unintentionally hurting someone you love

Oh my, I will forever be known as Martie de Byter.

~Will Durant, Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.

Dit is regtig hartroerend lekker om hier in Hubland kontak met jou te maak. I like your advice for when you've been hurt.

I am sure if we practice Jesus’ command ‘Do to others what you would like them to do to you’, we would reduce hurting others with 50%.

Engage in good habits and activities you enjoy. When you hurt someone you love, the reaction of such a person will be triggered by the interpretation the mind offers which is "something is wrong internally". If you are in a relationship, it's important that you communicate your PCOS symptoms with your partner. What a great title that will be for the book you write about hurting others unintentionally, saying 'sorry,' and the other valuable lessons you have shared in this article.

This kind of cruel individual can assess a situation and know exactly when and how best to direct slings and arrows toward their target. Why Does a Loving God Allow Pain and Suffering? . 9 years ago from Emerald Wells, Just off the crossroads,Texas. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Nady, thanks for your comment.

So, to get back such a person's trust, take note of the following: How Do You Make Him Feel Guilty for Hurting You? Attempts to bring up my own hurt and pain are minimized and shut down. Some people think when you stop loving people you should hate them, and this is not at all my idea. I’ll see you soon. People describe different things happening when they think they found real love. Everyone makes mistakes.

This opens the way for a lover to easily get hurt. I only wish more people could read this wondeful hub.

Bloomi is the product of her all of her shared passions, and with it she has fostered a community of like-minded, passionate women. As you point out, the daycare teacher will be much more thrilled and impressed with some special attention than she will an admission of guilt.."Gee, I am so sorry I ignored you (but I did!)". For more information on how to cope when you hurt someone you love or when they hurt you, visit.

I love this hub. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

If you are around people for very long, you will end up hurt by someone. After I’ve settled down I realized I was sharing the property with a bunch of hippies.

Some of the best stories through ads in sight of the webpage linking to personal stories. They want to help you gain emotional awareness and learn to respect other people's emotions. However, when we have someone in our lives who is in deep psychological pain or who suffers from a mental illness like, not be fully in charge of their emotions or actions. Our anger may not be enough to kill a certain pain immediately. They need to be able to express their opinion and point of view as well.

Think before you say something to hurt someone’s feelings. Others do no hurt us, We hurt. Of course I am not always able to follow this. now we're grandparents :) I miss those days of "Gentle people" with "harmony and understanding,sympathy and trust abounding":). If you cheat on someone you're dating, you don't love that person. Thanks a lot for this info.

*** Darlene Sabella – I’m giving you a firm hug and kisses on both cheeks – you are such a dear friend to me, because, I guess, you can read me so clearly as if my thoughts and views are your own.

Love you niggie. That someone hurts you in a relationship does not mean you can't love again.

People will hurt you. Take the first step. A few short years prior, I felt part of a happy, perfect family. Thanks for the visit and for giving me the opportunity to tell you about my hippy friends. Mutual dependency has many advantages, stemming from the fact that two people are joined together in an attempt to increase each other's happiness. It's not easy to confront someone you hurt, or someone who made you feel bad, but the more you practice, the better you'll feel about yourself.

I am the ONLY one with the right to hurt myself and/or to allow others to hurt me. I don’t want to give them a pass, but you should really take a look at what happened. Should You Worry About Your Lover's Ex-lovers. (You are pretty special if two young men feel comfortable enough to cry on your shoulder! Herbal doctor who can cure any disease? These are hard lessons for me. Change will never stick unless the changer is ready. No one of us is without stress, unhappiness, sadness and personal turmoil in our lifes at one time or another.

But I’m going to phone my mother NOW to tell her I am dead sure she is the best mother on this planet. This supports the Maven widget and search functionality. You make us ponder once again about something so human. " You are correct, though, that we have all managed inadvertently to unintentionally hurt another. Thanks for the advice about how to handle the after-effects of such incidents. I keep telling my therapist she needs to jump on Hub pages for Articles like this. It happens when we are ready to let things go. They are the most natural, true, unpretentious, warm-hearted people I’ve ever met. *** Puppyluv – I’m so glad to meet you, and I am now your follower too. Javascript software libraries such as jQuery are loaded at endpoints on the googleapis.com or gstatic.com domains, for performance and efficiency reasons. Although the context in which the words "I am sorry" is used should be taken into consideration since there are varying degree of emotional "hurt";) I believe what truly matter is the sincerity and authenticity of the apology and we should not be overly concern with how the other person interprets it. Loving someone should not mean getting hurt time and again. Thanks so much for the visit, my dear friend.

Okay, so you told them how you felt, now you just can’t walk away. Therapist can but only helps you to identify your true emotions, motives, thoughts and whatever you have in yourself, and they can bombard you with suggestions how to deal with it. When someone truly loves you, it makes you feel joyful.

A sure way to suffer from a broken heart is when someone leaves you. Anyway, I wish you all of the best in the new job. Big HUG! Do you know that there is a great

I am no longer trying to prove myself to myself and others, I am just ME, and so happy to be just me in spite of the fact that I have not (yet) reached the summits of my ambitions. It’ll prevent situations like these from happening again. No one could ask more. What to Do When You Hurt the Person You Love? Great topic and you did such a wonderful job here discussing both being hurt and hurting others. Social media often has some of the best stories people share about the ups and downs of love. I believe the only place from which we can work through those old woundings is one of stability, of love and trust. Up and awesome. Dealing with emotional turmoil in a relationship is not healthy, access to the best emotional support available can help manage your feelings. :) Katie.

For Additional Help & Support With Your Concerns, Get The Support You Need From One Of Our Counselors, The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. It’s easy to pull the defensive card, but in all honesty, it doesn’t get you far. How to Recover from Heartbreak and Feel Whole Again, 7 Amazing Things That Happen When You Start Loving Yourself More, unhealthy this particular relationship really was. If you want to make your partner, friend, or family member feel pain, grow up.

Say more than just “your actions and thoughts break my heart.” Start by saying “I” and how you feel. We are but only human beings. The fact that it took a while to realize I hurt someone unintentionally and still have the “balls” to apologize makes me more of a lady than Mr. Wilde will ever realize.

There is another consideration that can help, perhaps, whether one is on the "sending" or "receiving" end of unintentional (or even of intentional) hurting. Your last few sentences reminded me of one of my mother’s preachings: “Don’t expect anything from others, then you will never be disappointed.” And another one: “Concentrate on yourself. Presently a lot is going on in my life – very bad things as well as very good things. My addiction started when I was around 17 and spiraled and spiraled out of control, as addictions always do. I've often spoken words that meant (while issuing from my mouth) something entirely different than how they were perceived by the listener. Your gut reaction is a very good indicator of what you really think and feel. .......a day without you in my life here at the Hub would be the 'big hurt' for me .......I love everything you do for me - everything you say and everything that you write - we've had good times together at Woodstock and with the white lions in Africa with the girls - and I am constantly learning from you (as in this hub) and listening to you when you speak .....when you write - you are truly one special lady and my dear friend - and not just because - lol - your new profile picture is 'hot'!!!!!! Martie we oldies sure are getting weepies no???? You may think about working past these feelings to keep things going to see what happens or choose to end relations. [Read: 10 big problems in a relationship and how to fix them].

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