why are poor neighborhoods dirty

The HVAC goes out and needs placed. Still have questions? As it brought both crime, over-policing, and broken families into the mix. Italians, Poles, Jews, Irish, and others were all very poor immigrants, and they lived in poor neighborhoods, but their children and grandchildren moved beyond it. Is Italy a multi-ethnic country ? This is because in poor areas alot of people don't keep there apartment or houses clean. We were driving through one today and it was so gross! When you have all of the bottom "bricks" you begin to aspire to attain the top bricks. If you own your residence, you're more inclined to take of it. Also ... because they pay a lot more in taxes in middle class neighborhoods than in lower class ones. Get your answers by asking now.

The government gets their money from rich neighborhoods and rich cities. As many have said after the Civil Rights movement, and integration, and vietnam war, the drug trade/industry was miraculously thrust upon the African American community. /s. (HOA's) People would complain. Your question makes people uncomfortable and it's a much more complicated problem than you are making it out to be, but obviously the black community struggles with a lot if crime as well as other issues that have created an evironment that appears to be virtually impossible to rise above.

Cleanliness requires resources, poorer folk have fewer resources.

Many outside and internal factors contributed to this, white supremacy definitely being one but not the sole perpetrator. The reason why black neighborhoods are dangerous is the same reason why Honduras and Guatemala are dangerous, endemic poverty and easy access to firearms. Jews police their own neighborhoods, as with Muslims and Racist fuktards. Where we used to live a subdivision was built on small lots with low quality builders (I think it was Pulte). good point! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The civil rights movement ended 50 years ago, there are Grandparents that Never had to ride on the back of a bus or attend a segregated school, yet Black culture overwhelmingly refuses to embrace mainstream America. Home owners insurance (a lot more than renter insurance). Therefore, stuff piles up. So now crime is done simply because the environment they live in almost anything is acceptable to survive or get ahead.

This has been allowed to happen over generation and has thus breeded a culture, where because of poverty, and the only real means of income is to sell drugs, creates a cycle of violence/crime that parallels with survival tactics, and why you have the crime rate so high. 'cause the affluent neighbourhoods hire the poorer ppl to clean and fix up their homes. Trash out in the yards, brown grass, small gross looking houses, old trailers, and white trash guys walkin around.. Why … Eh I've been to poor Indian neighborhoods and poor Vietnamese neighborhoods and they were way safer than the poor black neighborhoods. If someone kept dumping trash, it would be investigated and certainly cleaned up instead of collecting on the ground with more trash. More importantly, poor ethnic minorities have worked very hard to move forward and become mainstream, which integrates their neighborhoods and enables them to enter the middle class. I had to change from within to find the power to change my surroundings and my financial situation.

I believe it is because in a poor neighborhood, not enough people care enough not to trash their neighborhood. Now where it came from, is speculation, many suspect the government, ( which isn't far fetched due to the potential insurrection/communist endorsement of the Black Panthers). Mexican? Meanwhile no snitching in black hoods. i just watched a show and this guy was complaining about growing up poor and having cockroaches crawling on him in the night isn't that more of a cleanliness thing then a money issue for example i don't have a lot of money and the outside of my house shows it the siding needs replacing but i keep my house clean i keep trash out of my yard i don't have a bug problem what gives.

Al Sharpton. These crickets are huge and they are extraordinary jumpers, and freak me out sometimes. We haven't been able to properly engage in that due to our general distrust amongst each other, and the fact that not many know how to properly run business due to lack of education. In this situation some people think "hey, that would be cheaper than the rent I pay for an apartment! sometimes a few crumbs of food or more might attract that type of insect. And usually anyone will get an exterminator. Poverty surely plays a significant factor but I'd say culture does as well. The cops are not killing these people.

and they don't have money to buy cleaning products? Rich people can afford to pay somebody else to make everything look pretty. but some people who don't have well paying jobs can't afford one. The advertising of the new houses was "NO MONEY DOWN! this is all about context, not some inherent, genetic, evil you will hear from conservatives and Donald Trump supporters. The behavior and attitudes that cause them to stay damaging are the comparable ones that cause them to no longer drawn to choosing up their trash. It's not taboo to throw a drink bottle on the ground with the 20 others that are already there. Would you like a safe space with coloring books and Play-doh? OP dropping the truth and people aren't trying to hear it. maybe if the house isn't well-built then more bugs come in?? Poor people don't have the resources to clean up after aforementioned asshole right away because they have priorities like food and keeping their jobs. Without higher income homes, streets and public places are tended to less and look worse. some people are dirty by nature.. How do you think about the answers? Why is it ok for blacks to say the racist n-word in their songs? I don't understand why people respond to a question like yours by suggesting the black community isn't any different than any other community when it's clearly not true.

Although I despise racism, I strongly believe that it is not always "the fault of others" And pinpointing exactly where the problem is is the first step to solving that problem. Don't Panic! This brought ruin to the community. Pretending there isn't a problem is a major part of what causing the problem to continue.

Being damaging is in comparison to being born left-exceeded. New roof. i just watched a show and this guy was complaining about growing up poor and having cockroaches crawling on him in the night isn't that more of a cleanliness thing then a money issue for example i don't have a lot of money and the outside of my house shows it the siding needs replacing but i keep my house clean i keep trash out of my yard i don't …

i guess it depends. New paint. The justice system and government did not intervene to actually curve the problem, generally only to pad the Ego of White Supremacists acting as race soldiers, and content to swell up the prison industrial complex instead of actually solve the problem. Totally makes sense.

Thug culture. With lower income in general a person is more likely to turn to crime making the place more dangerous. E: Not saying I have that. That the place has overall lower income. At least where I live It's common to pay a community fee and some guys come and keeps the lawns clean and mowed, picks up trash if there is any, plus no one trows stuff on the ground.

a safe space with coloring books and Play-doh.

You can be very clean but if you have a neighbor that isn't especially if you live in a home that is attached it can bring roaches to you. Why are poor neighborhoods more dirty?

Think of it this way: Do you spend time landscaping your landlord's yard when you're working four jobs to pay rent? And since the houses are built with cheaper materials these maintenance costs are higher and more frequent. Also black mothers are killing their unborn children faster than Hitler killed the Jews. Etc. So does Grand Theft Auto, so video games must cause real violence in society. Are all Southern Europeans ethically the same people? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If some asshole throws trash out, you can bet that it will be picked up by somebody. TIL that everyone who makes under a certain amount per year is employed as a trash collector in rich neighborhoods. Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Poorer areas tend to have more rental properties than affluent ones. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Because blacks were cut off from their own culture, we've developed an American one that relies on consumerism and the immediate financial well being of oneself and his/her own. It isn't just a matter of money, there are various factors; for example education... people poor by generations can't be very educated either, people poor can't afford to buy nice uninfested houses... the cleaning products need money... it's a SOCIOeconomical problem, it isn't as easy as you put it. All the comments explaining the actual reasons are getting downvoted to shit. Huh. At least in the case of suburbia I think a big part of the problem stems from the lack of (or extremely low) down payments required to buy a home in a lower priced subdivision.

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Being violent/a 'gangster' is seen as 'cool' to them. Just that the place rich people live has a tendency to have either that or a similar solution. Along with the poverty, it's a bad mix. Non-blacks and middle classes refuse to live in these neighborhoods, and when blacks succeed they move out. Until black culture changes, this will be a problem. Pretending that this is all about poverty is nonsense. Do you think poor people can afford exterminators? It takes money to keep the streets and sidewalks clean. Press J to jump to the feed. Since they didn't have to scrimp and save that 10-20% (yep, that's what down payments used to be) they have no "skin in the game". And free appliances!!". Some never find that power, unfortunately. 1st Why is Black Crime so high?

On top of that, people that have never owned a home simply don't understand the monthly cost of maintenance that they have never thought of. It it true that California is seriously considering giving reparations to black people for their slave ancestors? Cleaning up a neighborhood and manicuring your grass neatly isn't a priority to someone who is unable to provide the more basic needs. Gun Proliferation - it is stupidly easy to get ahold of firearms in these neighborhoods, yet the police/ATF do nothing about it. We live in middle class, lower middle type of neighborhood, and we have camel crickets down in our basement. Primarily because the affluent can afford both the time and the monetary outlay to improve their surroundings. Chris Wallace sounds off after chaotic debate, Oscar nominee unmasks himself on 'Masked Singer', Coronavirus detected in lake water, researchers find, Walmart updates Supercenter stores for the digital era, A major NFL COVID testing flaw has been exposed, World-class dancer Michaela DePrince announces break, Fox News host calls out Trump for debate statement, Why 'DWTS' replaced Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews, With 1st game delayed, NFL reportedly making threats, Trumpworld 'worried' amid debate performance fallout, Wife's COVID death tips veteran from Trump to Biden. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Because black people commit more than half the murders in America despite being 10% of the population. Black culture places little to no value on basic impulse control. Most low income areas such as projects everybody is living in attached type apartments/houses.

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