that thing you do ending

Actually, there's a couple really good reasons: A huge portion of the cut footage from That Thing You Do! | Before "The Wonders" appear on national television, Guy arrives back at the hotel in a drunken state and finds an excited Mr. White with the good news about being on television the next day.

Find out where That Thing You Do! Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Meanwhile, maybe inevitably, the band members are developing problems with one another.

It wasn't all organized, it wasn't all big time, and if it was all hype, well, it's always been all hype.

So if you realize your fun times in the bedroom have turned into some boring activities you do not look forward to, you need to look into the matter as it might be one of the signs your relationship is ending. Moments before that, MacReady (Kurt Russell) notes that it's the first week of winter. Carter) tries to leave MacReady out in the storm after finding his torn jacket outside, suggesting that he may have been attacked. He meets his longtime idol, the jazz great Del Paxton (Bill Cobbs), gets to join him in a session, and learns from him a basic lesson: “Bands come and go.” And he meets a friendly waitress (Rita Wilson) who subtly offers herself, and just as subtly takes back the offer.

For 20 years, most people have been content with the version of That Thing You Do! Crazy Credits

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If it's able to transfer itself to other tissue it comes in contact with, it could do even more than that. Early in the film, after the Norwegian helicopter incident, Windows (Thomas Waites) gets on the radio and tries to report what's happened, but he can't get through to any other station.

Is there a whole fleet out there, just waiting for a single sign that life on our planet is just a little safer? For all we know, even the final explosion didn't kill every living thing left in the station. For instance, a plot line involving T. B. The Extended Cut now has Guy secure with a job. Every relationship requires a healthy sex life that suits both your sexual desires and libidos. This shows that the Thing is adept not just at appearing human, but at using human skills to suit its own needs. “That Thing You Do!” is a rags-to-riches-to-oblivion story, the saga of the kind of band known in the industry as one-hit wonders. It's possible, and it sets up the isolation in the film that ultimately leads to its rather dark ending, but it's also possible that something else is at work here.

Could it adapt our own advances to its needs, and if so, how quickly? 2 You Do Not Have Sex. Could they hold out long enough to wait for help and pretend that they're just miraculous survivors? BuzzFeed Staff 1. | “That Thing You Do!” is the first film written and directed by Tom Hanks, and not surprisingly it is as sunny and guileless as many of the characters he's played: The movie may be inconsequential, but in some ways that's a strength.
© 2020 It's been nearly four decades since its release, and John Carpenter's The Thing remains one of the most untouchably gruesome and great horror films of all time, beloved by fans of multiple generations and still celebrated by horror critics and filmmakers alike.

The blood test sequence, combined with the severed head sprouting legs, raises another interesting question about the nature of the Thing. That means, among other things, that he's been using his time in isolation to construct a makeshift spacecraft, presumably so that the Thing can eventually leave the planet, perhaps to bring back more of its kind. The extended cut included the following changes: In the theatrical release, Horace is seen buying a record from Faye at Villipiano's. That means it's entirely possible that this has happened before, either with another spacecraft or with the same spacecraft encountered by other people. CinemaBlend's James Bond (expert). Goofs Not only do we see him getting hassled more by his family at the beginning of his career as a drummer, we also see Tina becoming more and more disinterested in Guy's life in general, and her growing relationship with her dentist. The Thing infiltrated the Norwegian station because they dug it up, but what if it somehow managed to infect other stations as well, either through other crafts or because its ability to divide itself means it can somehow travel? Palmer (David Clennon) turns out to be the one whose blood is infected, and we see his blood basically jump out of its petri dish when confronted with the hot wire. AllMusic Rating.

Without hauling in a lot of deep meanings, it remembers with great warmth a time and a place. In the annals of pop music, 1964 was a fairly innocent time.

He fights for The User. It's not just mindlessly assimilating — it's making plans and constructing things to carry those plans out. If you want to get in on the fun, head over to Amazon and order yourself a copy of the film on Blu-ray or DVD, both featuring the theatrical and extended cuts of the film. | Also versed in Large Scale Aggressors, time travel, and Guillermo del Toro. Do Robert Frost a solid, and check out the extended path, as you certainly won't regret it. | A local Pennsylvania band scores a one hit wonder in 1964 and rides the star-making machinery as long as they can, with lots of help from its manager. talks about how that was the act that popped his cherry, during the band's KJZZ radio interview, he's not talking about their musical inspiration, like he was in the theatrical cut. Carpenter's film — the story of an arctic research station slowly brought to its knees by an unseen alien form — is a confluence of Carpenter's love of the classic film The Thing From Another World and his matured skills as a director after great work in the 1970s. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. In its theatrical incarnation, That Thing You Do! While the existing cut does a fine job of showing the friction Guy has with both his family and Tina (Charlize Theron), his girlfriend at the beginning of the film, the extended cut gives both plotlines more room to breathe. The music videos, which can found on the home video versions of the movie, contain extra footage not seen in the film. But once you've seen the extended edition, and seen all of the moments you recognize enhanced by the new material reinstated back into the film, you'll know the difference matters. 4) The band's experience at the Orpheum Theatre in Pittsburgh. Could they feign death and assimilate other, healthier humans? If it's able to somehow retain the alien organism within it, it could at the very least survive in the cold, if only in stasis.

Rather, he's an even bigger jerk in the extended cut, as we see him kick the band out of his dressing room after they've been mistakenly sent there. This makes the ending differ from the theatrical cut, where Guy was unsure just what he would do while staying in California. While the extended cut doesn't go full R-rated with its humor, there is more of a mature bent on the material, and in a couple instances, the love lives of our characters are given more detail. Appropriately enough, the name of the band is the Wonders, although it starts out as the One-ders and the name gets changed only because so many fans insist on pronouncing it “oh-need-ers.” The band really picks up steam when an executive from Play-Tone records (Tom Hanks) hears them, signs them to a state fair tour, and pilots them toward Hollywood. His friends have started a band, and when the drummer breaks an arm, Guy joins the band just before it gets its big break--a gig at a college talent show that leads to a gig at a pizza parlor.

Put everything we've told you together, and what do you get? The film's ending is famously ambiguous.

So when T.B.
The movie gives us no sign that there's any more than one ship, but it also doesn't give us the entire history of the creature.

There's a lot of blood scattered throughout the film, both in the Norwegian station and among the Americans. 5) The Bass Player's romantic affair with a member of The Chantrellines. Add to My Collection. Can it recreate alien technology out of human machinery? EXACTLY 20 years after hit movie That Thing You Do! MacReady eventually makes his way back and ultimately takes command of the survivors, conducting a blood test (one of the film's most famous sequences) just a little while later after he holds the others off with dynamite. (“Jimmy,” she says, “I've wasted thousands and thousands of kisses on you.”) One band member leaves for Marine duty, another runs off to Vegas to get married, and the veteran recording executive accepts this as a fact of life: Maybe they were only meant to have one hit. It's another of those unanswered questions that just makes the film more terrifying. 3) Jimmy coaxes Guy's uncle to record the song "All My Only Dreams" as the B-side to "That Thing You Do."

That Thing You Do! However, did you know there's an extended cut with tons more footage reinstated that's been under your nose this entire time? Fire destroys a lot, but it can't eliminate every drop of blood. Trivia That's virtually all we get of the Thing's origin story as it moves through the station, and like so much else in the film, it leaves plenty of unaddressed implications behind. No one suspected Faye and Lenny ( Steve Zahn ) had a secret longing for each other .

My favorite scenes take place in Hollywood as the band is breaking up and Guy has time on his hands.

As the group fights to incinerate the creature, it rips off Norris' head, which then pulls itself across the floor and sprouts legs and antenna. by Leonora Epstein.

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