king tut cause of death

At some point his name was changed to Tutankhamun, removing the word "aten" — a reminder of his father’s religious revolution — from his name. All together, 1,700 images were produced of Tutankhamun's mummy during the 15-minute CT scan. The cause of Tutankhamun's death was unclear, and was the root of much speculation. The gold death mask the boy-king wore may have originally been made for Nefertiti. The extreme dolichocephaly was once thought to have been either the product of head binding or a family congenital deformity,[9] but these assumptions were also debunked by the study. More doubt was cast over the results on April 1, 2016, when Egypt's new minster of antiquities, Khaled El Anany, sounded caution over interpreting radar scan results as evidence that such hidden chambers do exist in the tomb. In legend Osiris had black skin, strong regenerative powers and a heart that had been hacked to pieces by this brother Seth. However, given the cement-like properties of the resin used to embalm Tutankhamun’s body, it is unlikely that if there was anything lose inside of Tutankhamun’s skull before it was embalmed, it would not still be loose after the process was completed. "Our sensations and astonishment are difficult to describe as the better light revealed to us the marvellous collection of treasures: two strange ebony-black effigies of a King, gold sandalled, bearing staff and mace, loomed out from the cloak of darkness; gilded couches in strange forms, lion-headed, Hathor-headed, and beast infernal …". Hawass tells VOA that two things in the study amazed him most:"What really moved me the most: two things. Tutankhamun also condemned his father's actions in a stela found at Karnak, saying that Akhenaten's religious revolution caused the gods to ignore Egypt. The boy king died in 1323 B.C. How did King Tut die? A DNA study released in February 2010 claimed that Tutankhamun was weakened by congenital illnesses and died of complications from the broken leg aggravated by severe brain malaria. The gold death mask the boy-king wore may have originally been made for Nefertiti. There was a crack in the skull, but it appeared to have been the result of drilling by embalmers. As an infant, Tutankhamun was wet-nursed by his half-sister, Meritaten. This counters previous assertions that the king’s body had been prepared in a hurry. In 1922, Howard Carter struck archeological gold when he discovered the tomb of the renowned King. X-Ras of Tutankhamun’ The large amount of flammable oil caused Tutankhamun's mummy to catch fire shortly after burial. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. But other scientists suggested that the loose sliver of bone was loosened by the embalmers during mummification, but it had been broken before. The cause of Tutankhamun's death was unclear, and was the root of much speculation. March 8, 2005, Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass revealed the results of a CT scan performed on the pharaoh's mummy. A study of his remains published in 2010 found that he suffered from a variety of maladies, including malaria and Kohler disease (a rare bone disorder of the foot). The research also showed that the pharaoh had "a slightly cleft palate". So far the tests have found possible open spaces behind the north and west walls of Tutankhamun's burial chamber. What finished him off, they believe, was a bout of malaria on top of his general ill health. New York, Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Share on Twitter. around the age of 18. It is possible that the radar is detecting natural features rather than a tomb. Researcher Albert Zink of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Bolzano, Italy says the main conclusion of the lengthy DNA testing was to have pinned down the identities of Tut's parents:"The main conclusion was that we identified the parents of Tutankhamun: the father which is actually Akhenaten and the mother, which is the younger lady mummy, which we do not know up to now whether she is Nefertiti or ...  one other person and we identified that he actually suffered from a severe form of malaria and maybe this could have caused death," said Zink.Hawass points out King Tut was a sickly man, with a cleft palate and a club foot, which forced him to walk with a cane. Members of the Egyptian-led research team recognized, as a less likely possibility, that the fracture was caused by the embalmers. In his fervor, Akhenaten ordered the names and images of other Egyptian deities to be destroyed or defaced. [1] Another hypothesis is that the tomb has two undiscovered chambers that were walled over when the boy king was buried and these chambers hold a second, so far undiscovered, burial. What put Tut in that tomb? "The important thing is how King Tut died. [2][3] Visit our corporate site. (King Tut 'died from broken leg' . [12], Tut could have died of a Contra-coup injury, in which he hit the front of his head, resulting in hemorrhaging. Scientists found a slight bend to his spine also, but agreed there was no associated evidence to suggest that it was pathological in nature, and that it was much more likely to have been caused by the embalming process. (2005, March 8). But, the study of the CAT-scan machine proved that the blow at the back of the head was opened to put the liquid for mummification," he said.Hawass emphasizes the mystery over King Tut's family tree began with questions about seven unidentified mummies at the Egyptian museum. A fracture to Tutankhamun's left thighbone was interpreted as evidence that the pharaoh badly broke his leg shortly before he died and his leg became severely infected. It's also been speculated that Tutankhamun suffered from Marfan syndrome, a genetic disorder that can leave someone with unusually long fingers, arms and legs. Further investigation of the fracture led to the conclusion that it was severe, most likely caused by a fall from some height — possibly a chariot-riding accident due to the absence of pelvis injuries — and may have been fatal within hours[11], Despite the relatively poor condition of the mummy, the Egyptian team found evidence that great care was take with the body of Tutankhamun during the embalming process. It's not known what killed Tutankhamun. The 2010 studies found no evidence of Marfans, so this theory is disproved. Radar tests are being conducted to determine whether Reeves' theory is correct. His father was the pharaoh Akhenaten, a revolutionary pharaoh who tried to focus Egypt's polytheistic religion around the worship of the sun disc, the Aten. They found five distinct embalming materials, which were applied to the body at various stages of the mummification process. It's been suggested that he died from an infection caused by a broken leg or from injuries suffered in a chariot accident. Now, nearly 90 years later, the body … In 2010 another team conducted a DNA analysis on the remains of Tutankhamun and four of his relatives. In February 2010, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the 19-year-old may well have died of complications from malaria, combined with a rare bone disorder affecting the foot called Kohler disease II, a disease typically affecting boys aged 5–9 caused when the navicular bone temporarily loses its blood supply. Archaeologist Salima Ikram wrote that Tutankhamun's skin was soaked black with oil, his heart was removed and his penis was mummified at a 90-degree angle. While the treasures were incredible, the tomb was unusually small for a pharaoh's burial, containing only 110 square meters (1,184 square feet) of floor space. That's because the sediments contain natural voids and rock inclusions that mask themselves as archaeological remains. The film reveals that a robbery during the Second World War damaged Tutankhamun’s mummy and obscured key evidence as to how he died. [18], The study also revealed that Tutankhamun suffered from a cleft palate, Köhler's disease and club foot.

Hawass says the tests identified the mummies found in the tomb with King Tut as his father Akhenaten and his grandmother, Tiye.

The bone did not heal properly and began to die. "We are very keen to follow the scientific procedures," he said. Please refresh the page and try again. Since archaeologist Howard Carter discovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, mysteries have surrounded the final resting place of the boy-king – and exactly how he got there at an early age. "A Feminine Physique, a Long, Thin Neck and Elongated Head Suggest Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaten Had Two Rare Disorders", University of Maryland Medical Center Press Release, May 2, 2008. Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but a trauma specialist from Long Island University thought this was highly unlikely because that part of a person’s head is usually not impacted in an accident. Also he died in chariot. Whether the tomb of Nefertiti lies in one of the openings is unknown. New scans using a different radar technique will be conducted in late April, followed by an international conference to discuss those results in May, he added. [5] He also had flowers that only bloom in the spring wrapped around his neck. After consultations with Italian and Swiss experts, the Egyptian scientists found that the fracture in Tutankhamun's left leg most likely occurred only days before his death, which had then become gangrenous and led directly to his death. The DNA testing of several prominent Egyptian mummies has revealed the identities of the mother and the father of famous boy king Tutankhamun. The team, led by Zahi Hawass, of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, concluded that the king’s many disorders probably weakened his immune system, so that he could have died after suffering a “sudden leg fracture, possibly introduced by a fall,” which became life-threatening when he got malaria. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, A family portrait, painted in a tomb at the ancient city of Amarna, shows Meritaten nursing her infant brother. 01 April 2016. The discovery of the boy king's tomb caused a media sensation spurred on by a myth that the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb awakened a curse that killed those who helped find it. Members of the royal family were depicted with these features during Akhenaten's reign. This ended speculation based on the previous X-rays that Tutankhamun had suffered from scoliosis. Did his friends and family get away with murder?

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