unsc non permanent members 2020

India will be in , or China will be out from many forums. “This will also create new centers of privilege compounding the difficulties of securing expeditious and equitable decisions in the Security Council,” he added. File photo

"India locked horns with China on Laddakh, named Bengalis as termites and meted out a negative treatment to Sri Lanka and Nepal. India will surprise the world to become the 6th permanent member.

Russia’s UN Mission tweeted that Moscow is ready to work with the new members for the fruitful work as they take their seats on the Council beginning January 1, 2021. He reminded the UN that it needed to adapt and change to stay relevant in current times. Qureshi reminded that Pakistan had written a letter to the UNSC Secretary General about what he called "ongoing brutalities going on in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).

India will have a permanent seat in UNSC within one year, Pakistan is most eligible candidate nation. The warning has come from the National Assembly... Pakistan opposes India’s demand for UNSC seat, PM tells UN India is planning misadventure, Kashmir will never be a part of India: Pakistan responds to Indian statement on PM's UNGA speech, India's vaccine capacity will help 'all humanity', Modi tells UN, کورونا کے شکار چند افراد متعدد کیسز کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں، تحقیق. @Nadeem , are you blind to not see plight of Ughirs?

There are nations who are better qualified for the role.

Qureshi said India's neighbouring countries are insecure because of New Delhi's agendas. India is known as the worlds largest democracy. The Pakistani envoy said that Islamabad too wanted UN reforms but not by adding another state to the existing list of five permanent UNSC members. BHARAT will get permanent seat in UNSC. How they are given seat? @Alih, the one you are talking abt is China and they are already a permanent member. If a dictatorship China can have permanent seat. The two-year terms of Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa are ending this year. @Alih, China which is the reason for most death isn't t a member? See you at the #UNSC hall soon, Estonia tweeted.

(Note: I regularly advocate my impartial views against injustice, inequality, oppression and nepotism without supporting any of the political parties.

@zimmerman, Permanent UNSC seat for world’s largest democracy will be great for the whole world.

Until Kashmir issue is resolved , no expansion of United Nations permanent member of any kind . India, which has previously served seven terms as a non-permanent, was re-elected for a two-year term in June along with Ireland, Mexico and Norway.

“Reform is needed at the United Nations and India is waiting for that reform to happen.”. What type of states Russia and China are? Imran Khan needs to move fast and start a world wide campaign before it is too late. 1.38 billion out of 7. ... then why most intelligent Imran Khan did not do so in last 2 speeches? India will become permanent member maybe without vito. It is not economy but voice of large fraction of humanity. Why can't India?   | Photo Credit: Security council itself would become relic of past if most populous nation of the earh is kept out of it.

Already there relationship with any countries are not good except pakistan. How can the world ignore people living under state imposed curfew for a year. Islamabad seeks increase in number of non-permanent members. This will keep domestic audience happy and won't make any difference overall.

Pakistan opposes India’s demand for UNSC seat as the former has no other mission from the very date of it birth.

"Also, the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution has targeted the minorities, particularly the Muslims," he added. Get a survey done world-wide to know how many countries want India to be in UNSC as permanent member and how many want Pakistan.

India is not ready to be part of the global leadership group yet. Karachi ATC issues arrest warrants for key prosecution witness in Intizar murder case, SC declares report on missing persons 'unsatisfactory', directs Balochistan police to recover them in 2 weeks, 'Is this what state of Madina looks like? In 2021, India, Norway, Ireland and Mexico will sit in the UNSC along with five permanent members -- China, France, Russia, the UK and the US as well as non-permanent members … Pakistan’s opinion is insignificant and irrelevant. At this difficult time, it becomes even more important that we have access to information that has a bearing on our health and well-being, our lives, and livelihoods. Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Making use of the opportunity, Qureshi rejected Indian Defence Minister's comments, saying "it was a misconception that Kashmiris stood with New Delhi". Fascist state?

China, one of the five permanent members with veto power, also backs this proposal. If one veto’s then it’s game over. Germany, Japan have bigger economies than that of India.

Let's see if even China supports the bid. @MO, For money laundering and trafficking ? There must be a criteria for seats such as human rights record. Looking forward to working closely with you all! Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that India's intention to become non-permanent member of UNSC is a matter of concern for Pakistan as "India has blatantly rejected resolutions of the prestigious forum, particularly on Kashmir".

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said he is “deeply grateful” for the overwhelming support shown by the global community for India’s membership of the United Nations Security Council. The German mission said India, Ireland, Norway and Mexico will be tasked with upholding the values of the UN Charter in the realm of international peace and security. India will work with all member countries to promote global peace, security, resilience and equity, he said. The UN General Assembly (GA) on Wednesday will elect five new non-permanent members of the Security Council for a 2021-2022 term, with … “It’s a pipe dream,” said Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Munir Akram, while responding to the demand. Qureshi said that India's misconception that Kashmiris are on Indian side would be clarified with the opinion by the Kashmiris.

It's inevitable. ایک تھا چنیسر: کہ جس کا جیون دُکھ ہی دُکھ ہے۔۔۔! Whenever there is security council expansion, nobody can stop India’s inclusion.

Along with India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway also won the Security Council elections held on Wednesday. "India has been ignoring the resolutions of UNSC on Kashmir for a long time, giving way to an unending oppression of Kashmiris by denying them their rights to self-determination," he said. “Till when do we have to wait?” he asked the UN General Assembly. Estonia said it greatly looks forward to working together with the newly-elected members in the Security Council next year.

Making the world secure from a Pandemic and getting world economies running will pay huge dividends to Modi's commitment to the UN.

“We want expansion of the non-permanent members in the Security Council, from the present 10 to 20-21 to ensure equitable representation of the UN’s 193 member states,” he said. According to the decision, the elections of non-permanent members to the Security Council and the election of members to the Economic and Social Council will be held simultaneously in June 2020 without a plenary meeting. @Alih, are you talking about Pakistan, we never asked for a seat, @zimmerman, we are from the land of pure, we are born to help mankind, aren't we, @Pakistani, you can 'balance power' Good to know that apart from Pakistan, there is no other country to oppose this move. Arab state may also indirectly support the move with the exception of Saudi Arabia which will not openly support but will not oppose also. Islamabad: As India gears up to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), Pakistan has expressed serious concerns over it, calling it "not a moment of rejoice, but concern". Japan, Brazil, Germany and India, aspiring to become permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, on Wednesday renewed their call for an immediate restart of negotiations to reform the world body's 15-member decision-making organ after the talks were adjourned due to … Now it is not possible to get UNSC seat because Pakistan has rejected the proposal. @Communist, India will have permanent seat at UNSC very soon. The Hindu has always stood for journalism that is in the public interest. Agreed. Indonesia also congratulated the newly-elected members. You need all P5 to agree to expand the UNSC. China Influence is Waning...due to its land grab Attitude....and the Corona gift to the world.... Till China becomes a real super power, Pakistan’s voice at international forums carries no conviction, and Kashmir issue is a prime example of this situation.

No one listens to us anymore!

In February, US President Donald Trump said he was committed to working with India to strengthen and reform the UN but made no specific reference to New Delhi’s demand for a permanent seat. Countries with better claim to the security council like Japan and Germany have to sit out due to that. @Hari,

"The Indian minister should invite Pakistani officials to Srinagar to see the true picture," he added. Pakistan is opposing India. You can only hope...... India is violator of UN resolution and a violator cannot be its caretaker.

Biswaranjan Rout. First they must learn to abide by the rules governing the United Nation's charter.

No power in the world can stop India from rising. Printable version | Oct 1, 2020 4:03:34 PM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indias-unsc-non-permanent-seat-modi-thanks-global-community/article31857249.ece. @Alih, Guess which countries are known for genocides ? @Zak2, Quite sure something like that may happen. There is a huge difference between opposing and rejecting.

Even as the government talks of further stimulus, it is in fairly advanced stages of its talks for revival of the IMF programme. Indian State fascism is dangerous for the global peace... “The world does not want a fascist state as a permanent member of the Security Council.” Well said Akram sahib. In June 2021, the UN General Assembly will elect five member states to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for the 2022-2023 term. The United Nations Security Council’s permanent and non-permanent members have congratulated India and three other newly-elected countries on their election to the powerful UN organ, saying they look forward to working with them on the issues of international peace and security. Let’s wait for next couple decades more and see what is the state of Pakistan China and India.

Asia-Pacific Group @UN unanimously endorses India's candidature for a non-permanent seat of the Security Council for 2 year term in 2021/22. Mr Modi ignored most of these issues while highlighting India’s priorities. Japan on the other hand has a excellent track record. India being the usurper of Kashmir & oppressive as well as terrorist state has not the slightest entitlement to belong to the elite club of civilized nations. “The world does not want a fascist state as a permanent member of the Security Council.”. Vietnam said it looks forward to working closely with the five new non-permanent members on the Security Council next year. "Kashmir did not accept India's August 5 illegal annexation of the valley as the government continued its illegal search operations even during the coronavirus pandemic," he said. Modi's facist policies has tarnished India's image.

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