metonymy synonym

Then this quiz should be butyraceous. Metonymy ( /mɨˈtɒnɨmi/ mi-TONN-ə-mee) [1] is a figure of speech used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept.

One example of a simple sentence that displays synecdoche, metaphor, and metonymy is: "Fifty keels ploughed the deep", where "keels" is the synecdoche, as it names the whole (the ship) after a particular part (of the ship); "ploughed" is the metaphor, as it substitutes the concept of ploughing a field for moving through the ocean; and "the deep" is the metonym, as "depth" is an attribute associated with the ocean.

A trope in which one word is put for another that suggests it; rhetorical figure; trope; figure of speech; image, (lexical unit; word; term), (sense; meaning), (ellipsis; eclipsis), Cognitive science and linguistics for metaphor and metonymy. Metonymy synonyms and Metonymy antonyms. Metonymy is a figure of speechthat replaces the name of a thing with the name of something else with which it is closely associated. For example, the phrase "lend me your ear" could be analyzed in a number of ways. In Cameron, Lynne; Low, Graham.

One could attempt to read this as an extended metaphor, but such a reading would break down as one tried to find a way to map the elements of her description (rising ground, swollen river) directly to attributes of her suitor.

The principal varieties of the trope are the metonymy and the metaphor. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Regardless, all three analyses yield the same interpretation; thus, metaphor and metonymy, though quite different in their mechanism, may work together seamlessly. “Boots” can refer to “soldiers,” and “sails” to an entire ship. There is a similar problem with the terms simile and metaphor. Synecdoche is a special type of metonymy in which the object or concept used to describe the larger is also a part of that larger concept, such as when ears are a part of the larger concept -- the audience's attention.

What is carried across from "fishing fish" to "fishing pearls" is the domain of metonymy. ),,, "The interaction of metaphor and metonymy in composite expressions",,

Metonymy also may refer to the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly, by referring to things contiguous to it, in either time or space. First, analyze the verb phrase "lend me your ear" metaphorically to mean "turn your ear in my direction", since we know that, literally, lending a body part is nonsensical. Get XML access to reach the best products.

"An Essay is a Person". Whether it be synecdoche, metaphor, or metonymy, there is still a figure. Welsh, Alfred Hux; James Mickleborough Greenwood (1893). communication that is not meant literally; stylistic device.

1 word related to metonym: word.

○   Wildcard, crossword Jakobson, Roman (1995 (originally published in 1956)). This statement includes two examples of metonymy: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” In the oft-quoted phrase, "the pen" refers to the the written word, which, according to the statement, is a more effective and powerful instrument of change than "the sword," which represents military or physical force. Antonyms for metonym.

"Metonymy and metaphor: what's the difference?". What are synonyms for metonym?

A windows (pop-into) of information (full-content of Sensagent) triggered by double-clicking any word on your webpage. Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. MetonymyMe*ton"y*my (m�*tŏn"ĭ*m�; 277), n. [L. metonymia, Gr. Metonymy of this kind, thus, helps define a person or thing through a set of mutually reinforcing associations rather than through a comparison. Tools/Instruments: Often a tool is used to signify the job it does or the person who does the job, as in the phrase "the press" (referring to the printing press), or as in the idiom, "The pen is mightier than the sword.". Now, when we hear the phrase "lending an ear (attention)", we stretch the base meaning of "lend" (to let someone borrow an object) to include the "lending" of non-material things (attention), but, beyond this slight extension of the verb, no metaphor is at work.

The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata. This, It then suggests that the rhetorical tropes of, It notes that working with the texts of Enheduanna presents several problems--the distance of more than 4,000 years seem to make her works and their themes difficult for students to comprehend, and the structure of her hymns, her use of repetition and. Furthermore, an extended metaphor typically highlights the author's ingenuity by maintaining an unlikely similarity to an unusual degree of detail.

In metonymy, a large or abstract object is described by an object with which the larger or abstract object is affiliated.

Its banks were neither formal nor falsely adorned.

Change the target language to find translations. Synonyms for metonymy in Free Thesaurus. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares. Synecdoche is a special form of metonymy in which the object or idea used to describe something larger is actually a part or a component of the larger idea. Low, Graham. While metonymy replaces a concept or object entirely with a related term, synecdochetakes an element of the object and uses it to refer to the whole, and metaphor uses unlike things to draw an interesting comparison. Contact Us When people refer to their car as their "wheels… Most English definitions are provided by WordNet . In both cases the term so approximates to the meaning of Earth, doubtless by metonymy, as to be indistinguishable from it. The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search.

Top synonym for metonymy (another word for metonymy) is metaphor. For instance, "Hollywood" is used as a metonym (an instance of metonymy) for U.S. cinema, because of the fame and cultural identity of Hollywood, a district of the city of Los Angeles, California as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars. Sometimes an absolute distinction is made between a metonymy and a synecdoche, treating metonymy as different from, rather than inclusive of, synecdoche.

All rights reserved. Each square carries a letter.

This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Stuart Peterfreund. Much as synecdoche, it is understood as a specific kind of metonymy. “Coke” is sometimes used to describe all colas, “Band-Aid” to describe any small adhesive bandage, and "Kleenex” to refer to any facial tissue.

In Linda Waugh and Monique Monville-Burston. For example, “The White House” is an object used to describe the entire executive branch of the United States government. Metonymy and Synecdoche are nearly related and in this poem the examples are numerous. We can come across examples of metonymy both from literature and in everyday life. metonymy | definition: substituting the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself (as in `they counted heads') | synonyms: metalepsis, image, figure of speech, figure, trope| antonyms: integrate, differentiate, add, multiply, divide By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Containment: When one thing contains another, it can frequently be used metonymically, as when "dish" is used to refer not to a plate but to the food it contains, or as when the name of a building is used to refer to the entity it contains, as when "the White House" or "the Pentagon" are used to refer to the presidential staff or the military. Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. Analyze "ear" metonymically first — "ear" means "attention" (because we use ears to pay attention to someone's speech). Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Only two synonyms, "note" and "notes" (repeated six times in the entire novel) vary the conduplicatio of "letter(s)," yet the narrator often displaces this topos with closely linked, Indeed, for most of the world, Rihanna is a, By reproducing the circular architecture of Rome via painting and the circular pans of the room, Medem harnesses the architecture of empire to create a dense, The communal apartment dreamt up by Lenin is, for Makine, the, Coburn's analysis identifies stereotypical characterizations, quite manifest in Serao's narrative, as well as recurrent elements (tropes) that, in a subtle way, imply a racist logic: the metaphor of the national unification, figured as a marriage between a strong, masculine element (Northern Italy) and a sick, feminine one (Southern Italy); or the antisemitic, The study's treatment of Marx is perhaps an apt, Diller's design, a jewel-box cased in concrete, is an apt, If object-oriented ontology needs Lovecraft to serve as a literary, Wilson's assertion--in "Shutting Out Mother: Vivie Warren as the New Woman"--that "Vivie is the, According to critic Kim Hong-hee, "Like metaphor, a, While many First Nations communities living on reserve struggle with similar problems, Pikangi-kum has become a, The original Met headquarters had its public entrance on Great Scotland Yard and when it moved away in 1890, the name Scotland Yard was adopted for subsequent headquarters, and remained a.

Advertising frequently uses this kind of metonymy, putting a product in close proximity to something desirable in order to make an indirect association that would seem crass if made with a direct comparison.

Within logical polysemies, a large class of mappings may be considered to be a case of metonymic transfer (e.g., chicken for the animal, as well as its meat; crown for the object, as well as the institution). Of course, metaphors reside in every metonymical phrase, and thus the relationship between "a crown" and a "king" could be interpreted metaphorically (i.e., the king, like his gold crown, could be seemingly stiff yet ultimately malleable, over-ornate, and consitently immobile).

The occasional increase of force produced by Metonymy may be similarly accounted for. With degrees in biology and education, Jennifer VanBuren now utilizes her research and instructional skills as a writer.

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