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Du kennst noch mehr Ereignisse, oder hier fehlt noch eines, dann füge es doch noch ein! Common people are often "banished" for their misdeeds, and sometimes Spellbinders are banished, also, if they are proven to have done wrong. Correon also reveals Ashka's true nature to the Regents, by showing them Paul's camera, which shows them Ashka's actual motives. When the Summoner demands to know who Paul is, Bron, Riana's father lies that Paul is his nephew.

He created the Spellbinder identity, designed hypnotic weapons, and assembled a team of henchmen. |fonttype= Paul is released from his cell in the dungeons, and Ashka befriends him, hoping to learn more about his world. She does not trust Paul at first (having him sleep in the barn), but she eventually trusts him after he saves Jal from drowning via, Christian Mcveigh as Mac – Spellbinder Regent. Gryvon manages to steal Correon's power-suit, which was taken from him by the Marauders. |image= Folge 23: Zwei Superhirne sitzen in der Falle, https://spellbinder.fandom.com/de/wiki/Spellbinder-Wiki:Vorlagen?oldid=4468, Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Ort. He calls Ashka a liar and is challenged by her, but he loses (because Ashka, desperate to get rid of Correon, cheated by having Gryvon sabotage his power suit.) and is stripped of his position and sent to the Wastelands where he is rescued by Zander (a supposed Marauder). Alex and Katrina take the identity of two other students. Paul and Correon try to escape the Marauder's camp, but they are caught by Riana and Zander. The next day, Alex and Katrina use a walkie-talkie to contact the Spellbinder's world.

Upon reaching the campsite, Alex and Katrina set up their equipment, and eavesdrop on Ashka and Gryvon's eyestone conversation. [11] Viktor as the Spellbinder was a Russian magician known for his ability to use magic to attack a person's psyche.

| Freunde = [2], The series was screened in the United Kingdom and Ireland on ITV and Network 2's The Den respectively in 1996 (only episodes 1–13 aired on ITV). {{Folgen Spellbinder - Gefangen in der Vergangenheit}}, Folge 1: Geisterspuk | Folge 2: Der Bannstrahl | Folge 3: Chocolate Rapper | Folge 4: Der Spronz | Folge 5: Das Urteil | Folge 6: Schießpulver Folge 7: Das Verlies | Folge 8: Die Falle | Folge 9: Das Labyrinth | Folge 10: Die Rauchbombe | Folge 11: Das Duell | Folge 12: Ein sturer Ochse Folge 13: Das Beweisstück | Folge 14: Eine neue Welt | Folge 15: Neue Freunde | Folge 16: Die Flucht | Folge 17: Das trojanische Pferd Folge 18: Achtung, Vater gesucht! Neron was not surprised and explained that he had never actually been addressing Spellbinder with the deal; he had been addressing her all along. }}, Trailer Spellbinder - Gefangen in der Vergangenheit Episode 26 Showdown am Hafen, {{YT|1.26 Showdown am Hafen - Trailer|b00nb0nH5kY}} Piotr Makowski as Kurn - the leader of the Marauders. the DC Animated Universe Wiki, an external wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spellbinder_(DC_Comics)&oldid=970220911, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A future version of Spellbinder appears in, A mystical version of Spellbinder appears in, This page was last edited on 30 July 2020, at 00:40. |Herkunft wichtiger Charaktere = Paul refuses, so Correon shows the book he retrieved from the old Spellbinder's castle to the Marauders. [2], Delbert was a forger of pop art who decided to put his talents to use as a supervillain. |Image = Spellbinders get power stones from their lands. |Wichtigste Geräte = Together they travel to the Land of the Dragon Lord. Fay, however, thought it sounded like a great idea, so she killed Spellbinder by shooting him in the head and took the deal for herself. Via the eyestone network, the Summoner informs them that Paul is in his village. Krzysztof Kumor as Correon – a Spellbinder and senior Regent. |name=Ashka Harley Correon then collapses out of exhaustion, and is found by Zander and Kurn, another Marauder.

That night, Paul and Correon try to escape the Marauder's base but they get lost in a maze of rock formations which surround the camp. It is powered by a set of power stones, which can be recharged in the castle complex. Regent Correon invites Riana to be his new apprentice, and Ashka and Gryvon are punished by being sent to a labour camp (as seen in Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord) for their abuse of power. Paul attracts attention from Gryvon, an apprentice (who is also the Summoner's son) after he creates some labour-saving devices and saves Jal from drowning via CPR. |line= The summoning towers also produce a magnetic field used to give flying ships their 'lift' (as evidenced when Paul shorts the main power stone in the castle, causing all flying ships to crash) and can be used as a landing pad for the flying ships. 2) #65 (June 1994), as a member of the government-sanctioned "League-Busters". Correon explains how the old Spellbinders caused the darkness, blinded by their own lust for more power and that the Marauders had no involvement in the disaster. Back in Paul's world, Alex helps Katrina sneak out of her house. The device has an outer lattice bearing the Spellbinder insignia, and opens to reveal a small circuit board. The Regents remove Correon of his title as Spellbinder and Regent and he is banished. Along the way, Riana almost runs into Gryvon, who is also on his way to the castle. The second unnamed Spellbinder had genuine mystical abilities. |Orte = In an attempt to return to the campsite, they convince Paul's father to help them. Due to a license dispute, The Disney Channel airing used a different opening and closing sequence. This other world is inhabited by a more hierarchical and technologically different society, ruled by a group of people known as Spellbinders. The Summoner mistakes Paul for a Marauder, and Paul accidentally steals his eyestone. After seeing Ashka approach in her flying ship, Paul sabotages the summoning tower, which causes Ashka's flying ship to crash. When Spellbinder discovered that Constantine was sincerer, he agreed to the plan. Moments later Gryvon, the Summoner and his men take Paul to the Clayhill summoning tower, where a flying ship arrives to take Paul to the Spellbinder's castle, where he will face judgement for his crimes. Paul meets a girl there named Riana, and they become friends. At the village, Paul and Riana impersonate a Spellbinder and Apprentice, but they flee after the villagers learn of their deception. However, Paul decides that future contact between the two worlds should be avoided in order to prevent Riana's world from being exploited by his own. Dieser Artikel ist ziemlich kurz und deshalb nicht sehr schön. Beachte beim Ergänzen jedoch die Richtlinien. He is unaware of Gryvon helping Ashka in her plan to rule the Spellbinders, and is shocked when she threatens to burn his village. In Clayhill, Bron demands an explanation from Paul, wanting to know why the Spellbinders are after him and Riana. Erste Erscheinung: In welcher Folge diese Welt zum ersten Mal erscheint. Though Paul distracts the guards, by the time he tries to warn Correon, it is too late. |textcolor2= | Bild =

[3] This ploy worked twice, but on his third robbery, Batman was able to overcome it and send him to jail.[4]. Brian instead believes that Paul is lost in the bush around the campsite. In response, Paul, shows Bron the video of Ashka's confession on his camera. The original Spellbinder series ran on Australia's Nine Network between January and July 1995. Zu diesem Artikel fehlen leider noch einige gute Bilder (Screenshots, Artworks). Spellbinder was followed by Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord, in which Heather Mitchell and Rafał Zwierz reprise their roles as Ashka and Gryvon respectively. The rigid hierarchy that defines the Spellbinder society may therefore be weakening, as Correon believes that 'things must change around here'. Paul, the visitor from our world, speculates that "the Darkness" may have been the result of a nuclear winter, although this is not further elaborated upon. It is later learned that the Ancient Spellbinders were the ones actually responsible for the disaster, brought about by their own intellectual arrogance and desire for increasingly powerful weapons. Using a miniature turntable, he was able to create sonic blasts that would make targets more susceptible to his hypnotic suggestions. Neron offered a deal of immense power in exchange for Spellbinder's soul, but he declined. He arranges them to recreate the conditions which opened the portal. Paul saves two villagers from being ambushed by two real Marauders. |Name_en = {{color-link|Spellbinder-Wiki|green}}

Paul has difficulty using the controls, as Ashka approaches.

| zuvor = Its circuitry has also been sealed against being shorted out by exposure to water and power bolts are generated and discharged with the press of a button on the suit's gauntlet, rather than striking wrist plates together to generate the static electricity. They contact Ashka, but the teacher arrives, having learnt of their ruse. "Don't be afraid, I don't bite". They refer to this disaster as "the Darkness," and the ancestors of a group called the Marauders (raiders who live on the outskirts of their society, bordering on the wastelands) are blamed for the past catastrophe. The addition of a shock absorbing chin-guard to his helmet protected him from being knocked out by Superman, and special lenses protected him from hypnosis by the Man of Steel. Gryvon orders Riana to forget Paul, for the sake of her family. Her life was normal until the arrival of Paul. At the Marauder's campsite, Riana discovers that Paul's friends are trying to contact him, and persuades Zander to release her. The Marauders vote to punish Correon by sending him to the wastelands, despite Paul's protests.