vote to go ahead on a vote, a procedural oddity of the Senate that allows a majority leader to “push past a recalcitrant minority,” as Pew Research Center explains. However, that doesn’t necessarily tell you what it is about.

It’s not clear when roll call votes will take place but it’s possible as early as Thursday, a GOP aide said. All Senate votes use these words. Now what? Totals. Would you like to join our advisory group to work with us on the future of GovTrack? You can find answers to most of the questions below here on the vote page. Hackers/journalists/researchers: See these open data sources. We’re looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. Use this study guide to find out. The number of these motions is limited only by the number of items on the calendar. Since each state has two senators, but state populations vary significantly, the individuals living in each state have different Senate representation. There are two votes here that should be more important to you than all the others. We hope to enable educators to build lesson plans centered around any bill or vote in Congress, even those as recent as yesterday. Young Americans have historically been the least involved in politics, despite the huge consequences policies can have on them.

And starting in 2019 we’ll be tracking Congress’s oversight investigations of the executive branch. A spokesman for McConnell did not have any immediate response to Schumer’s actions.

If you teach United States government and would like to speak with us about bringing legislative data into your classroom, please reach out!

Our emails are made to shine in your inbox, with something fresh every morning, afternoon, and weekend. We do this to highlight how the people of the United States are represented in the Senate. Schumer has never before tried to force such a cloture vote in his time as the top minority leader, aides said. At the beginning of the Trump administration, Democrats retaliated, filibustering Trump nominees.

A vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the US Supreme Court is expected this weekend, after Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell filed a late-night motion for a “cloture” vote to be held tomorrow (Oct. 5). We’ll be in touch. If you can, please take a few minutes to help us improve GovTrack for users like you. This was a vote on “cloture” in the Senate, which means to end debate so that an up-or-down vote can be taken. If you don’t already know who your Members of Congress are you can find them by entering your address here. For this question it may help to briefly examine the bill itself.

Does it matter? The rules say any senator can do what Schumer did Tuesday but senators typically don’t take these extreme steps because doing so regularly would shut down the Senate.

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Cloture is a means of terminating a filibuster, which is a prolonged speech on the floor of the Senate designed to forestall legislative action.

The House does not have a similar measure. 41 . Schumer has never before tried to force such a cloture vote in his time as the top minority leader, aides said. The chart below, which assigns a liberal-conservative score to each senator based on the bills they have co-sponsored, illustrates the wide spread: Kick off each morning with coffee and the Daily Brief (BYO coffee).

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