lewis henry morgan, ancient society pdf

Thus Adair, speaking of the Gulf Tribes, remarks that “they make earthen pots of very different sizes, so as to contain, from two to ten gallons, large pitchers to carry water, bowls, dishes, platters, basins, and a prodigious number of other vessels of such antiquated forms as would be tedious to describe, and impossible to name. Lewis Morgan (1818–1881), was a lawyer in Rochester, New York, whose anthropological research gradually took complete precedence over his legal practice. The introduction of the ceramic art produced a new epoch in human progress in the direction of an improved living and increased domestic conveniences. In finding its termination, and the commencement of the Middle Status, a difficulty is encountered in the unequal endowments of the two hemispheres, which began to be influential upon human affairs after the period of savagery, had passed. 7. In the Eastern hemisphere, the domestication of animals, and the Western, the cultivation of maize and plants by irrigation, together with the use of adobe-brick and stone in house building have been selected as sufficient evidence of progress to work a transition out of the Lower and into the Middle Status of barbarism. With respect to the family, the stages of its growth are embodied in systems of consanguinity and affinity, and in usages relating to marriage, by means of which, collectively, the family can be definitely traced through several successive forms. Ancient Society Chapter I Ethnical Periods. A succession of inventions of greater need and adapted to a lower condition must have occurred before the want of pottery would be felt. Fourth. [[3]] The Rev. Our greatest deficiencies relate to the last period named. This places in the Middle Status, for example, the Village Indians of New Mexico, Mexico, Central America and Peru, and such tribes in the Eastern hemisphere as possessed domestic animals, but were without a knowledge of iron. Springing into life in savagery, it required all the experience of this period and of the subsequent period of barbarism to develop the germ, and to prepare the human brain for the acceptance of its controlling influence. It taxed the Greeks and Romans to the extent of their capacities, after they had gained civilization, to invent the deme or township and the city ward; and thus inaugurate the second great plan of government, which remains among civilized nations to the present hour.
No exemplification of tribes of mankind in this condition remained to the historical period. Religion deals so largely with the imaginative and emotional nature, and consequently with such uncertain elements of knowledge, that all primitive religions are grotesque and to some extent unintelligible. Mankind, while in this condition, spread from their original habitat over the greater portion of the earth’s surface. Modern institutions plant their roots in the period of barbarism, into which their germs were transmitted from the previous period of savagery. The Iroquois affirm that in ancient times their forefathers cured their pottery before a fire.

From the acquisition of a fish subsistence and a knowledge of the use of fire to etc. This subject will be noticed incidentally.

5. Mr. Tylor remarks that “the art of weaving was unknown in most of the Islands away from Asia,” and that “in most of the South Sea Islands there was no knowledge of pottery”. “Early History of Mankind”, p. 181; Pre-Historic Times, pp. Each of these periods has a distinct culture and exhibits a mode of life more or less special and peculiar to itself. Some tribes and families have been left in geographical isolation to work out the problems of progress by original mental effort; and have, consequently, retained their arts and institutions pure and homogeneous; while those of other tribes and nations have been adulterated through external influence. Their differentiation from the undistinguishable mass of barbarians did not occur, probably, earlier than the commencement of the Middle Period of barbarism. The second is founded upon territory and upon property, and may be distinguished as a state (civitas). Working to discredit the assumption that the people in the Sixth. The far northern Indians and some of the coast tribes of North and South America were in the Upper Status of savagery; the partially Village Indians east of the Mississippi were in the Lower Status of barbarism, and the Village Indians of North and South America were in the Middle Status. It commenced with the invention of the bow and arrow, and ended with the invention of the art of pottery. The monosyllabical preceded the syllabical, as the latter did that of concrete words. This great subject, a department of knowledge by itself, does not fall within the scope of the present investigation. 1. An attempt will be made in the following pages to bring forward additional evidence of the rudeness of the early condition of mankind, of the gradual evolution of their mental and moral powers through experience, and of their protracted struggle with opposing obstacles while winning their way to civilization It will be drawn in part, from the great sequence of inventions and discoveries which stretches along the entire pathway of human progress; but chiefly from domestic institutions, which express the growth of certain ideas and passions. They have had a lineal descent through the ages, with the streams of the blood, as well as a logical development. This item: Ancient Society by Lewis Henry Morgan Paperback $12.90. From the Invention of the Bow and Arrow, to etc. Ancient Society (1877): In this anthropological classic, Lewis Henry Morgan takes a social evolutionary approach to understanding changes in material culture.

In the like manner, the Indian family of America, unlike any other existing family, exemplified the condition of mankind in three successive ethnical periods. 3 Lewis Henry Morgan and ancient society ... with the appearance in 1861 of Henry Maine’s Ancient Law. Apart from inventions and discoveries they are the following: First. The commencement of articulate speech belongs to this period.

Pottery has been found in aboriginal mounds in Oregon within a few years past.- Foster’s “Pre-Historic Races of the United States,” I, 152. At a later period a coalescence of tribes in the same area into a nation took the place of a confederacy of tribes occupying independent areas. Human intelligence, unconscious of design, evolved articulate language by utilizing the vocal sounds. The Grecian, and Latin tribes of the Homeric and Romulian periods afford the highest exemplification of the Upper Status of barbarism.

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