younger sibling synonym

In many cases, older siblings play a role in the academic achievement of their younger brothers and sisters. Older siblings often become role models for their younger brothers and sisters, and they help protect and care for younger children when parents are at work or otherwise occupied. Developmental Milestones: 3 to 4 Year Olds. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, It could be you who really makes the difference! Make sure that you're completely clear on the house rules for your little sibling, such as no name calling or no hitting.

ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE, Children with autism more likely to be bullied at home and school: Study, Sibling relationship quality and young children's mental health in Chinese two-child families, Beads of Courage Announces Scarcelli Family Foundation Grant on National Siblings Day, Top mistakes siblings make after holidays with aging parents, Ejay Falcon gets emotional with siblings' letters, Director, stars of Thai sibling rivalry movie in PH, Siblings at odds can turn into bullies: Experts, The influence on group games on the relationship between children with disabilities and their healthy siblings: An experimental study, Children With ASD, Younger Siblings Are Undervaccinated; Vaccination rates were significantly lower among younger siblings of children with ASD, Best friends, worst enemies: How to handle sibling rivalry, Hide-and-seek with siblings: A theoretical exploration of siblings in psychoanalysis, Sibling bullying could have mental health effects. This means that giving him a lengthy list of things to do won't get you what you want. For example, if you want him to put his toys away, don't say, "Joey, pick up your blocks, take them to the plastic bin, put them in the bin, close the lid, take the bin to the shelf, put them on the shelf and then go pick up your play animals." If a younger child looks up to his older sibling who does not engage in delinquency, risk taking or drug use, he will be less likely to adopt these behaviors. But for most other colleges, the role of sibling legacy is more informal. Older siblings can also be negative influences on a younger child's behavior and attitude. If your brother won't listen to you and is breaking your parents' rules, let him know. 2 synonyms for sibling: brother or sister, sib. She also obtained a Bachelor of Arts in general psychology and criminal justice from Georgia State University. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, A Brother's Influence on a Younger Sister. Her articles have appeared in "Pittsburgh Parent Magazine" and the website PBS Parents. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Younger siblings are likely to model the study habits of their older siblings in any family.

Just because you have an SAT-worthy vocabulary doesn't mean that your little brother does. Delinquency, risk taking and other problem behavior in children can be deterred by older siblings who are positive role models. Your 3-year-old brother can't follow directions that go beyond three steps long. What are synonyms for Siblings?

The code for attribution links is required. For example, if your brother refuses to pick up his toys when you ask him, firmly tell him that the house rule is, "You pick up the toys after you play with them.".

Older siblings play an especially large role in this regard in households where the parents work and the younger child is often in the care of the older siblings. For a younger sibling who does experiment with these behaviors, an older brother or sister can give helpful advice as to how and why to avoid future mistakes. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to younger sister. Ben Kavanaugh, Associate Director of Admissions at Bucknell University, states, “We certainly pay attention to sibling status but I wouldn’t say it acts as any kind of thumb on the scale.” The Special Case of Twins and Multiples Older siblings may motivate younger ones to succeed or provide help with homework or other scholastic endeavors. Your parents are out for the day and you're in charge of your precocious preschool-aged brother. Although reasoning with your 13-year-old brother might work well, the same isn't true for your 3-year-old brother.

© 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Ayra Moore is a professional writer who holds a Masters of Science in forensic psychology with a specialty in mental health applications. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Moore worked for two years with at-risk teenagers in a therapeutic setting. If you expect him to listen to and to follow five, six or seven steps, he isn't likely to. If getting your 3-year-old sibling to do what you say is a struggle, understanding how he thinks and where he is developmentally can help you choose your tactics. Try something simple such as, "Joey, put the blocks in the toy box and then clean up your animals.". For a younger sibling who does experiment with these behaviors, an older brother or sister can give helpful advice as to how and why to avoid future mistakes. Abuse or bullying by a sibling could result in social and/or emotional problems for the younger child.

Through play and other interaction with their older brothers and/or sisters, young children learn skills such as conflict resolution and empathy, which can aid them in future social situations. See disclaimer. They teach younger children how to act around friends and how to handle other peer-related situations. How Does a Bad Childhood Affect Relationships? Older siblings may introduce their younger siblings to possible friends and provide outlets for continued socialization. Communication Between Older & Younger Siblings, The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development: Sibling Relations and Their Impact on Childhood Development, Merrill Palmer Quarterly: Understanding Adolescent Delinquency: The Role of Older Siblings' Delinquency and Popularity with Peers, Family Relations: Who's the Boss: Patterns of Control in Adolescents' Siblings Relationships, National Institute of Health: Sibling Relationships During the Transition Into Adulthood. Unlike older kids, toddlers and young preschool-aged children haven't developed the thinking skills to follow more mature thought patterns. Find more similar words at! Instead of trying to get your little bro to see things from your perspective, reframe your discussion from his view. Because siblings tend to spend a lot of time together, it is important to understand the roles of older children and how they can affect younger siblings. At 3 or 4 years of age, most children can approach a problem from only one -- typically their own -- point of view, reports Find all the synonyms and alternative words for younger sibling at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. Antonyms for Siblings. Stick to words that your brother knows well, avoiding words that may seem meaningless to him. Synonyms for younger sister - younger sister, baby sister, kid sister and others. Although this may seem vast, it doesn't compare to what an older child, teen or adult knows. Synonyms for siblings include menage, ancestors, ancestry, birth, blood, brood, children, clan, class and descendants. For example, "Sit down in the green kitchen chair" is a request that a 3-year-old can comprehend, whereas "Sit on the avocado-hued stool in the breakfast nook" may not be.

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