transmuter hxh

Who knew so many Transmuters were on the sub.

While the Yorknew and Election arcs most prominently display his willingness and ability to maneuver even very intelligent people to his will, just about every major appearance of the character displays him as manipulating the people around him. For me, I'd say Zeno does indeed display Transmuter whimsy, just in a more composed and subtle way, likely aided by his age and experience. The best that I coukd come up with, was some sticky stuff or electricity again, but i need something better. He possesses a Transmutation type of Nen ability that allows him to control the hair on his body. Zeno is known for mixing his natural transmutation Nen with emission Nen and, with this, he can launch his dragon towards his opponent. From my experience Togashi's 6 types are the best classifications for personality I've seen. Whimsical - The fact that a Transmuter's desires can change almost instantly with no warning (even to the Transmuter) means they can be prone to leaving things undone, being inconsistent, and potentially unreliable.

RELATED:10 Best Hunter X Hunter Cosplays That Look Exactly Like The Characters. Hisoka himself proves a rather skilled teacher himself. This was a great read. While an actual Manipulator will generally only engage in the practice to reach a desired outcome, Transmuters are just as likely to manipulate others out of sheer boredom and a desire to be entertained with no ultimate end goal in mind. Killua has displayed considerable skill, primarily in the Election arc with manipulating the people and events around him to achieve his desired outcome. He is a Transmuter most of whose powers are yet to be revealed, but fans know that he is capable of creating a giant electricity ball that can easily kill someone on impact, as he did with Cheetu. Great analysis keep up the good work! Both are prone to strategy and manipulating others to get what they want. We then see Killua's tremendous turmoil watching Gon slowly give in to darkness during the Chimera Ant Arc, which I believe is related to the core trait of desire. In order to properly deceive, one needs to understand how other people interpret information. For this reason most Transmuters naturally develop a strong aptitude for reading the nature and intent of others. Recklessness - Transmuters, due to their never-ending quest of hedonism can be prone to placing themselves in disadvantageous situations. I plan on one each day until I have analyzed them all.

Sadaso is a character that was first introduced in the Heaven's Arena Arc of the series. A more simple and obvious example of the existential uncertainty of Transmuters would be in the three characters we've seen most prone to changing their appearance: Hisoka, Killua, and Bisky. Use your imagination lol. Aside from that, she is also a skilled Enhancer, strong enough to take down almost anyone in just one blow. The implication was he expected Killua to abandon his friends and adventures to return to the family; implying Silva considers himself equally prone to abandoning flights of fancy to return to his truest desire. He is a very powerful character who excels in torturing and killing other people. This is only natural as Transmuters are primarily driven by achieving their desires, an act made all the easier when one can get others to do as they want them to. Combining these two skills allow Transmuters a unique edge in teaching others. I believe the compliment was an attempt at recovery, that in truth Hisoka truly doesn't know why he does the things he does. Transmutation offers a total of 9 hatsus. The only consistency being that whatever they currently desire, they will pursue relentlessly. Join. The pursuit of a desire can lead them to make rash decisions. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ging being a very intelligent Emitter or Enhancer makes sense to me. Many Transmuters rely on techniques that give unique and unpredictable properties to their Nen that reflects their personalities. I had taken those "Which Nen Type are You?" Thank you, have a great day! ._1PeZajQI0Wm8P3B45yshR{fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon)}._1PeZajQI0Wm8P3B45yshR._3axV0unm-cpsxoKWYwKh2x{fill:#ea0027} I'm very grateful you took the time to read and comment! What do you think of Machi, Zeno, and Silva though? Bisky, of course, is the most clear demonstration of this. The infamous fight with Kastro likewise was a fine display of manipulation where nearly every step Kastro made in the later stage of the fight was determined before hand by Hisoka.

I am really excited to see how Killua and Gon's friendship weathers all these changes, in like 10 years, after a few more hiatuses. You could manipulate the polarity of someone or something. For example his making fun of the other assassins sent after Chrollo was by all evidence just him being taken by the fancy to poke fun at what he saw to be unskilled punks. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/._3bX7W3J0lU78fp7cayvNxx{max-width:208px;text-align:center}

Hisoka desires challenging fights and to this end he will deceive, betray, ally with, and use anyone and everyone around him to ensure he gets what he wants. The 9 Transmutation hatsus are as follows. As a person who just took 6 or 7 "Nen" personality tests and found he is a Transmuter, I must say you certainly put serious effort into doing your research on me. The best that I coukd come up with, was some sticky stuff or electricity again ... information, or discussion centered around the world of HxH is welcome here. Please let me know what your thoughts are on the type, and feel free to offer any suggestions as I am still new to posting on Reddit. 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I never liked the tests about nen stuff since its pretty easy to predict the outcome if you pick certain answer lol. We see a fine example of this with the normally cautious and prepared Hisoka allowing himself to be totally overwhelmed against Chrollo due to his eagerness to fight Chrollo leading him to accept Chrollo's terms. From here, just as Hisoka said, Killua's treasure, Gon, was now just a friend. The strongest of his abilities is known as Dragon Dive, a large scale Transmutation attack that can even decimate a castle. They have to understand others to understand how to trick them. :). Generally a Transmuter will find a versatile Hatsu suits them best.

Teaching - Transmuters are, arguably, the finest teachers of the HXH world.
Being a Transmuter, he uses a technique called Aura arm which allows him to create a huge arm capable of restraining his opponents.

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