kfjc college radio

Priding itself as a place willing to play all things unconventional and largely rejected by commercial radio, the college station has been the backbone for the local and underground music scene and frequently hosts live performances.

Click here to enroll in our Fall classes. Determined to do a live remote broadcast of South by Southwest in 1994, Potter said they were able to convince the powers that be at NPR in Austin to hook up KFJC's equipment to its satellite feed. Lacasse recommends doing a fade-out strategy if you hate the music — kill the volume for a while and then try again later — because the DJ could very well shift gears at a moment's notice. Foothill College radio station KFJC first hit the airwaves on October 20, 1959. Some DJs have played lengthy tracks that sound a lot like static and nothing else, prompting phone calls with concerns that something is wrong with the broadcast.

Capping off the event on Thursday, April 18, the station had played 168 hours of vinyl, with a little fisheye camera planted in the studio to prove it. CDs, 12-inch records, 7-inch records, jazz, blues, movie soundtracks, hip-hop, old stuff, new stuff, famous releases and unknown tracks from long-forgotten musicians — all of it gets tossed in an industrial crate and taken to a dim lecture hall across campus with a periodic table of elements on the wall. Despite the subterranean "we'll play whatever we feel like" attitude, the station managed to stumble into the international spotlight and was featured on the pages of the Wall Street Journal in 1983. While I like to maintain a record of the latest college radio news, it takes time to do this every week. Tune in right now, and you might have to do a similar mental double-take. Doc Pelzel, the station supervisor, described KFJC as being in a sort of "bubble," a self-sufficient, independent unit at the school with a tacit understanding that if a computer breaks, it's going to be up to KFJC's volunteers — not the campus IT staff — to go fix it. Sometimes the tracks are a discordant and terrifying soundscape, like a Google algorithm went berserk while attempting to create "human" music. "Turns out it was in the bar," he said. As the Journal wrote somewhat condescendingly, "no version of 'Louie Louie' is too awful for KFJC.". All Rights Reserved.

Clark, now on KFJC as DJ Maybelline, said she remembers moving to Foster City in 1980 and feeling an awful sense of isolation. KFJC kept him sane, he said, and probably helped save his life, too.

Once a new band gets added to the library, KFJC does its best to promote the music in any way that it can, said Liz Clark, the station's promotions manager.

Foothill College radio station KFJC first hit the airwaves on October 20, 1959. Jennifer Waits, known as DJ Cynthia Lombard, has been engulfed in college radio for decades, working at three stations before "upping the ante" with KFJC in 1998, as she put it. No middleman, no Pitchfork Media review — just pure experimentation.

Todas las emisoras y programas de radio en un solo lugar. Students at the station decided to broadcast more than 800 versions of the song "Louie, Louie" over the course of 63 hours, playing every version they could get their hands on. Happening upon a station that was doing something so different turned out to be her salvation. "KFJC has only expanded since then, and that's why I'm here — to keep expanding and learning," she told the Voice during a recent Tuesday show. KFJC 89.7FM is an occasionally acclaimed radio station broadcasting from Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California, USA.

Listen to KFJC 89.7 FM internet radio online for free on radio.net. She said she remembers moving to a small town in Ohio for graduate school and having really only one place to turn for new music: the local college radio … As a result, requirements to play dry, pre-produced public affairs material were impossible to enforce, and student DJs drifted away from what Pelzel described as "1950s Pleasantville-type shows" to rock 'n' roll. He said he looks at KFJC from a philosophical view, calling it a fulfillment of the American dream — offering true individualism by giving people a real alternative in a world with dwindling options. Becoming as involved as I … There are tchotchkes and baubles strewn about the station's lobby, including a handmade sign by artist Leo Blais.

Foothill's station expects more from its DJs and the training process is intense, but with it comes a constant feed of new music and discovery that's hard to replicate. So, in the midst of the annual fundraiser and as the anniversary loomed, KFJC launched its history blog where we are starting to share historical goodies. Going there, Lacasse said, is a serious divide-and-conquer operation for five people, with one person heading to the international section while two more split a rack of LPs. come to mind.

Keeping with the station's rebellious reputation, KFJC today is largely the product of revolution and a perpetual rejection of playing any tunes that come near Billboard's top 200 chart. As KFJC was making plans for a big surf music show at a campus venue, I was shown a flyer from the KFJC archives for a 1960s-era KFJC forum and live broadcast from the very same room at Foothill College. She said she remembers moving to a small town in Ohio for graduate school and having really only one place to turn for new music: the local college radio station. All they needed to do was find a place to plug in.
Every Wednesday afternoon, KFJC jolts to life.

Pennington told the Voice he was a high schooler when he arrived from England in 1979 and struggled to fit in.

Is it something that helps you in your work or in your understanding of the college radio scene? DJ Bully Demise scours KFJC's vinyl library, thumbing through the tens of thousands of records at the station. While grabbing a record, she said, a strange band name or art on the record sleeve just pulls your attention — her inclination is to put it on the air and see what happens.
Defining what makes it into KFJC's library is elusive, but the general rule of thumb is that mainstream bands and Grammy winners are rejected, while smaller and local bands in need of more exposure are weighed favorably.

Rap was also starting to take off as a genre, but Pelzel said it was unfortunately not part of the station's descent into underground music. KFJC General Manager Eric Johnson (DJ Grawer) pulls a record off a shelf at the station on April 10. The Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia was particularly rough when the KFJC crew found out not long before the show started that they couldn't get venue's the satellite connection working. Turns out the neighbors across the street had a lightning-fast connection, prompting Potter and his crew to use two Wi-Fi microwave links to bridge the connection across the road. John Saint-Pelvyn, an experimental guitarist and vocalist, performs live on April 22 in "The Pit," the station's recording studio, while Eric Johnson adjusts the audio in a nearby room. That's why, if you're listening to a melodic tune on 89.7, it may abruptly shift gears to what sounds like dishwasher noises.

"It's really not a pleasant, a comfortable or a happy listening experience," he said, shortly before recommending that people listen to it "in whole" during their lowest moment of self-disgust. A review written for The Sneetches album "Slow," released in 1990. Not only that, we've had it for 30 years.". Keeping alive all the recording equipment, the turntables and the perpetually breaking CD players is Brian Potter, KFJC's chief engineer. Just over one-third of the tracks have to be from the station's "current" selection of more than 200 recordings, while the rest can come from anywhere else in KFJC's vast and eclectic collection. The song was rebellious and confused authorities, with faux lyrics including lewd language making the rounds at college campuses. "I need to discover new music, I want to discover something new," she said. "They used to incorporate songs or song titles into the concert outlook, and now they just kind of get as weird and crazy as possible.". "I had a new job, I didn't know anyone, I didn't know anywhere, and I found a station that was playing punk rock.". "Sometimes I'll think it's new and I'll go to look and we already have it. "The pots and pans and the sounds of punching people — it comes out of the idea of doing something completely out of the formula," Johnson said. The music? Not so much.

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