what do some critics of affirmative action challenge?

Take the example of a coffee shop that caters mostly to white women. Thirdly, Ghana has an international obligation to tackle the under-representation of women in public life. We set up the key issues, the main talking points, and then we divided ourselves, and went out to the regions of Ghana to speak on local radios and hold forums. In the first two years of his presidency, Nana Akufo-Addo made commitments to the passage of an Affirmative Action Bill in his State of the Nation Addresses. What I mean to say is equality of outcome isn’t desirable at all and very unrealistic and we should chase after equality of opportunity and not outcome.

But presidential and parliamentary elections are scheduled for 7 December 2020, and if an Affirmative Action Bill is not read in parliament very soon, there will not be enough time for it to pass through all the necessary stages to enter the statue books. In addition to qualms about the exclusionary consequences of affirmative action, some claim that black participation at all levels of the workforce would be as great or even greater if we’d just let the free market do its thing uninhibited. This would include positions such as district chief executive, member of the Council of State, cabinet minister, member of a governing body of a state institution, or member of an independent constitutional body. This breakdown of the most significant affirmative action pros and cons proves how polarizing the issue is. We explained article 17 of the constitution, which allows for parliament to come up with measures to redress imbalances. Decolonizing the Commentariat Contact List – UPDATED, China, Taiwan and Africa: The case of Somaliland, Uganda: How Museveni plans to “win” the 2021 elections, Patterns of Genocidal Rape in South Sudan. Those who support the policy, on the other hand, argue that it reduces stereotypes, forces employers to make the right decisions, and increases companies’ customer bases. So affirmative action is unfair because it takes race and gender into account, and thus evaluates some test results differently.

No where in this world do we see equal presentation of people in the World and the fact that people are underrepresented in certain areas doesn’t necessarily mean some form of discrimination has gone on. Those who support the policy, on the other hand, argue that it reduces stereotypes, forces employers to make the right decisions, and increases companies’ customer bases. How does this happen? At this stage, we were not ready to consult on an actual draft bill. By October, the parliamentarians are out campaigning! On the one hand, it helps in the progression of previously alienated groups. In addition to qualms about the exclusionary consequences of affirmative action, some claim that black ... affirmative action’s critics have a point. People of color do not automatically receive free college admission based on their race, although some affirmative action critics seem to believe they do. Why does it need an Affirmative Action Law, instead of continuing through policy? Parties would have to submit an annual gender equality report to the Electoral Commission and this would be published in the Gazette. Some critics of Affirmative Action argue that it is not tenable to pursue equality by adopting measures that discriminate in favour of women. On the other hand, though, critics have accused the policy of unfavorable outcomes in business entities and the society in general. Additionally, other employees in the organization might regularly view these employees as less-qualified. Leave your email to receive our newsletter, Get the hottest stories from the largest news site in Nigeria, Drop your mail and be the first to get fresh news, Restructuring Nigeria’s overbloated academic curricular by Moshood Olajide (opinion), The future belongs to creators, says Rotimi Bankole as he launches SBI Media Workshop, Infinix to launch most powerful gaming and entertainment smartphone ever, REPORT: How COVID-19 increased child labour in Lagos state (parents, children share experiences), Dreams come true!

One of the most common affirmative action arguments is that polarization in most countries is occurring because people are choosing to surround themselves with like-minded neighbors and co-workers. Some critics of Affirmative Action argue that it is not tenable to pursue equality by adopting measures that discriminate in favour of women. And sub-article 4 makes clear that nothing in article 17 should prevent parliament from enacting laws that are “reasonably necessary to provide for the implementation of policies and programmes aimed at redressing social, economic or educational imbalance”. Q. She was born after apartheid ended for goodness sake! The use of affirmative action in college admissions was similarly upheld in successive Supreme Court cases, although its scope has been narrowed, and some school policies were in fact found to be in violation of the law. Horace Cooper, lawyer and writer, says, “You do not solve the problem of race with race.” He notes that it would be more prudent to prepare members of disadvantaged groups adequately so that they can participate in the competition for college seats and jobs on equal terms with others. These opportunities can be in government, business entities, or educational facilities. The draft bill, as it stood in 2018, is very comprehensive. There may be occasional good points, but it’s hard to discern them amid the confused tumult of know-it-alls who haven’t done the reading. Is affirmative action fair? Sub-article 2 prohibits discrimination on grounds of gender (and certain other specified characteristics). Critics, therefore, argue that affirmative action might end up contributing to the same vice it seeks to eliminate. There is a large volume of research attesting to this under-representation, and consensus about the need to address it. It does not change because there is an election. Parties that did not comply with the provisions would not receive support-in-kind from the Electoral Commission or the normal courtesies of state protocol. Diversity for the sake of having it provides little benefit to a school, government entity, or business. Rather than an egalitarian initiative, this would be a reorganising of our inherited property regime according to proper libertarian concerns for property, something which we ought properly to have done if we didn’t instead opt — as an alternative to, and cover for, reparations — for a programme BEE, affirmative action and a welfare state.

That partly depends on our priorities. Sub-article 3 defines discrimination. Civil society organisations have ramped up their advocacy in order a bid to get the bill to parliament before time runs out.

This is one of the main reasons why affirmative action is good. If we prioritise respect for the just acquisition of property, then we need a comprehensive programme of redistribution designed to redress historical breaches of property rights. Socialism may fall short of reparations in other contexts, but in South Africa socialism would, plausibly, be tantamount to reparations. The strictures of South Africa’s negotiated transition circumscribe the limits of our discourse, enforcing a partisan politics consisting of ad hoc defences of a jerry-rigged compromise. When companies implement policies related to diversity, their customer bases are bound to increase. More males are in Engineering and more females are in Medicine. Probably most of us want to live in a free, open, prosperous society, but we seem to spend all our energy debating what freedom, openness and prosperity mean. Sometimes these objections are wilfully obtuse.

What do you think? So that required a lot of research and consultation, involving different experts and stakeholders, going all the way back to the year 2000. Towards the end of 2017, a new team was called, this time with Professor Akua Kuenyehia chairing, with a view to getting a draft bill ready to go back to cabinet for approval. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Et cetera. Scientists have realized that the more egalitarian societies become the more disparities will exist between males and females in terms of occupation and character and many more. Through that, I became part of a LAWA alumnae network whose members are in many parts of Africa. This consensus was strengthened in 2004 through the Women’s Manifesto for Ghana which is hosted by ABANTU-for-Development and supported by a broad coalition of women’s groups. Why is there no differentiation according to the degree to which one benefited from historical advantage? In April 2017 she also wanted to consult on the bill, and one of the contentious issues at that time was the kind of body that should be tasked to do the monitoring. Why should people bear liability for advantage they didn’t seek? For example, members of a minority group who are employed in a company as a result of the policy may be left wondering why they were hired in the first place. For example, in the 2018 draft bill, private sector employers would be compelled to have a gender equality policy, and to submit an annual report to the Gender Equality Committee. Unplanned diversity comes about when employers are forced to diversify just to meet the requirements of affirmative action. So the new minister started in January 2017 – that was Otiko Afisa Djaba. But at least we would no longer be subject to an imprecise and inconsistent policy of symbolic egalitarianism under an unjust property regime. By giving special treatments to only some people and not to others, the program causes racism to become even more prevalent. Why do we still expect government to classify people by race? This Q and A is based on an interview on 5 June 2019 and subsequent updates in December 2019 and February 2020. Furthermore, the policy is a woefully imprecise mechanism for addressing disadvantage, favouring those who already possess the resources to take advantage. I did my LL.M at Georgetown University Law Centre, as part of the Women’s Law and Public Policy Program’s Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) component. This becomes more obvious in the case of apparently egalitarian policies designed to be self-limiting. Well, a lot of research and consultation has been done, going back to the year 2000. There is a draft Affirmative Action Bill, but it hasn’t yet been debated in parliament. It covers the private sector as well as the public sector, but we had to identify mechanisms that would be lawful and workable for many different types of institutions and organisations. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

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